Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Three Rotationeers - All For One Forty One

Apologies for going over the same ground again...again, but the Forestry Rotations Sale is a clumsy, obvious privatisation of the entire industry in the South-East specifically named to avoid that reality. Please see previous posts.

The Rann/Weatherill/Foley/Snelling Labor government have completely, deliberately deceived, betrayed and sacrificed the South-East specifically to build the ludicrous Adelaide Oval (and footbridge designed to funnel oval-leavers straight into a soon to be expanded casino); they have repeatedly lied at meetings, in the media, and on the floor of parliament.

Include the Wind Turbine legislation, Water policy (and another massive drain), Shared Services, etc, and the reality is that Labor have effectively withdrawn from SE South Australia, at best privatising the entire community, at worst, selling it directly to their mates and each other via public asset sales, corrupt land re-zonings, dodgy Board positions, and shady shelf companies, etc.

With the bizarre and costly De-Salination Plant, the privatisation of Public Health with the new Adelaide Hospital contract, the State loss of income from Forestry, etc, South Australia's financial future is assured...and it don't take a genius to see the reality...which is why I can see it so clearly....

Spiraling state debt but no income stream....more taxes, more levies....more laws, more fines.....more poverty, more crime....more in-equity, more suffering.....

Medical and dental services are literally years behind services provided in Adelaide, and with the privatisation of the RAH, funding will be drained from everywhere to meet that contractual obligation.

Their behaviour on the Forestry Sale issue show them to be corrupted, deceitful, selfish, and lacking morality.

South Australian parliament is in It's entirety a corrupted, self-indulgent rort mired in paedophilia; not a vehicle for responsible public service. By its definitive position beneath that umbrella, so 'Local government' is tarred wtih the same brush. This is the reality...those who are not perpetrators themselves avert their eyes and/or commit acts of ommission because they have their own career aspirations and/or corrupt pursuits and/or problematic histories, etc.

Genuine Politicians in an actual democracy act for the benefit and prosperity of all citizens; politics in SA is about the personal egos and self-glorification of the individuals involved; SA is already run for the benefit of the CEO (premier/government) and Board (parliament) at the expense of the shareholders (you/me/us).

But unfortunately I must conceed the possibility that even a relatively decent person might be obliged to act corruptly to achieve positive change in a corrupt head hurts....

But I digress drastically; I wanted to address the 'arrival' of new Forestry One Forty One CEO Linda Sewell as covered on ABC Local Radio Morning show with Stan Thompson and in The Border Watch (both 19 April 2013) with a letter from CFMEU Representative Brad Coates.

I urge you to access the ABC interview (available at their website under 'Rewind'?-sorry, not sure) and I have included Mr Coates letter (below) because they both cover the same ground, and cover my concerns
about Ms Sewells appointment in a more informed and thorough way than I could re-gurgitate.

I was specifically concerned at Ms Sewell's very brief, clipped reference on the ABC to '5 years' which I understand is the standard log supply contract currently available...with no assurances past that...but I'm sure it'll all be fine....

Two points: My personal Crusade for Humanity (against time, the universe, and reality) aside...I openly acknowledge the critical role that The Border Watch plays in covering these sort of critical issues, in particular the excellent articles by Dr Jerry Leech which I recommend to all; might dig them out as a post.

Similarly the local ABC gets it 95% right, 95% of the time...that's not a bad average by any measure, and is a critical conduit for local issues and information; I'm not that interested in Kalangadoo's footy and netball results (sorry Kalangadoo) but I love to hear they're on....and I can always change to the completely impartial BBC World Service, broadcast on behalf of the Conservative Party.   (The Young Ones-BBC)

It's exactly the WINTV News situation. Adelaide media have virtually ignored the South East, eg, the Saint Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse issue; the Forestry Sale protests and processes; etc.

Secondly, I apologise unreservedly to Ms Sewell for opening a post effectively about her, with another of my spleen-venting rants about the pro-paedophile corruption of South Australia.

Whether her role is one of nurturer...r or wreckerer....r, I do not seek to infere of her any such behaviour or even knowledge; it is strictly about the people and processes that eventuated with Ms Sewell's arrival in doesn't give you a lot of confidence does it?..Not even going to live in the state, let alone the region.

This Arvo: TFTIM Labor MLC Ian Hunter

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