Sunday, March 31, 2013

BraveHearts: The St Martins Child Abuse Cover-Up

It is a mark of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up that people whom otherwise may be doing good even wonderful work, are just another part of the problem to a few families in Mt Gambier; and so it is with BraveHearts.

Most people would be familiar with Ms Hetty Johnson of BraveHearts, who is a reasonably regular guest on morning chat shows and other media on issues of Child Abuse.

Queensland based BraveHearts describes itself as "Making a difference in child protection" and I know that there has got to be some part of the problem that they address, maybe even many parts; it is simply not my place to judge them, and I fully understand what can happen to people who do speak out.

What I do know and can say is that even though they baulked at the first refusals and denials, and then effectively just gave up, they at least had a bit of a go to start with; they did what many refused to do and actually wrote to the various authorities and tried to get some action...and for that I am genuinely grateful.

I fully believe BraveHearts did what little they could, and that their actions acknowledge the reality of what South Australia is; all involved knew that nothing could and/or would be done to resolve the St Martins Issue.

I do not understand though, why Ms Johnson refused my multiple requests to use her media contacts or even do it herself to raise St Martins in the national media; we provided irrefutable proof of just how pro-paedophile corruption dominates South Australia, and BraveHearts will not/cannot say it in the media.

I take similar issue with Senator Nick Xenophon's behaviour on this exact point; Mr Xenophon is now not returning my emails and despite my repeated requests and the Child Abuse Royal Commission, he has failed/refused to mention the Lutherans in Federal parliament.

On 26th September 2006 Ms Johnson wrote to Minister for Police Paul Holloway, Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Pallaris, Garry LeDuff (Assoc of Independent Schools SA), and Simon Stretton (Crown Solicitors Office).

On 27th November 2006 Ms Carol Ronken (BraveHearts) then wrote to the then Federal Minister for Education, Science & Training Ms Julie Bishop, and the South Australian Ombudsman Eugene Biganovsky.....the Federal Minister for Education and the state Ombudsman....and on 7th February 2007 to the SA Education Minister Jane Lomax Smith. I'll cover these in further posts.

On 03/10/2006 Mr Holloway responded "Your correspondence is receiving appropriate attention" and then on 17/10/2006 suddenly handballed these complaints about SAPol to Attorney General Micheal Atkinson.  

Ms Lucy Boord for the DPP responded 04/10/2006;

          "I refer to your letter dated 26th September 2006. Please be advised that this office
           provided South Australian Police with an opinion in relation to this matter, and in
           accordance with our Prosecution Policy, the South Australian Police did advise all the
           complainant's parents of the outcome of that opinion.'

Which is their way of describing how SAPol (indeed everyone involved, including the DPP) dumped the St Martins issue only weeks after the 2006 state election.

Mr Stretton responded on 11/10/2006;

          "Thankyou for your letter dated 26 September 2006 concerning matters drawn to your
           attention by Mr Nick Fletcher.

           Mr Fletcher may not have advised you that he has already written to the previous acting
           Crown Solicitor and complained to the Attorney General for the State of South Australia
           concerning this matter. Mr Fletcher has already had the detailed response that you now
           seek from me. That response fully explained the proceedings that had taken place. The
           involvement of this office was also explained in detail. In those circumstances it would
           serve no purpose to enter into further correspondence concerning the matter.

           I am not in a position, of course, to respond on behalf of the other agencies that are
           mentioned in your letter."                    (full letter)

All the usual manipulations; minimise and isolate what he knows involves numerous families and children down to "Mr Fletcher...complained"; sound familiar...exactly what Mt Gambier City Council have tried to do.

Please refer to my previous posts that address some of the behaviours of the CSO in the Teachers Registration Board/CSO hearing, and there will be posts re the CSO specifically....bastards to a man.

Gary LeDuff responded 25/10/2006;

          "I am responding to your letter of 26 September in which you outline actions taken
           relating to complaints made against a teacher at St Martin's Lutheran School and request
           that agencies such as AISSA provide the parents with a formal clarification of the findings
           and outcomes.

           Your letter identifies the range of appropriate agencies that have the authority to investigate
           such complaints.

           The Association of independent Schools of SA (AISSA) was not involved in the various
           investigations of the above complaints and has no access to the information that you refer
           to in your letter.

           I am therefore unable to meet your request for clarification of the findings and outcomes."

This is an outright lie. Gary LeDuff stated outright to parents that the AISSA had started an investigation but that the Lutherans had taken it off them. AISSA subsequently did nothing...oh, yeah, other than threaten me using the same lawyers as the Lutherans......why not...

Tomorrow: Lutherans Use Lawyers To Protect a Paedophile

When I lodged written complaints with Lutheran hierarchy about Glyn Dorling, John Aexander, etc, they responded with a vacuously ludicrous threat via Piper Alderman lawyers...apparently I allegedly supposedly defamed them to each other by lodging appropriate written complaints....

Just shows how damning those perfectly reasonable and accurate letters of complaint must have been.

What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

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