Monday, March 25, 2013

TFTIM: Mt Gambier CEO Mark McShane

Like so many other local politicians, I've probaly met Mr McShane in Council meetings, run into him several times at functions where he has walked right past me, etc, but the first time we've actually spoken was when I happened upon him and Frank 'The Ghost' Morello outside the Civic Centre.

I was hand-delivering a letter to Council (July ? 2012) because Mr McShane was not responding to my attempts to contact him, and there they were, enjoying the sunshine. I have written repeatedly to Mr McShane about issues at St Martins Lutheran School, alleged fraud re Greg Muller and the Main Corner, etc.

He knows these things...can't say he doesn't....but that won't stop him trying. Indeed, in the 'secret report' that Council released about me (see posts re P and F) he avoids any of these issues under "allegations against others".

Greg Muller employed Mark McShane...enough said....but...still...I feel driven to hurl the scurrilous imputation that Marky McMark joined the Funky Bunch (that's Council) to ensure that business remains as usual......and for Greg Muller that means $344,000 de-frauded, literally millions mis-spent and/or missing at the Main Corner Project which was then handed free to a Councillor's son, and no covered pool, no proper bus shelter...(oh god, he's off again-Ed) Rail Lands Parklands, no proper public transport, increasing City debt and therefore rates, etc.

At the above convergence/meeting/thingy Mr McShane was his usual amicable self - I'm not sure that he actually said anything to me; I greeted them both, said "what a pleasant coincidence", handed him the letter and asked for a response, gave them both a big smile, and went about my business.

I regret somewhat that I did not 'confront' him on the spot, but I am always acutely aware of trying to engage with these issues and these people in an appropriate manner, and so I often err on the side of caution...I am a reasonably large person so if I display any sense of conflict or tension it can distress people.

Cue Frank 'The Ghost' Morello.

Frank, former Editor of The Border Watch newspaper, with whom I had many 'animated discussions' in the foyer of TBW about the St Martins issue.... I'm certainly not bragging about it though...I feel quite embarassed for the effect this may have had on others present... I never swore or yelled or anything but I do a very large serve of un-happy.

'The Ghost' because every time I see him he goes a deathly shade of extremely pale. When I ran into him and Mark McShane outside the Civic Centre they were standing with their backs to me as I approached, meaning that I loomed into their view, directly to Frank's left, as I said hello from only feet away....he was delighted.

Suddenly the sun wasn't shining so much for Frank...he was petrified/horrified/stupified and all the other 'fieds' you can think was absolutely hilarious...and here's why...

It's not the first time in my life that someone has looked at me like that....he was thinking exactly this...if he were as big as me, and I had screwed him around the way he has me, then he'd thump me, and therefore he assumes that is what I'm thinking, and therefore at any moment that could still happen.

I am merely a mirror to his guilt...and so should it be...Anyone who actually knows me knows that I am absolutely genuine in my statements of pacifism....Anyone who has seen me debate issues publicly knows that I always try be calm and balanced, but even this can go awry.

In some circumstances I have had people get 'more scared' because I remain relatively very calm; they apply the above 'Frank template', assume I'm violently furious, and therefore get even more concerned because I'm not reacting in the violent manner that they understand and expect. The calmer I stay, the more concerned they get.

They expect that at any moment the 'mask of serenity' will rupture into the violent assault that their own life experience and/or guilt puts them in mind of....and so there goes young Frankie.

Poor fella...suddenly there I am, only feet away, smiling broadly at him....In every other context I would seek to avoid causing such distress, but I genuinely laugh at this one particular moment for it is my right...I've earned it.
Tomorrow: The SERDE Penola Rd Sale and Bill DeGaris

Dodgy deals blah, blah, blah....insider trading blah, blah, blah.....just once I'd like to get stuck into an issue without having to wade through the corruption first...but it ain't gonna be this one, and will lead nicely into;

Tomorrow Arvo: TFTIM Former Grant District Council CEO Russell Peate.

 But to try to be a little more positive;

Day After Tomorrow: Why We Must Triple-Use Water.   


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