Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The First Time I Met: Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi

I do not enjoy putting the boot in (albeit purely metaphorically) just for the sake of it, but sometimes I understand that my balance is somewhat skewed by my personal experience, my personal animosity.

Thus I choose to say only this.

Peter Gandolfi ran as the Liberal candidate for the seat of Mt Gambier at the March 2006 state election.

In February 2006, I and another father met him and his colleague MLC David Ridgway at Mr Gandolfi's campaign office in Ferrers St, and for an hour discussed the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as it had proceeded to that point.

We handed him Rory McEwen's head on a platter....if he'd wanted it.

But clearly he didn't, because I did not hear one word from him from then to the election or since.

Peter Gandolfi is one of the long list of people who could have, should have, but hasn't.

Please read my previous posts about St Martins, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, to understand what it is that Mr Gandolfi has knowingly turned his back on...our children, the abuses they've suffered, and us.

I am an avowed pacifist who truly struggles to believe in God, but by Christ Mr Gandolfi, don't promise to help me (and my child and all the others), and then turn your back on me.

Consider this post to be the literal clip round the ear you have so thoroughly earned.

Your extraordinary betrayal of endorsed Liberal candidate Steve Perryman at the 2010 state election (after he won pre-selection over you and Don Pegler) will live large as one of the most fundamental hissy fits in SA political history.

You are no better than Rory McEwen.

Tomorrow: At Council Tonight - 19/03/2013

An exciting new addition to this blog.

Once you get past the rank nepotism, chronic and constant conflicts of interest, 'drunken sailor' fiscal initiatives, epidemic corruption of appropriate process, etc, going to Council's meeting is a cheap and hilarious night out...if you're into comedic tragedies.

Even those few whom seem at all concerned with how their decisions affect the public, are effectively powerless against a definable block who are entirely self-opinionated and self-focussed.

          And: TFTIM then MLC Nick Xenophon

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