Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mt Gambier Rail Lands - Council's Plans

As per previous posts, these are the plans showing multiple Retail Development Plans that successive City Councils have presented before the 'Parklands Concept Plan' of November 2011. Sorry about formatting problems but the maps are the important things.

The first was presented as a double sided glossy flyer for the meetings July 2005.

The next two are from the 30 page professional report/plans presented by Design Inc at the meetings on February 28th 2006, showing two (of three) slightly different designs for the same thing - massive Retail Development but no parking. Council presented it's own plan but I don't have a copy.

The next four articles are all from The Border Watch, but in confused order (sorry). "Where is bus terminal?" and "Editorial" are from March 01 2006 about the meetings, and the other two are from April 20 2006 re Council meeting and Rail lands.

The last one is what Council had on its website from at least 2008 until late 2010 when I made this copy.

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