Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Teachers Registration Board Hearing March 2003 - November 2004

As per previous post, after the June 2002 'removal' of teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School, Mount Gambier, authorities flatly refused to investigate, eg SAPol (police) did not even interview Dorling, let alone charge him, and "closed the file" in July 2002 without telling parents, we only found out by accident 2 weeks later.....DID NOT EVEN INTERVIEW HIM....

Family and Youth Services (now FACS) refused to get involved; the Education Dept denied any responsibility because "it's a private school"; the Independent Schools Board (Gary LeDuff) claim to have started an investigation but that "the Lutherans took it off us" - the ISB did nothing; and the Lutherans were openly attacking us few families as the problem.

After four months of promising to help us, MP Rory McEwen betrayed us by signing up with the Mike Rann Labor government in December 2002, and we were just cut loose; no action at all against Glyn Dorling who had clearly been abusing the 7 year olds that he was responsible for.

South Australia is a Child Abusing disgrace, nationally ridiculed and internationally renowned as the Child Abuse capital of the Western World; how many jurisdictions have had a law to stop paedophile prosecutions like SA did in the 'Statute of Limitations' from 1992- 2005?

Don't believe me? Look it up for yourself - The Statute of Limitations - This stuff currently coming out, cover-up after cover-up of abuse in SA schools is tip of the iceberg stuff - no child is safe in any kindergarten, school, or care program in South Australia.

By early 2003 the whole 'system' was effectively covering-up the St Martins abuse, but a few families refused to give up, continuing to look for someone who might do something, and so I and another parent came to contact the TRB in February/March 2003; the TRB claimed no knowledge of the situation.

The Crown Solicitors Office came to Mt Gambier in May/June 2003 to interview parents, and grossly lied to us about the TRB/CSO hearing processes, and this lie was continued in the SARC Inquiry* (2008-11)
who mis-quoted our statements that we were outright lied to and manipulated by the TRB and CSO as "a lack of information".

The 'investigation' then just stopped for a year, no explanation, was finally set to be heard May 2004, but was then pushed to June 1st 2004, as it turns out, for Dorling to change lawyers.

The TRB/CSO chose to 'charge' Dorling with only one fairly innoccuous abuse (amongst dozens) with the excuse that this made it less complicated and easier to prove, and ignored our concerns that Dorling only had to defend that one vague charge, and he was off scott free.

The TRB/CSO also flatly refused our multiple written requests to question and subpoena those school staff who were eye-witnesses, but whom the Lutherans had made sign 'confidentiality agreements' demanding they not discuss what they had seen; parents and Child Protection were the only witnesses, even SAPol refused to appear (allegedly).

The TRB panel was chaired by Carmel Kerin (Liberal leader Rod Kerin's cousin) and consisted entirely of Education Dept employees and Education Union representatives, some were both; even the alleged 'public member' is chosen by the Minister.

Glyn Dorling was the Teachers Union representative at St Martins when he was sacked, meaning that over half that panel had a huge conflict of interest.

The Crown Solicitor was a key player in altering Flinders Child Protection Service documents of interviews with some of the children (August 2002), removing anything even vaguely criminal, and themselves therefore had a huge conflict of interest, but again our complaints were ignored. 

Several parents were flown to AdeIaide 01/06/2004 for the one day hearing, but over half the day was tied up with Dorling's lawyer, Mr Stephen Lietschke (Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) trying to have the case thrown out as being "not in the TRB's jurisdiction", and only one parent gave partial evidence before proceedings were closed, and the matter adjourned for another 7 weeks; this parent was never called back to complete their testimony.

This was deliberately done to stress parents, and not once but several times over - a days hearing then adjourn for a month, etc, through to November 2004 when the TRB handed down their decision of no action against Dorling....bastards...sad, sick, corrupt bastards...uh, sorry, language warning.

I cannot say with any certainty what exactly the TRB/CSO  did or didn't do relative to their own guidelines because those guidelines are shrouded in secrecy, and at no point did the conduct of the hearing relate to anything we had been told.

Bottom line; we were ruthlessly, gutlessly manipulated and betrayed by the Teachers Registration Board and the Crown Solicitors Office as they sought to protect a corrupt system, which meant protecting a paedophile teacher.  

Tomorrow: The First Time I Met - MP Rory McEwen

And more TRB quotes etc on Friday.

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