Friday, April 5, 2013

Smokey and the Gambit

 Bazinga straight up. Unfortunately the whole post is a little down-hill from here, but I just had to use that title.

Sorry for such short post but got in late and the previous post goes round in my I just repeating myself?...probaly...It is impossible to not mimic parts of my previous post because there are may similarities between what is happening with the 'Superannuation debate' and the recent 'Spill That Didn't'.

Huh, there's a post...not 'The Little Engine That Could' but 'The Little Spill That Couldn't'.

I've never met Simon 'Smokey' Crean and I'm not inside his head, and my opinion is only my opinion. I'm vaguely aware of his history within the Unions and as former leader, etc.

Previously I chastised Smokey for being a deceitful and selfish person and I stand by that. His fake leadership spill was never a genuine attempt to change Prime Minister but purely to knobble the Ruddmeister, done on the day of the 'Forced Adoptions Apology', which was subsequently lost in the media cluster cuddle writhing about in the self-indulgent excrement of the........too much, do you think?...I'm not happy about any of it but perhaps I need to be a little more 'professional', to address rather than just vent......bastards....oops....

And when he was questioned about the timing in an ABC Radio interview, and how upset people were about that (me included), his response was 'shit happens, build a bridge people...and get the crikey over it'. Yes, alright, that is a paraphrasing of the actual interview, but that's what he said.

I wonder if that day was one of the days of governing, one of electioneering, or just another one of wallowing in self-indulgent psychopathy and ambition; well there sure as heck was no governing going on that day, and it sure looked like it all revolved around internal posturing ahead of an electoral disaster. 

Am I doing him a great and un-warranted dis-service by irresponsibly (and incorrectly?) denigrating his actions? I think not. Whatever his motivations the realities are self-evident; even Graham Greenwood agrees with me (The Border Watch 29/03/2013);
          "Last week Simon Crean stood up for his party. A supporter of Julia Gillard for more
           than two decades, the prime minister had no stauncher ally in Cabinet than Mr Crean...
           Mr Crean decided enough was was time for Kevin Rudd to put up or shut up...
           What Mr Crean did was give the party the opportunity to save itself...sacrificed himself...
            in the interest of the party."

I do not know Simon Crean, never met him, don't really know his history, but I saw all too clearly what happened 2 weeks ago and it was all fake and could have been done any other day; it was a faux coup if you will...well faux coup to you too Mr Crean.

It is impossible for me to say, for anyone to say, where he is headed with his effectively 'anti-Gillard' posturing on Superannuation (amongst other issues). Is he genuine? Or is he promoting himself (as indeed others are) as the embodiment of the necessary return to 'Labor values? Is he setting himself up (or being set up by the...dare I say it...faceless men) as the next leader? (Or has he just gone completely off the rails? personally I think not.)

But this pro-Crean promotion, this I believe is The Gambit. Get Smokey into the Prime Ministership just prior to the September 2013 Election with a recent history of 'sticking up for the battlers in Labor's heartland' all the while distancing himself from Julia Gillard....bollocks.

Is he being preened and groomed for the top office? A Crean Preening? That's my opinion.
My opinion is that this latest Captain Crean Carry-on is simply more of the same nonsense as the ludicrously disingenuous 'Non- Leadership Challenge to Root Up Kevin Rudd'.

So there you have it. A perpetual, rolling faux coup...and who wins and I.

Tomorrow: Just A Day - My Last Radiotherapy 06/05/2005 

Plus...More Letters and Documents - The Crown Solicitors Office

And Tommorrow Arvo: TFTIM Professor Frida Briggs

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