Saturday, April 6, 2013

Just A Day: My Last Radiotherapy 06/04/2005

Woohoo...I gutta cumment's only taken 80 something posts, but a comment. I'm not even sure if I'm meant to comment on comments...sorry, I have no netiquette.

Seriously though, it was a bit of a shock and a reminder that my venting and my opinion, and specific allegations of malfeasance, etc, and what has and/or hasn't actually happened, etc, are all things that need to be identified as such; it is a responsibility that I take seriously...stuff Malcolm Turnbull and his 'you don't have to be balanced, that's why you buy a paper'.

Mr Turnbull, I put it to you that reporting, producing, and/or broadcasting what is known to be biased and unbalanced is by definition propaganda...propaganda Mr Turnbull...indeed, sir, that's what you look like when making such stupid comments...a proper gander...oh, bazinga...thankyou, thankyou....(a gander is a male goose...he looks like a goose...he looks like...yeah...yeah, I know that you get it....but you know, the others aren't so bright, and they probaly won't...oh, shush, they're coming back....)...and I said, "thank goodness, now we can all get some sleep" ahahahahaha...(I don't think they noticed)...ahahaha....(just keep laughing)...ahahahaha...

Sorry, went off the rails there a little; just listening on ABC News Radio to Prime Minister Julia Gillard banging on about the Royal Commission, how important the children are, the terrible crimes, it's not just about the Catholics, the Commission won't lay charges...blah, blah, Shrekin''s all bullshit, because the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse was put in front of her as Federal Education Minister and she said "send it back, not my problem."

I'll dig that letter out This Arvo. Please also refer to previous posts.

Where was I?...oh, yeah...I can only guarantee that if I quote directly from a document or put it on the blog as part of the post, then it is a genuine quote and/or a genuine document. Sometimes I will leave out names or references to family, officials, confidantes, etc, because I feel that's appropriate.

This first comment on my post is an ironicly thorough segue into today's post that includes'll see...I have chosen to exclude some names from this post simply because the people need to be mentioned as part of the narrative, but I don't have the right to name them.

Eight years ago today (06/04/2005) I had my last of 20 rounds of's my favourite tattoo...the little green dot right in the centre of my chest - they 'mark' you so as to get the correct centre point every time - only I really only had 19 rounds because I was one of about 1,000 people who were not treated correctly because the machine was not set correctly.

As per previous post I was in Adelaide for the daily treatment at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and was going daily to the Botanic Gardens, and then to Parliament House, or vice versa, depending on the time of my appointment.

And so it was that I came to be sitting at a table at the cafe in the Botanic Gardens with a Child Protection Activist from MP Peter Lewis's office (while he was still speaker-but that's a seperate post), when their phone rang.

It was SAPol (South Australian Police) detectives calling from the activists home on the portable home phone (that happened to have been left on the side balcony) because the SAPol officers mobile phones didn't work in the deep gully at the property in the Adelaide Hills.

SAPol was at the property to execute a Search Warrant relative to the March 2005 Press Release from the Speaker's Office that named several high-profile paedophiles in Adelaide police, Courts, and both major parties. It was this document that MP Rory McEwen was discussing when he named Labor MP Patrick Conlon as notorious politician paedophile 'Terry'. Previous posts.

Unfortunately I don't have a copy of that Press Release, and the only copy I saw had several sections blocked-out, but Rory told me about at least one name that was on there, and I know that a former Liberal Premier was one of the others.

Anyway, we started to drive up Magill Rd (06/04/05) when my phone rang, it was Mum, unfortunately my grandmother had passed away. It was not any particular shock because she had been in a Nursing Home for nearly a decade with chronic dimentia, and whilst relatively healthy otherwise, was well into her nineties. Obviously Mum was upset, but said...won't be home till later, come up when you're done, etc.

Finally got to the property and it was swarming with police (5 detectives in suits) a number of other Child Protection Activists (for lack of a better term), and about a dozen media, couple of news cameras, etc.

Remember, this is a private citizens home, someone's house, their home, where they lived with their partner and children...we got there and this person's home was wide open and swarming with people...imagine how you would feel.

Then Channel Ten rings up; they've heard about the melee/raid and asked if it was alright to fly up in their
helicopter because it will take too long to drive there...Yeah, sure, the front lawn is a registered, seriously, the front yard was a heli-pad and Channel Ten did fly up and did land on the lawn and the reporter leapt out in her high heels, teetered across the lawn, and straight up the stairs, elbowing her way into the throng...deadset.

Then one of the SAPol officers wanted to search my bag, which was full of my letters and documents re the St Martins Abuse Issue. This officer, who I went to high school with in the early 1980s, opened my bag, pulled out some letters, and started reading the first one, which just happened to be one of my 'complaint' letters to Police Commissioner Mal Hyde...he got about three lines in, put it back in the bag, and literally walked away.

Deadset...not a word of a couldn't make this s(tuff)* up.      (*apologies for removed expletive-poor editing-NF)

This bizarre circus went on for hours, until the early evening, and eventually I left with my companion from that morning...they couldn't stand to be in their own home. When we left there were still several people at the house.

On the way to Mum's she called to say that her ex-partner was there (because of my grandmother dying) and that I needed to stay elsewhere, so I picked up my stuff and stayed with another relative.

And that, as they say, is that.

People trying to address the institutionalised paedophilia and associated corruption of South Australia, it's police, Courts, Statutory Authorities, etc, get their homes raided, dragged through the Courts for years with blatant threats to jail them, repeatedly bashed, etc, and the paedophiles get......still waiting....welcome to South Australia.

This Arvo: Julia Gillard's Letter re St Martins Lutheran School Abuse Issue

           and: Some Letters from the Crown Solicitors Office

Tomorrow: TFTIM - Professor Frida Briggs   and some other stuff

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