Monday, April 1, 2013

Piper Alderman Lawyers Accept Money To Protect A Paedophile

Please read the previous posts re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up. 

I have received 3 letters from Neville John of Piper Alderman Lawyers; hope you're reading this you rancid scumbag; what you do for a living is beneath contempt you paedophile protecting I was saying....

To quote Neville (18 December 2006) quoting me from my letter to senior Lutheran Barry Kahl; I think it sums up all involved;

          "Furthermore, you have stated "what is the difference between paedophile Glyn Dorling
           who has abused dozens of children, and the person who acts to protect him, namely
           you, Adrienne Jericho, Mike Semmler, John Alexander etc? absolutely nothing".

This letter has; Addressee Only - Not For Publication
                       Private and Confidential
stamped at the top of each page; a hollow threat to begin one long hollow threat from soul-less, hollow men.

Neville's first letter (30 November 2006), headed Our Client: Association of Independent Schools of South Australia was in response to my letter (22/11/2006) to Gary LeDuff of the AISSA;
           "...It is evident *have seen a copy of our client's letter to Ms Johnston* dated 25 October
            2006.The information contained in that letter is true and correct. The AISSA was not
            involved in any investigation into St Martins Lutheran School and has no access to
            information pertaining to the numerous subsequent investigations by the various
            statutatory authorities.            (*his error; *Ms Johnston of BraveHearts)

            In fact our client has no power to investigate these matters, nor authority to do so."

I repeat; Gary LeDuff told parents that they (AISSA) had started an investigation but that the Lutherans had taken it off them.

          "The response provided to Ms Johnson by our client on 25 October 2006 constitutes the
            entirety of our clients involvement in this matter and we can therefore see no point in
            further correspondence with Ms Johnston.

           We are also instructed to ask you to cease all correspondence directly with our client.
           Should you wish to correspond further please forward your latters directly to us.

           Given that our client has provided all the information in its possesion we trust this puts an
           end to your queries and concerns as it relates to AISSA."

Neville's 2 page letter (30/11/2006) on behalf of Our Clients: Mr John Alexander, Mr Adrienne Jericho & Mr Barry Kahl gets its own post in a double Arvo post sorry about the last few days I didn't do one backlash extravaganza.

Neville's third letter, that appears to be on behalf of everybody...the school, the Lutherans, Messieurs Alexander, Jericho, and Kahl, and AISSA is simply titled St Martin's Lutheran School...not 'Client'.

          "I refer to your letter dated 4 April 2007.

           Firstly, I note you have failed to acknowledge receipt of my letter dated 18 December
           2006 and failed to abide the undertakings requested.

          Secondly, your request for documentation is declined.

          Thirdly, the School, Church, and Independent Schools Association have addressed all
           issues raised by you in the past on numerous occasionsand can add nothing more.

           The allegations made by you regarding the alleged conduct of Mr Dorling have, to my
           client's understanding, been thoroughly investigated and examined by numerous authorities
           including the police."

Man, I must be scary...St Martins School, Alexander, Jericho, Kahl, the Lutherans, and AISSA all have to go and hide behind hard-man Neville Long Drop...ah,bazinga...get it...John...toilet...long drop...yeah?

And it is perfectly appropriate and adult to make fun of someone's name when what you really want to do is wring their neck for covering up the abuse of your child...I am a pacifist but I'm also human...just...ahaha...

This Arvo: PALAMTPAP II - Neville Rides Again

And another apology...I lied...I am having repeated problems with phones, internet, etc, but the other day I ran into a wall of hate whilst trying to do the BraveHearts post...the first letter I read was one from Attorney General Michael Atkinson...I was already crying for the death of two young people in Melbourne, and always in mind of the Fosters who lost a daughter to child abuse and suicide, etc, and I just couldn't deal with it.

It was a short, sharp reminder of how traumatised I am and how far I have come and how far I have still to apologies for that.

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