Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Famous Fisho Fingers Fall-out For Fishy Fatalities and Recent Paedophile Stories

Sort of two posts in one. I apologise unreservedly for being so flippant in previous post about the fish and dolphin die-offs near Adelaide; just listening to respected fisher/commentator Greg James on ABC Radio saying that he's never seen anything like it and this is verging on a disaster, a "catastrophe"; more than two dozen dolphins dead (that they know of, so far) and 10's of 1,000s of dead fish, so far...I've heard him before on the ABC, and this time he sounded genuinely upset and very, very fact, he said as much.

He identified some of the species in the wash-ups and several species under general stress (Snapper LeatherJackets, Whiting-all fish, and Blue Crabs)  but I'm not sure exactly which was which other than one wash-up was many 1,000s of baby LeatherJackets. (I missed part of the interview; might be on ABC Local Radio, Annette Marner's show 16/04/13.)

He openly rejected claims of "an algal bloom", and said it was probaly a combination of factors and about how we mis-treat the Gulfs, particularly with polluted fall-out/run-off, particularly from the Onkaparinga River and 3 de-sal plants. (And Torrens River, etc). This is exactly what I suggested to be the case in my previous post, but again, it's not about how clever I am but how simple truths are simply realised.

George Pell - Considered by many people to be exactly what is so chronically, criminally, and un-acceptably wrong with the self-justifying, self-grandising, and sickeningly self-satisfied patriarchal animal that is the Catholic Church (thank goodness for the Lutherans,eh), George Pell has been at the centre of multiple abuse issues in Australia denying his little heart out with flustered indignation...bless you George...

But it's all going to be ok because Pope Frank has appointed George to the church's own internal panel/committee/sect...whatever... that's going to rejuvenate and refresh the Church and blahhhhhhhhh...

George Pell; the Archbishop (Bishop?...whatever...) who is responsible for the exact sort of malfeasance that he then has the bare-faced gall to go before the world's media and say that he and Frank are going to address; but only after he takes time out from criticising the Child Abuse Royal Commission for picking on the Catholics....deadset...and a nice segue.

Child Abuse Royal Commission - Several Child Protection groups have been quoted through the media identifying that one of the Commissioners is a senior Catholic layperson, who was on several Catholic Boards, and has an 'honourary doctorate' (?I think-some honourary degree) from the 'Catholic University that he lectures at'.

Only months ago he was apparently mentioned in Catholic correspondence as a super-dooper Catholic.

It has been openly requested that this person be removed/remove themselves from the Commission because of the obvious and massive conflict of interests of having any senior member of any church involved at all, let alone the Catholics, let alone the trauma to those who might wish to engage with the Commission but end up with a representative of the institution that has fostered their abuser, covered up that abuse, and even now will still try to deny and protect...try and epic fail...

The Royal Commission that has been set up to address issues of "institutionalised" child abuse and cover-up and failure of official authorities, etc, is set up with a former Queensland Police Commissioner and a Senior Catholic as 2 of the 6 Commissioners...set up to absolute disgrace.

So two of six Commissioners in an Inquiry of 'Institutionalised Abuse and Cover-up' are senior representatives of two of the institutions to be 'investigated'.

It is an exact replica of the Mullighan Inquiry that was originally established with Bill Morris as lead investigator and that nearly collapsed before it started when Child Protection Activists and victims found out and threatened to boycott. Morris was then replaced with the head of the SAPol Police Union.

Bill Morris is notorious for his associations with goaled paedophile magistrate Peter Liddy and others, and is now a magistrate himself; for a while in Mt Gambier. Adelaide's Channel 7 Today Tonight did a full program on Peter Liddy and outright named Morris as one of the people who stole Court seized assets from Liddy's house, at the direction of Eugene Magee, Liddy's lawyer.......I love Adelaide.......

Which all segues rather unpleasantly into the front page story from The Border Watch 10/04/2013 which mentions Peter Liddy...

Paedophile Faces Strict Conditions - I always get a little nervous about media stories that do not identify the writer and quote un-identified "government spokesman"; who at TBW spoke to who from the Dept of Correctional Services. I'm not a journalist, but I'm quietly confident that 'Who?' is one of the 'sacred W's'; what, where, WHO, when, why...Apart from that, TBW is to be congratulated for engaging with the reality of this very unsatisfactory and unpleasant aspect of our community.

I've attached the article rather than quote it.

Why is it front page news that someone is getting released from prison? Why does the article need to state that this person is not going to get released into Mt Gambier? Why go into a long explanation about all of the measures in place "to minimise any risk to the public" that makes releasing this person acceptable?

Again, this issue is one that I have addressed in a previous post, and I've been going at the local media about, but again it is not my brilliance but just the reality.

And don't believe me; research yourself what 'Recidivism' means (repeat offender, likely to offend again). This person is clearly a recidivist who is capable of going into a primary school to assault/rape a small child; how is ever releasing this particular person appropriate? All of this cost and effort to release someone who is almost certain to offend again.

What about the rights of every child to be able to attend school safe from a man who is likely to go there and rape them? What about their rights? The rights of every child vs the rights of one man who has re-nigged on his right to compassion? Whatever his specific 'issues', how is releasing him the right thing to do?

What sort of lunatics (as one nutter to a bowlfull) are the Parole Board? What soulless, dis-engaged, legal zombies would even consider releasing this person? I believe lawyer Tim Bourne is still one.

Close personal associate of former Attorney General and current speaker MP Michael Atkinson, Tim Bourne gave Mr Atkinson many $1,000s of free legal advice, and was appointed to the Parole Board late 2005 by the Attorney General's Dept whilst representing parents, and who along with fellow lawyers Peter Humphries and Bill DeGaris handled the 'failed before it even started' legal action against St Martins Lutheran School and teacher Glyn Dorling.

I note with genuine dis-ease how easily those three issues linked together from George Pell, through the CARC, and straight into the apparently institutionalised paedophile corruption of South Australia.


This Arvo: Suzson/REPower and CERES Turbine Project
and  At Council Last Night

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