Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I've Tried To Be Polite About Religion

I live my life essentially by what many would describe as a 'Christian ethic' of respect, equality, peace, etc, but that doesn't make me a Christian, just someone whose behaviour has been guided undoubtedly by 'religious dogma' but who as an adult rejects religion as a construct of people not any sort of God.

How many men derive their power, their reason for any sort of existence, their victims from within these organisations?

Given the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (previous posts) my opinion of any religious organisation is fundamentally mired in the reality not the pantomime, in the actions not the aspirations, but I have never really understood this obsession with faith....other than it is a shield against, a diversion from, a way of avoiding staring into the void that is the uncaring universe and the irrelevence of human existence, fueled by the self-realisation of insane apes we call us...stare at the fire not into the dark....

I have genuinely tried to be respectful of all involved and appropriate in how I conduct myself; I understand there are many people whom 'do good work' in the name of their religion and/or their God, so I'm trying to be nice about it, but by god, quite frankly enough is enough...

Across Easter (a pagan/prehistoric/pre-Christian fertility festival ambushed by Chritianity to assimilate 'Pagan Europe') I've basically had to switch the TV and radio off because I'm just so sick and tired of the relentless self-importance and corruption and hypocrisy and inherent in-equalities of in particular the Catholic Church....not my choice....I've had no choice.

The recent Papal pantomime was conceived and designed to try and create a 'plausible deniabilty' to help the Church try and distance itself from the child-raping freakshow that it has always been and remains...and the Lutherans are exactly the same...'Pope Frank will lead us out of the badways of that other old Catholic Church ', and those times are behind us...blah, blah, blah...

And no, this is not me kicking off some sort of Papal smear campaign, rather me reflecting back at those whom spewed it my way, just a little bit of the bullshit, the hypocrisy, the selfishness.

Even last night I tried to watch the ABC's Q and A program, but only seconds in the Arch-Bishop of Brisbane (?) was pontificating with that same sickly, self-righteous leer on his face and I simply couldn't watch. I believe that it was him I heard several times on the radio saying that it wasn't just Catholics who thought that Pope Frank is great, "the whole world" does....bollocks.

I'm part of the world...just...and I ain't falling for it...the Child Abuse insanity of the Catholic Church is all suddenly behind us? It's a brave new age?...blah, blah, blah....it's all bullshit.

I don't care about Mary McKillop and the ludicrous self congratulating of the Catholic Church; you can only be a saint if we say so...what about Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, etc...I know its an obvious argument but why can't people like these be 'saints'? Because the Catholics say so?

Time and again, over and over, I have been forced to listen to the self-grandising of the Catholic Church and quite frankly I'm sick of it.

The reality of what has been happening within your religions, I don't care which one you choose, is for those within to resolve...I did not choose to be involved with the Lutherans, my ex-partner sent our child to St Martins, but by Christ I'll sort them out.

Religion used to be about explaining fundamental ignorances, eg, we have angered  the mighty Stree Tpavin, god of Pointless Council Spending, so he/she/it has punished us with a plague of stupid grey pavers that don't match the others in the same street....

Religion in Australia is a business rort run by paedophiles....and yes, I am trying to be nice about it....and if you are stupid enough or weak enough that you'll just let it all happen then quite frankly you deserve it....but it's not you that pays is it?...it's the children...it's always the children....

The Lutheran Church is a Cult; a fundamentally corrupt cabal of quite insane old men masquerading as a benign, ambivalent, middle-of-the-road Christian organisation.

It is my experience that God exists in many intelligent minds and many pretty speeches, but rarely in the actions of the inevitably white haired old men whom run religions...I genuinely weep for the slaughter of humanity committed religion against religion, and even sect against sect within the same religion...sometimes it seems like we just can't find enough ways to justify annihilating each other that we have to constantly invent new ones....but I'm sure it's just me.

Religion is a construct of man, a construct of control and an absolute insult to God; if you place religion  ahead of God then you have chosen to usurp God with your own vanity...and She's not happy about it.

As the rest of the human race struggles to engage in progress and enlightenment, every religion seeks to keep people locked in boxes of false guilt and medieval patriocracy.

I rarely watch CSI-Wonder About in the Dark with a Pen Torch, but there was a great quote. When the character was confronted and accused of not believing in God, the response was basically 'I believe in God, not religion.'

This Arvo: SERDE Part II - My Letter to Chairperson Mrs Coke

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