Thursday, April 11, 2013

Whimsical Weatherill's Words of Wisdom on Wind Turbines

Alternatively titled, 'Gay Jay Say Hey They A OK'...In this context 'gay' is applied in the 'old-world sense' that loosely means 'blissfully ignorant", but I must admit I think that Mr Weatherill is fully aware of what he is saying and doing with the Fascist Turbine legislation in SA.

On 20 March 2013 South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill suspended parliamentary standing orders;
          " force a debate on his motion to help foster an increase in the development and
           construction of wind farms across the state."    (The Australian 21/03/13-attached)

(And where is former Premier Mike 'The Emperor' Rann? Now there's a man entirely consumed by a heady sense of his own self importance. Having destroyed SA economically, I guarantee you that he's off somewhere telling anybody who'll listen how great he is and what great things he's done for SA. He'll be just like former Liberal Premier John Olsson who was moved to a diplomatic post overseas until the fury and hatred receeded and then skulked back into SA at the head of the SA National Football Adelaide it's a total boys both senses...and at best Mt Gambier is an irrelevent place to dump paedophiles....please see Jail Expansion post.) But I digress.....  

Mr Weatherill continued the fine Rann/Labor tradition of lying through his teeth on the floor of parliament when he stated that there was 'no evidence' of negative impacts on neighbouring property values and/or the health of residents.

There have been several instances of Australian courts or Councils reducing land values because of adjacent proposed Turbine development, eg, a Family Court judge in a 'property settlement'; a Council that reduced land-rates. I do not believe that he does not know that.

All over Australia people are abandoning their homes and/or being paid by Turbine companies to do so, and Turbines are being shut-down and/or switched off at certain times because of the noise.

He trots out the usual denigration of opponents, including the very popular 'trying to dismiss non-host opposition as jealousy and greed';
         "I do not deny for a moment that there are some people who have genuine concerns about
          wind turbines appearing in their backyard, especially if their neighbour is getting a financial
          gain from it and they are getting no gain."

Way to go Jay. Denigrate non-host residents whilst blythely throwing in their faces the facts that without any official say in the matter and with no legal avenue to stop Turbines, they are getting these massive industrial structures (100m towers + 40m blades) suddenly built at distances from their homes (1km) that are known to be un-safe if the Turbine fails and disintegrates (and they do) and that he, Weatherill, has legislated as un-acceptable and un-safe for 'Tourism' and/or 'Visual Amenity' in areas near Adelaide.

Get stuffed Mr Weatherill, I believe, is a perfectly reasonable response to this sort of arrogance and abuse....who does he think he is, Kevin Foley?...ahh, bazinga...oh, yeah, and apparently Kevin is gonna fix the SA car industry according to new Liberal leader Stephen Marshall...unbeShrekinlievable.  

I digress; Non-host residents cannot stop turbines because Labor have legislated to close the 'Visual Amenity' clause that stopped the Acciona Allendale project in the Environment, Resource, and Development Court.

'Visual Amenity' is now specifically addressed, 'set' and 'approved', at 1km from non-host residence, to be countered by planting trees and shrubs as "screening". This has already been dismissed and discredited as a clearly unworkable nonsense, but in SA it's part of the legislation that is clearly designed to remove and/or deny opposition to Turbines.

There was an unfortunately hilarious photo in The Border Watch (?I think-sorry) some time back where some people were looking over the top of the small trees that had been planted with these huge turbines looming in the background.

It is difficult to address all the points Mr Weatherill made about financial benefits, ecomomic growth, etc, without just repeating myself, so I would ask that you review/read my previous posts that cover many if not all of these points.

I think it it worth noting that the opposition to Turbines is causing division and disturbance. Even if this was just a stunt by Weatherill to expose divisions in the Liberals on the Turbine issue, even with the relentless bias and inequity, the Fascism, of the legislation, there are still problems developing.

Again it is identified that there has not been any testing done because they are about to do it, and the Environmental Protection Agency has already proven itself to be entirely unreliable; only recently the entirely un-qualified Labor hack Mia Handshin was suddenly appointed head of the EPA.

I completely reject that anything they produce will be "A Major International Study', it will be wholly mired in the bias and corruption of the pro-Turbine agenda.

This Arvo: WWWoWoWT Part II - Infigen Energy in the Border Watch 09/04/13

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