Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Few Bits and Pieces

Removed Posts - The two posts about Bill Degaris and the SERDE Penola Rd Building Sale (March 25 and 26 2013) were removed, but I do not know when or why. Google has not answered my fax and the ChillingEffects site says 'still to be processed', but does now say complaint lodged by "DeGaris Lawyers". I have heard nothing about my two Revised Posts on these issues, and they appear to still be available on this blog. 

Milk Wars - I previously stated that the most recent Woolworths deal with a small group of farmers to allegedly get those farmers a sustainable gate price, was another case of 'Judas Goat' and I stand by that. It is also 'carrot and stick' manipulation, ie, if you get on board with us, you'll get a marginally better price - for a while - but other than that you can just suffer the slow death that you already are...your choice...no pressure...

However, it appears that I am wrong. Major processor/co-operative/group Murray Goulburn (and another company) have just signed a contract with Coles. I thought that one of the fundamental problems, as I've heard it reported, was that once farmers/producers signed with major retailers, they were bound by contracts that the Retailers regularly changed in the Retailers favor, eg, dropping the agreed price.

I do not understand how doing again exactly what has been a major problem in the past, offers any genuine hope for the future. Yet again, I genuinely hope to be very wrong.
We Don't Know What It Is, But It Definitely Isn't The De-Sal Plant - I only caught the end of the radio interview, but I'd love to know who it was actually said this about the recent mass fish die-offs, huge drop in Giant Cuttlefish numbers, and dozens of unexplained dolphin and penguin deaths; I think it was someone from Dept of Environment and Natural Resource, possibly SAWater. I heard an un-related interview about Recreational Crab fishers calling for a reduction in Professional quotas because there are hardly any Blue Crabs about.

When I went to primary school in the 1970's I remember learning about South Australia, the gulfs and ranges, peninsulas, etc, and there was a map (either on the wall or in a book) that I can clearly picture. It showed a map of SA with a line drawn across the tips of Eyre and Yorke Peninsulas, and Cape Jervis, with the Gulf St Vincent and Spencer's Gulf shaded pink.

The shading indicated a relatively unique lack of tidal flow in the shallow Gulfs due to deep water and strong currents through Backstairs Passage (between Kangaroo Island and Cape Jervis), etc. The text was about 'dodge tides' and 'prevailing winds' pushing water up the Gulfs, etc, much of which I understand to still be current 'science'. The Gulfs are in a global sense, massive saline ponds.

The point: it was 1970s primary school level education that anything that goes into the Gulfs, effectively inside that line, will 'sit' there for some time and is likely as not to go up the Gulfs as out to the Southern Ocean.

What extra strain does pumping tons of super saline water into an already polluted and stressed system have? I think we're seeing it. I am not a scientist or biologist, please research this for yourself, but this issue was regularly visited  in the media recently with the issue of BHP putting De-sal Plant fall-out from Olympic Dam Mine into the Gulf rather than at a 'deep-water' site.

Please read other posts re Water in SA, De-Sal Plant, etc.

Forestry Sale and the Adelaide Oval - Ask most people in the South-East what they want and need, their local economy and jobs in forestry and associated industries, or a Junior Cricket Development Officer, and the answer is immediately obvious.

Absolutely no offence to the people involved as the 'Officers', but the heirarchy can get stuffed. Whoever it was on ABC Radio Saturday morning representing the SA Cricket Assoc saying that these three JCDOs was 'the country benefitting from the Adelaide Oval Re-development' (paraphrase)...get stuffed (quote).

The SA Cricket Assoc hierarchy and members are the ones who ran up an $80 million plus debt that was 'written-off' literally overnight by their own vote...a massive bribe of massively selfish people who decided their own benefit at the cost of the rest of the state, particularly the South-East.

And of course all the politicians, particularly Liberals like Tony Pasin and Steve Perryman and alleged Independent Don Pegler, etc, who went all went blah, blah, blah...boohoohoo...weeping and wailing...gnashing of teeth...etc, but ultimately did nothing, and I believe can't wait to access their free soirees in their exclusive new dining room, etc. The heads of SACA and the SA National Football League are both senior Liberals.

When SACA President and former Member for Barker Mr Ian McLachlan came to Mt Gambier with his Adelaide Oval 'promotion tour' on 12 April 2011 (copy attached-my god that was two years ago) I was the only other 'politician' present, and raised the Oval/Forestry Sale concerns. After I spoke out others joined in...ain't it always, always the way...and I miss Claire Rawlinson, she was/is an excellent journalist. 

With that article, post long enough; more...Note that SACA Members voted for Re-development and the very next day Jack Snelling announced  the Forestry Sale in parliament.

This Arvo: Paedophiles in Mt Gambier Goal (jail), The Child Abuse Royal Commission criticised already, and George Pell on panel to 're-define and reform' Catholic Church...yay...

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