Thursday, April 4, 2013

Letter from Lutheran Barry Kahl re Child Abuse at St Martins School

I believe that the following letter is the first and only official reason that the Lutherans have given anybody for Glyn Dorling's 'removal' from St Martins School on the June long weekend, apart from the alleged letter from then Principal John Alexander to Commissioner Ted Mullighan. Please read previous posts for the reality of that 'removal'.

At best it shows that the Lutherans have allegedly done an internal investigation, but I don't believe a word of it because they knew exactly what Dorling had been doing and they had no intent of doing anything other than covering-up the gross abuses committed against our children.

The 'resignation' refers to the set-up for the grossly illegal WorkCover 'Unfair Dismissal' case that the Lutherans manipulated to hide Dorling's criminality, with the full and un-wavering support of Rory McEwen, the Rann/Weatherill Labor state government. and every other scumbag in this pro-paedophile playground we call South Australia.

I note the letter skips right past Dorling and the abuses he committed, and the School covering it up, etc, to a long, very thinly veiled threat to deny me access to my child via the school. I had specifically explained this position to John Alexander when he started as Principal in 2002; I volunteer to see my child.

As Mr Kahl identifies, I had previously provided Mr Alexander/the Lutherans with copies of those Family Court Orders (19 May 1999, amended 20 March 2000 - which I had asked for in the first place) and had that discussion with him and every teacher my child had; the Orders were specifically designed by the Magistrate to allow me to do the volunteer work, attend functions, etc.

It's one thing to be a pack of paedophile-protecting scumbags who won't let me into their precious school to deliberately, knowingly punish me by denying access to my child, but raising the issue of the Family Court is a direct threat to make trouble for me with basic access issues with my child...big mistake.

The Lutherans had no problem with me volunteering hundreds of hours at working bees, reader group, canteen, school functions, etc, until I insisted on pursuing the Dorling Abuse issue.

Note, that despite having been almost daily on kindy/school grounds, in classrooms, canteen, doing weekly un-supervised mentoring with a group of four boys as part of the LAP initiative, etc, I had not been 'required' to sign anything or get a police check until the Dorling Abuse Cover-up.

As Mr Kahl identifies, in August 2002 I was forced to sign a document to allow me to continue what I had already been doing for over 3 years. I drafted and provided that document (I've got a copy somewhere) following legal advice to force the issue from verbal threats, eg the 'banning' of August 5th, into a context that could be quantified, ie, a document. 

Legal Note: The Lutherans were (are?) rorting the LAP (?Learning Access Program) mentoring by claiming the funding for 4 children (who were meant to have individual parent/student support) whom I was looking after by myself, unsupervised, without a police check. Someone else started helping in 2004, but I do not know his specific role re LAP or the school, etc.

Also, despite John Alexander 'banning' me from the school on August 5th 2002, and "the document" 21/08/02, and the abuse, glares and/or snubbing, etc, that I was getting from the good Christian folk, I continued to attend the school weekly for LAP until the school 'shut the program down' in early 2006.

When I had Cancer in  July 2004 I was stuck in Adelaide for several weeks, and rang the school to tell the lads that I would be away for a few weeks but I had every intention of returning. I knew it was important that I let the boys know that at least I wasn't another adult who had let them down...the school didn't tell them.

When I showed up 6 weeks later, bald as a badger, the boys rushed up to me smiling but concerned, "We knew something must be wrong when you just didn't show up." Quite possibly the nicest thing anyone has said to me since moving to Mt Gambier.    
Barry Kahl claimed to be the Principal who "sacked" Dorling after 'an incident' in his (Dorling's) first week in his first job as a teacher in a Lutheran school in Adelaide. He knew exactly what he was doing and who he was protecting when he wrote that letter. Also the Teachers Registration Board hearing was 'underway' as of March 2003, which Mr Kahl would have known.

Bottom line: The Lutherans and Barry Kahl knew exactly what they were doing when they chose to threaten me to protect a paedophile....I've had enough for one day...

This Arvo: Smokey And The Gambit

as promised.

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