Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TFTIM: Former Mt Gambier High School Principal Gary Costello

 My child started at Mount Gambier High School in the first week of March 2008.

As part of the orientation process, there was a class discussion on bullying. Shortly into the discussion, one of the students started discussing/describing what had been happening in their classroom in 2002 at St Martins Lutheran School.

As per previous posts, 50 year old male teacher Glyn Dorling was 'removed' from St Martins Lutheran School on the June long week-end 2002. There had been multiple complaints/concerns from school staff and parents, and several disclosures by children, of 'inappropriate behaviours' being committed by Dorling against all the children, in the classroom, on a daily basis.

After nearly 11 years of parents lobbying relentlessly for action against Glyn Dorling for abusing our children, and after giving evidence, testimony, and extensive documentation to 3 different State Inquiries, Glyn Dorling has never even been formally interviewed by police.

The child specifically described some of the intimidation and bullying that Glyn Dorling subjected the 'non-compliant' children to. Some children were happily 'compliant' with the hugging, kissing, heads on laps, hair grooming, etc, but others were resistant. Dorling was conducting a specific program of manipulating all of the children with either favour or fear with a view to compliance or submission.

My child joined the discussion, recalling several behaviours/events. A third child stated that they had also been in that class and recalled the things discussed, but did not add anything further. Apparently nothing happened from there. (Later I was told that "...the teacher was horrified...", but no action was taken.)

This discussion apparently happened early on the Thursday 13/03/2008, and these are the basest facts as I received them from my child as we rode the bus to school that Friday morning 14/03/08 (my child just happened to be staying with me for several days, and I didn't have a car at that time).

I went into the school and spoke with Ms Carol Shepherd, whom stated that she was aware of 'the incident' and that the teacher "was horrified", but the school had not done a Mandatory Notification, which as it's name suggests is supposed to be 'Mandatory'.

Part way through the conversation Principal Gary Costello entered the room. I politely but emphatically insisted that the school follow their own 'mandatory guidelines' and do a Mandatory Notification.

I discussed the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up with Ms Shepherd and Gary Costello for at least half an hour.

They (the school) did do a Mandatory Notification, but the Paedophile Task Force rang me on Tuesday 18th March 2008 to say that the Notification had been received by SAPol, but had been dismissed as "having already been investigated".

I was shocked but genuinely grateful that the PTF had contacted me so quickly, even if it was to tell me that nothing was going to happen; I had expected to chase that for months if not years. Unfortunately, SAPol decide it was far too nasty to hold, so they threw the whole thing away as fast as possible...nope, sorry, can't help you...close doors, shutters down, lights off.....muffled whispers..."Has he gone away yet?"

I contacted the school again, but could not speak to either Ms Shepherd or the G Man; they were both very busy. Finally, I spoke briefly with them both over the phone on Thursday 20 March, but they declined to pursue the matter, Gary told me that the school had "met our(sic) obligations'...met your obligations after I got in your face and politely bullied you into doing it.

Mr Costello then received a nice promotion to Head of the South East region of Dept of Education (?not sure exact title, but this is the role), and when I approached him again in that role he again declined responsibility as the Education Dept has repeatedly done.

Unfortunately I do not have any letters, etc, of these exchanges, just some vague diary entries.

Mr Costello subsequently received a massive promotion to 'Head of Schools'.

Late last year I spoke at length with a parent in Adelaide who had met with Gary Costello several times as part of the process involved in the Cover-up of the abuse of a child by an After-School Carer.  

The parents described Gary Costello's behaviour in those meetings as bullying, threatening, harassment, etc; the parent was very, very unimpressed with Mr Costello. I won't put the parent's exact comments because they would get this post pulled off the blog.

It is a completely responsible and accurate summary of my conversation for me to say that the parent stated that Mr Costello was motivated by a desire to protect the Education Department and Minister, the school, etc, and that the children and the parents were irrelevent.

To me, Gary Costello is just another person who has chosen themselves over everybody else, including the children he is being paid a small fortune to be responsible for. He has done very well professionally off the back of choosing to be part of the St Martin's Abuse Cover-up.

He is the system personified. He is Rory McEwen and Mike Rann and Michael Atkinson. He is South Australia. He is a system rancid with pro-paedophile corruption.

This Arvo: Final Fish Findings and the Forestry Sale Farce

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