Monday, April 29, 2013

MLC Kyam Maher DWSW Part II

It is ironic that right next to Kyam Maher's letter about Flouridation and Vaccination (The Border Watch 26/04/2013) is a short letter from 'Bill' saying that his "family has been buying water for drinking and cooking because of the strong chlorine taste in the city water supply. "

Just the other evening there was a light shower of rain after a relatively warm day, and the dirt and cement in the backyard gave off that beautiful, almost sweet know the one; very different to when I watered from the tap during summer, where the water was 'foaming' as it hit the ground, and there was a sickly chemical pong not dissimilar to paint thinners.

I've said it once and I'll say it again; "Dear SA Water - What The Heck Is Coming Out of My Tap?" I remind readers that 6,600 people signed the Petition requesting a public 'vote' on the issue of Flouridation, and that MP Don Pegler promised publicly to support that 'public opinion', but then just handed over the petition without doing the relevent parliamentary speech...not nothing...

Where Kyam Maher's letter (TBW 25/04/2013) could perhaps be excused as merely biased and unrealistic, his effort the very next day spuriously trying to link Water Flouridation with Vaccination is fundamentally flawed, cynical, grossly irresponsible, and simply offensive.

This letter specifically and deliberately seeks to denigrate people for their beliefs with a series of outrageous misrepresentations, un-supportable comparisons, glaring mistakes and deliberate ommissions. 

People have every right to their opinion and to be critically cynical about 'governments and experts' because governments do deceive their citizens, and 'experts' can be wrong, manipulated, and/or corrupt; like...say...
covering up Child Abuse in schools the Labor Party and the Education Department using 'experts' like Gary Costello to bully and threaten parents while your colleague Grace Portolesi blames parents and lies through her teeth on the floor of that...

People have an absolute obligation to hold corrupt, dysfunctional governments like your SA Labor Party to account for the paedophile-protecting and incompetent economic pillaging that epitomises your decade in office.

Anytime you want Kyam, come on this blog and explain your Labor Government's behaviour in helping the Lutheran Church cover-up the abuse of 7 year old children at St Martins School. Better still, do it in The Border Watch

Get a load of me big-noting myself and jumping at shadows, but I absolutely believe that this letter (26/04/13) has at least one of two other agendas;
a)   counter all the truths in my previous posts that prove Flouridation to be inappropriate, and/or;
b)   set up the 'crediblity' of the pending Environmental Protection Agency 'scientific research' (can't
      say it without laughing because it's so laughable) on Wind Turbine Infrasound as the 'scientific
      justification' for ramming through the Fascism of Turbine Development in SA.

The EPA is an entirely corrupted and compromised government controlled agency conducting minimal, bit-piece research, and I guarantee that they will hand down results that will completely exonerate Turbines re health issues, and that the 'corrupt data' will immediately be used around the world by Turbine proponents.
They've already tried to do it once, just recently.

Please refer to my previous posts re the many fundamental problems with Water Supply Flouridation.

Water should be as un-adulterated as possible, but I accept that Chlorine is an unpleasant reality in a
'safe' water supply, unless water can somehow be treated at the tap, and there are already multiple contaminants in Mt Gambier's water supply due to chemical run-off from industry, roads, etc.

Regardless of the efficacy of Flouride in Dental Health treatments (whether you believe it works or not), and multiple 'conspiracy theories' (industry plot to be paid for their highly toxic waste that would be
expensive to dispose of properly; Flouride produces 'dulling' brain damage that makes the populace
easier to control; etc) this is 'medication' via the water supply.

It is totally inappropriate to apply 'medication' in this way. No other medicine is applied thus, not even vaccinations.

There are many appropriate ways to apply flouride, eg, flouridated toothpaste, and early childhood education and regular check-ups, are the guarantee of better dental health...oh, and not having to wait 4 years for appointments, Kyam.

Pouring this crap into our water does not excuse or address the outrageous discrimination and failures of this Labor government re dental services (all services) in Mt Gambier.  

Well over 95% of Flouridated water goes straight into the environment via toilets, taps, hoses, etc, and many people would be either drinking way over the 'standard dose' or none at all; what about the difference in a child to an adult?..what about other Flouride sources/contamination in other foods/fluids?...what is 'a standard dose'?...environmental impacts?..

It is a farcical, inappropriate, completely un-scientific and non-medical approach; throw it in their water and hope they drink some...absolutely ridiculous.

When I referred to a local dentist in a previous post, I was of course talking about the same Dr Mark Hutton as Kyam Maher; it is Dr Hutton's position on Flouridation and my respect for him as a dentist (and person) that recently led me to review (albeit retain) my position. We have discussed it briefly, but I have not sought to turn him...not yet...but I will...look out Mark...

Rather than 'tit for tat' Kyam Maher's letter about Floridation I ask that readers refer to the NMHRC and WHO websites who have reams of information on Flouride and Flourosis, the umbrella term for those medical/health issues that can result from Flouride exposure. Research it yourself and make up your own mind.

Kyam Maher needs to check his facts before making ludicrous statements about 'Toxicity' and "the harm mere dental cavities", and "no safety concerns"etc. Dental health is critical to over-all health and can and does lead to "serious disease", and there is a 'disease' called Flourosis. Kyam has either not read those websites (WHO and NMHRC) or has chosen to conveniently overlook that unfortunate truth.

Mr Maher is trying to undermine the Flouridation debate by linking it to Vaccination concerns in ways that don't bear scrutiny, and to say that having genuine concerns is "popular" is offensive. It is a deliberate manipulation to include the two issues over and over in the same sentence, particularly using one example of impropriety re Vaccinations to slander Flouridation opponents.

I would suggest Mr Maher that the specific defamatory and libellous accusations that you level against Flouridation opponents should be kept to yourself, or come up with at least one example. You deliberately and specifically defame me (amongst others) as having "falsified...potential side effects" using the un-related example of an English doctor and Vaccinations.

Pathetic Kyam, simply pathetic. It is a clumsy attempt to denigrate with an un-related issue and I challenge you to produce one example of where I have "falsified" anything that I have had to say re Flouridation, and failing that, you can do a written apology to myself and everyone else The Border Watch I think...

Clearly there are people who have very genuine concerns about vaccinations as indeed is my personal experience of the Flouridation issue, however I do not know enough about Vaccination to offer a definitive opinion, but if I may...if the issue is that the Triple-Antigen shot may potentially cause side effects, any side effects, then could that be addressed/avoided by single shots over several weeks? Is that possible?

Flouridation and Vaccination are important if un-related issues, but "Children...are put at risk" every day they go to school in SA, about you sort that out.

Tomorrow: Forestry, Fish, and Euthanasia (Trees, Seas, and Peace)

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