Saturday, March 2, 2013

Extreme Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC Radio 28th February 2013

Please refer to previous blog about the way that ABC Radio Mount Gambier handle the Wind Turbine issue, and then compare it to the Late Afternoon program based in Port Pirie.

(Sorry, its now 12 hrs since I wrote that first sentence; had to go out, got back late, got a phonecall so then out know who you are...and now I'm sooo like those horses that go to that know the one...where they make the lasagne*...ah, bazinga...sorry, feeling a little 'tired and emotional'... anyhoooos.)

NEWSFLASH: Thirty people attended the citizen organised 'Save WIN TV News' Rally at Vansittart Pk, including Mayor Steve Perryman who (I paraphrase) promised Councils support and circulated a letter from Senator Nick Xenophon about proposed federal action to address content laws that currently do not include South Australia, thus allowing WIN TV to do what they did....ahhhbastards (say it like your sneezing).

Also present, Liberal state candidate for the 2014 election Mr Troy Bell who did well in expressing his concerns about WIN TV and other issues without it coming across as too much of a party political broadcast.

Apparently local member (allegedly) Mr Don Pegler, Mayors Richard Sage and Peter Gandolfi, federal Liberal candidate Tony Pasin, etc, were all a little too busy (that's Sarcastican for didn't show up)...good work effort.

Anyway - Wind Turbines - On Thursday 28/02/2013 Mr Peter Scardellis (?)* of REpower (developers of the proposed 199 Wind Turbine CERES project on Yorke Peninsula) went onto ABC Local Radio Late Afternoons with Annette Marner; and next day 1/03/2013 Mr David Pearce of the Country Fire Service (CFS) was on the same program, same topic-CERES; will they never learn?
((?)* spelling, sorry, looked on their website but could not find him)

Unfortunately I did not have the means to record these two interviews, but I would urge you to try the ABC Radio website, they're not up yet but maybe...

Ms Marner does this very clever thing where she asks her guests/interviewees very basic questions about fundamental issues, and the magic just happens. I am of course being bitterly facetious in completely understating the reality, namely, that Ms Marner has clearly done a lot of work and is therefore very well versed in the subject matter making her questions relevant and direct; and her guests, well, liars will always trip over themselves; even the good ones.

Mr Scardellis made the usual series of extraordinary claims about 'free' output of Wind Turbines, all the jobs, the CFS says everything's fine, etc, but took the debate to a whole new level (wait for it) by saying that 'wind can be harvested', and directly refering to it as "vertical farming" (bazinga 2); yes, Vertical Farming.

In response to questions about effects on cropping, Mr Scardellis claimed that if you took all of the towers, substations, access roads, and other associated infrastructure, that will cover "180 square kms" (his words)and put it all together, that it would only take up "a paddock", so there was virtually no impact as an overall 'footprint'.

He did not directly answer questions about aerial spraying and/or firefighting, instead either referring to other parts of the world (Ohio, I think) that are irrelevent to the debate about the Yorke Peninsula, a much smaller area, or deferring to the CFS.

Critically, on 01/03/2013 Mr Pearce stated that the CFS have no official strategy for combatting Turbine fires other than standing over 1km away for safety, and they (the CFS) do not have the equipment to fight Turbine fires because they are too tall, so they 'leave it to the Wind Farm operator'. (

Like numerous Turbine proponents around the world, Mr Scardellis also proffered the very recent South Australian Environmental Protection Agency 'report' on Infrasound as a denial of any noise related problems, eg, health impacts from loss of sleep due to constant 'sub-hearing level' sound.

This 'report' stemmed from only partial testing, for a very brief period, at only 2 sites, not across the appropriate noise levels, etc, and is already completely discredited, not least of all by professional Acoustician Mr Steven Cooper of The Acoustic Group in his Peer Review Comments 18th February 2013(Google it...i just realised that says Go ogle it) where he uses language like "incompetence" and "contaminated" to describe the 'report'.

The fact that Turbine proponents are immediately jumping on board with and citing the "contaminated" EPA 'report', makes one truth glaringly testing has been done previously.

This is typical of the Turbine issue where projects are just approved regardless, without appropriate scientific testing of environmental, economic and socio-economic, health, and other issues.

I've met Mr Steven Cooper, seen his presentation in Portland (June 2012)*, and read his Peer Review and some of his other work, but must admit I struggle to understand a lot of the more technical could say, I've read it until my head hertz (bazinga 3).

Sorry, so tired...I think that's enough..."I think I've just gone into the future".......(The Mighty Boosh, BBC TV).

Please compare Ms Marners style to that of the ABC Mount Gambier in the previous post.

Tomorrow: EWTP on ABCR 1st March 2013

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