Saturday, April 6, 2013

Julia Gillard and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

This is the letter that then Education Minister Julia Gillard sent to Liberal Member for Barker (SA) Patrick Secker after Mr Secker wrote to her on our behalf, also attached, that Mr Secker mentioned on ABC Radio November 2012 just days before the calling of the Child Abuse Royal Commission.

As per previous post re the CARC, Ms Gillard's office refused to respond to my letter sent at the same time, and I originally had to get this copy off Mr Secker's office, before recently sending them back a copy (Nov 2012).

This is why I say that Ms Gillard's statements about "acts of ommission" and "averting their eyes" are at best hypocritical, but worse, indicate that the CARC is not genuine.

Note that while Mr Secker repeatedly names me, he also identifies that there were other parents contacting him as well. This is different to others whom have tried to isolate parents, and vilify particularly me as being the only one complaining. Please read other posts for an idea of what Ms Gillard knew that she was doing sending us back to the Rann Labor state government, etc.

Happy reading; cheers.

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