Sunday, April 28, 2013

Labor MLC Kyam Maher: Different Wallpaper, Same Wall.

(Apologies for late post. Struggled a bit with this one. You'll understand I think...)

The title is a phrase that I used relative to the resignation and disappearance of former Premier Mike Rann and the ascension of Brother Jay (Weatherill)...aAAaaAaaAAAaaAllLLlllrighty then (choral chanting); Labor has changed the wallpaper but it's the same old wall.

Essentially, only those who will perpetuate, proliferate, and protect the pro-paedophile corruption and criminality that is the South Australian Labor Party (didn't really need to limit that to SA did I) will be appointed to these positions.

So when I see someone who is the South Australian Labor Party Secretary and a lawyer from the Crown Solicitors Office, I see the heart of the animal, not it's hide - not even another head - the heart, the soul, the very being; I see someone who by the very definition of their position is personally and professionally complicit in the corruption and criminality.

And that animal, the SA Labor party, has amongst many things, officially helped the Lutheran Church cover up the 2002 gross abuse of a classroom of 7 year old children at St Martins Lutheran School here in Mt Gambier. My child, child.

I have discussed the St Martins issue with Jim and Viv on various occasions, including with Viv as her counselling client and at the 2010 Election forum.

I officially excuse Viv of the 'patient/client confidentiality' and offer her the opportunity to provide a written response/clarification of the role she has played relative to St Martins that I guarantee I will publish un-edited, even if it criticises me.

Similarly, purely out of respect for Jim and Viv, I offer them the opportunity to address my statements about their son, which I will also publish un-edited. This is not a trap; I am simply trying to be appropriate in a circumstance that I feel very genuinely very conflicted.

However, given my personal experience with the institutionalised corruption of the CSO (previous posts), I view with absolute cynicism the career path of Kyam Maher as potentially just another lawyer churned out of a corrupt government authority.

You do not get into that position (Secretary) unless you have demonstrated an un-wavering commitment to the Labor Party...and that's just fine...loyalty is super. However, loyalty is also compromising, biased, almost inevitably subjective, and often manipulated and/or founded in selfishness and/or conspiracy.

And so it is that I feel that Jim and Viv Maher are manipulated and betrayed by those they are loyal to; the SA Labor Party. Their rationale is theirs to define, but I have absolute faith in the genuine nature of their original commitments and motivations that clearly pre-date Kyam Maher's involvement in politics.

Of all the people that I have had dealings with in Mt Gambier, either as a citizen or as a 'politician', Jim and Viv are two of the most genuinely decent, and so it is I take absolutely no pleasure in going Kyam, but Kyam has left me no choice, repeatedly appearing in The Border Watch newspaper making outrageous and un-supportable statements on a range of issues.

I am 'on the record' stating my belief that the Labor party has clearly, repeatedly run 'dummy' candidates at successive state elections whilst romancing and supporting their 'real candidates' the alleged Independents Rory McEwen and Don Pegler; Kyam Maher as Secretary would have been intimately involved in that process.

Very simple really; offer genuine Labor voters reasonable, respected Labor candidates like Brad Coates (2006) and Viv Maher (2010) to garner as many votes as possible (knowing that you are not going to win that seat on first preferences) and then defer those preferences to your real candidate, the compliant alleged independent.

This culminated in the farcical 2006 election where Rory McEwen was a front bench Labor Minister, fully involved in the pro-paedophile Labor corruption relative to St Martins Lutheran School, yet ran calling himself "An Independent"....and people allegedly still voted for him...I say allegedly because the Electoral system in South Australia is after all, in South Australia.

The only thing more farcical than the 2006 election was the 2010 election (previous posts); democracy in SA is a broken joke.

Maybe Kyam was also manipulated; maybe someone came to Kyam and suggested that his mother Viv would be a great candidate, and blissfully unawares Kyam allowed?..suggested?..encouraged?..his mother to become an irrelevent, disposable Labor tool of manipulation and deceit.

Maybe, when the Labor Party he is Secretary of set up his mother Viv Maher as a respectable but 'false' candidate he was absolutely unawares. She's not my mum, but I'd be furious that a) she'd been used like that, and b) so had I.

Doesn't explain though why the Labor Party couldn't even do an Election launch for their valued candidates in either 2006 or 2010?

I completely reject Kyam Maher's statements (TBW 25/04/13-attached) about representation from the alleged independents Rory McEwen and Don Pegler; these people have not served Mt Gambier well, they have un-waveringly served the Labor Party to the irreparable detriment of Mt Gambier.

I cannot imagine who would be stupid enough to fall for this betrayal again and run as a Labor candidate at either state or federal elections; but we'll see I'm sure.

Tomorrow: MLC KM DWSW Part II - Flouride and Vaccinations

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