Monday, April 22, 2013

Two Other Wind Turbine Opinions

I like to refer to Wind Turbines as Wind Assisted Rotary Turbines or WARTs. Financially, visually, physically, socially...they are a blight not a solution.

What do I really think? Pull them all down, and developers and hosts can re-imburse neighbouring properties and communities for the inconvenience and selfishness; if you think it's alright to approve Turbines on your land and take the money without considering how it affects those around you, then you can pay to fix the problem.

This selfishness is being used to manipulate Australians against Australians by their own and/or other governments, international businesses, etc. 

In Australia, we have so much for all, but even this morning, reports state that there are 3 different Economies operating...and South Australia is on the bottom of the pile.

But I digress; a somewhat lazy post today, but I wanted to include both these letters as important to the general debate, and it is far easier than going 'he says, but he says', and Liberal Mitch Williams letter does directly address that of Mr Miles George of Infigen Energy.

I note Mr Williams states that 'Renewable Energy Certificates' can only be claimed after generation, but I understood the issue to be that developers are receiving subsidies ragardless of output...possibly on proposed generation? I will check this...maybe it's both?

This Arvo: I Fish and ICAC

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