Friday, April 12, 2013

WWWoWoWT: Part II - Infigen Again

Apologies for no late post yesterday...

Please find attached the letter from Miles George, Managing Director of Infigen Energy from The Border Watch Tuesday April 9 2013, and again, rather than just keep on repeating and quoting myself, I ask that you review previous posts on the Wind Turbine issue.

First step might be to look up the two speechs Mr George refers to (Mitch Williams, Martin Hamilton-Smith) and Mr Weatherill's full speech from March; they will be on Hansard. (I'll look for the press release mentioned.) Clearly the Fascism and greed and ignorance are not limited to Labor.

Mr George misrepresents the realities of massive Turbine subsidies; the third most expensive electricity on the planet; Fascism of the legislation; environmental and visual impacts; more special exemption rules for Adelaide; etc, etc.

His letter is another round of trying to address the criticisms and failings of Turbines by ignoring the facts and alluding to his proposed alternative reality, eg, "with no thermal generation added to support or "back-up" wind generation."

Partially true because there is no thermal generation investment, this is designed to counter the support for consistent solar thermal production over the un-reliable, intermittent nature of Turbines. No wind, no power is a truth that Mr George very carefully avoids stating outright. 

I note that he does not identify where all the other power is coming from...It's coal, isn't it Miles... when the wind doesn't blow there ain't no power, and that means coal...and 'Inter connectors'...and lots of 'poles and wires', etc.

In trying to deny that South Australian tax-payers fund the subsidies, he quotes Mr Hamilton-Smith as "correctly" observing that "...investment is funded by the national Renewable Energy Target... consumers in other states are, in effect, paying for wind farms to be built in South Australia".

Mr George openly acknowledges that tax-payers are funding Turbines. We pay taxes in South Australia, indeed we are the most taxed state in the realm. And we are paying for the infrastructure via our outrageous electrcity bills.

The figures about job creation and energy production are grossly exaggerated, eg, the vast majority of a Turbine is produced overseas and merely erected here; what percentage of the generated power goes across to the Eastern states for their '20% Renewable Targets', etc..

This letter is just another piece of pro-Turbine nonsense from a person who relies on these massive industrial machines being forced on communities all over the state...and it's what Jay wants...and it would appear the Liberals as well...citizens fighting for their rights against all their elected officials...that doesn't sound like Fascism at all...

I note the story from Europe where a 'mafia figure' has been arrested, and a good part of his fortune came from rorting Wind Turbine subsidies.

Also, submissions on the 200 Turbine Suzson/REPower CERES Project on Yorke Penimsula are due to the Development Assessment Commission by April 18 2013, so give it a go....they'd love to hear from you. Post in 2 days re Suzson (REPower) global financial problems.

I maintain that Wind Turbines are an expensive and inefficient power source, the subsidy system is a massive tax-payer funded rort, and the legislation is Fascism pure and simple.

To distortedly paraphrase, mis-quote, and quietly rebuke....Mr George, you should get back in your box with your team, and stop trying to force Wind Turbines on South Australians.

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