Sunday, April 21, 2013

TFTIM: Labor MLC Ian Hunter

Apologies for late post; got rather long so made it today's.

Mr Hunter has recently regularly had his smug mug in the media on the issue of gay marriage; he apparently travelled to Spain to marry his male partner. He apparently had to leave the great state of South Australia, indeed this great nation, to do so. Now we all apparently need to know his opinion about New Zealand legally recognising gay marriage.

If people choose to get married, or are chosen for one another...(whatever; I suggest that random hook-ups with strangers can be just as problematic as arranged marriages, etc)...then so be it. I don't have a problem with people not being denied legal equality in whatever context.

Interesting thought: is there any such thing as an 'arranged gay marriage'?

I don't care if people are gay, married, both or neither; and I support gay marriage if that is really what people want to do, even if it is symbolic or a public declaration or whatever...People should have equality under the law.

At the very least there should be a legal civil contract or agreement that a gay couple can access to give them the same legal rights as a heterosexual married couple. Long term gay relationships are a long term reality of human existence and hardly an invention of the 1990s; they should be recognised as such.

I'll let religious organisations bury themselves under an avalanche of self-righteous pontificating hypocrisy  about the sanctity of holy matrimony blah, blah, blah...oh, gee whiz, the Bishop didn't know that priest was a paedophile when he kept moving him from one diocese to another amid multiple complaints and legal actions....blah, blah, politely as I can muster...sod off...

And a jolly big sod off to Mr Hunter as well....Bully for you champ that you can dodge off out of the state to pursue your personal want that the state doesn't legsislatively provide; pity the children you betrayed, as a member of the Statutory Authorities Review Committee, don't have the same luxury.

Pity they are stuck in schools where they are vulnerable and un-safe in a system that protects itself, the bureacracy, and teachers, indeed literally everybody other than the children, as a direct result of your actions.

When on 5th August 2010 I gave evidence to the SARC Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board (I believe I may have mentioned it in previous posts) only 3 of the 5 members were present, Chairperson Labor's Carmel Zollo, Liberal Rob Lucas, and Ian Hunter; absent were Independent Anne Bressington and Liberal Terry Stephens.

My direct evidence to Ian Hunter was that the TRB and Crown Solicitor had lied to and manipulated parents, as part of the broader government sanctioned Lutheran cover-up of the abuse of a classful of 7 year olds at St Martins Lutheran School; but I see virtually none of it in the SARC Report no54.

Attached is my letter citing examples of the broader failures and errors of Report no54.

Ian Hunter heard direct evidence from four families and one of the children, and was provided extensive documentation, and then signed his name to the SARC Report no 54; a report that ignores, denies, or drastically mis-represents the realities of the corruption witnessed with St Martins, in an un-disguised bipartisan collaboration to avoid responsibility and protect the perpetrators and the corrupt.

I am sorely tempted to say to Ian Hunter rot in gay hell but I did commit to not being overly abusive and I genuinely believe that gay people have a genuine right to rot in the same hell as anybody included.

Also attached; page 63 of SARC Report no54, summarising some issues. It continues page 64;
          - the TRB refusing to listen to 'hearsay' evidence, even though not being bound by the
            rules of evidence and dealing with the difficulty of obtaining evidence from seven
            year old children; and
          - the inability for them to gain access to the TRB's Reasons for Decision.

I urge readers to access the SARC Report no54 via parliament's Hansard.

This Arvo and/or Tomorrow: More Turbines, Fish, and ICAC  

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