Friday, March 29, 2013

Propellerganda: I'm Not a Fan Of Wind Turbines

If I have not mentioned it, I am completely opposed to Wind Turbines because; the legislation is Fascism; without massive tax-payer funded subsidies they are entirely un-economic; they impact on non-host neighbours, eg, aerial spraying, land de-valuation, etc; they are 'kill-zones' for birds; their intermittent nature guarantees future reliance on 'non-renewables' like brown coal; tax-payers pay for all the infrastructure via massive bill increases; fire and/or disintegration safety issues, etc.

There are very few genuine and appropriate applications for them in South Australia, or indeed in any stand-alone renewable energy soon as the wind stops, you're back to coal, gas, etc.

It is an undeniable fact that when the wind stops, you need an immediately available watt-for-watt backup.

Adelaide's De-salination Plant will cost $45million(?) more to run using 'Green Energy' than
'ordinary energy' and that is only partial capacity/output (?-surely that is not for a year-I'll check). What ever the amount, the acknowledgement is undeniable; 're-newable energy' is far more expensive than "more traditionally generated power".

How much would it cost to run full-time at full capacity? Not a problem we're going to have though because the damn thing doesn't work....again, I genuinely hope I'm wrong and that the excuse that it is 'too expensive' to run is actually true...better one that's too expensive to run than one that doesn't work at all.

The De-Sal Plant is as big a rort as Wind Turbines; a few people have done very nicely out of it, and everyone else pays....It is literally a big hole in the ground that SA will be tipping buckets of money into for decades to come.

With these ludicrous and fundamentally corrupt projects like the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, the Forestry Sale to pay for the 'new' Adelaide Oval, and the DE-Sal Plant, and the Wind Turbine Legislation, Labor has sold South Australia into massive debt for decades to come; it may literally never recover.

The populace have been literally indentured to a series of private companies. 

Adelaide's/yours/my future is completely bound to the profit margins of a handful of companies, and
they/you/I have no choice because it is built into service charges, energy pricing, taxes and levies, etc. And the more people remove themselves from that 'system' by having rainwater, solar panels, etc, it is guaranteed that prices will rise for everyone else.      

But I digress; in previous posts I have outlined the delberately disingenuous and frequently deceitful Pro-Turbine 'propaganda campaign' being conducted by Turbine companies, the self-titled industry lobby group the Clean Energy Council, the Rann/Weatherill Labor government and the South Australian public service, eg, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the very unfortunate, very concerning, very dangerous bias of the Country Fire Service executive, and random people like Simon Chapman.

This corruption leapt back into state parliament, where it began and belongs, when our illustrious leader Premier Jay Weatherill this week poured the same deliberately blinkered bias and propaganda on to the floor of the House.

I completely dismiss MP Don Pegler's subsequent article in The Border Watch Thursday 28th March as too little too late, and a clumsy mis-representation of the truth. He didn't seem to have the same reservations about distances, residents rights, etc, when he was Mayor of the Grant District Council and approved the Acciona Allendale Project.

Like so many in the debate, eg, the Liberal 'opposition' (I use the term advisedly), Mr Pegler is tagging along behind the hard work of private citizens fighting to protect themselves from the actions of their government. At best, he's having a bet each way.

Rather than reproduce great chunks of that speech or TBW article, please read them - the speech should be on Hansard - and if you would indulge me, use my previous posts to cross-reference the deceits and non-science of what our politicians are saying in pursuit of the Pro-Turbine Agenda. 

Indulge me twice - some house keeping.

Again I genuinely appreciate the feedback I am getting 'off-blog'; I think to leave comments one needs to sign up with Blogspot, but I don't think that means that I can tell who says what unless they specifically identify themselves...not sure...

I genuinely appreciate that people say things like 'I don't agree with that', or even that I'm just wrong, so I didn't read that next one, etc, through to positive feedback about my excellent jokes....

However, I do not make random accusations and allegations of impropriety and corruption, nor do I make these claims merely to denigrate or defame those people - Lord knows, plenty of people have had plenty to say about me without really having any idea what it is they are talking about...I think specifically of the years of vitriole hurled my way re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up. 

It is an undeniable reality that when I address issues that often others have asked me to look at (ooo, sounds just like a real politician), that I repeatedly run into the same names, eg, there is no denying that former DC of Grant CEO Russell Peate was by definition of his employment intimately involved in the undeniably corrupt Penola Rd/ Millicent Rd/Bunnings disaster; nor is it my allegation that former Mt Gambier CEO Greg Muller 'spent without appropriate authorisation' nearly $350,000 - this was alleged in Council, by a Councillor, and played out on the front page of The Border Watch. 

The fact that Mt Gambier City Council has not made any effort to recover that money, shows how complicit they can be in such issues. Why is this not being screamed about in Council?

Also, when I referred to a company called 'Robarra' in a previous post about water usage, I was paraphrasing a conversation I had with my former high school Maths teacher, Mr Warhurst, whom I happened to run into at the bus station in Robe about 15 years ago, and was one of the people involved at the time.

I thought the business had closed some years ago, but I am informed that it has continued. I used this purely as an example and it was not meant to be a critique of what was and/or is being done, and my comments do not refer to any current business and/or it's owners, not least of all because I don't know them.

Cheers. In a post to come; CERES Project 'rejected' by local Council, citing 13 major issues.

This Arvo: TFTIM Commissioner Ted Mullighan


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