Friday, March 22, 2013

TFTIM: MLC Anne Bressington

Such a long day...must many opinions...

Ms Bressington convened/attended the Anti-Flouridation Meeting held at St Martins Lutheran School in late 2010 ( sorry-I'll have to check date) and I spoke to her afterwards in her car in the carpark about the Statutory Authorities Review Committee and St Martins (previous posts).

We met again the next day (with another father) and discussed her position as a member of the SARC and the issues with Child Abuse at St Martins, and how it had been handled by authorities, and of course particularly the Teachers Registration Board, etc.

She heavily criticised former MLC Nick Xenophon (who helped establish the SARC Inquiry that she was a member of)  as being a "fifth columnist" who had deliberately led us into an Inquiry that would not achieve anything, and I defended Mr Xenophon as per my previous blog, that is, he didn't have to do anything and what he did do gave us an 'official credibility'.

In response to our concerns (indeed sharing our concerns) that the SARC would simply be another official failure, Ms Bressington promised us she would produce a "Dissenting Report", but I am unaware of any such report.

Instead, Ms Bressington has signed her name to the final report. Check it out for yourself on Hansard; SARC Report no.54.

Ms Bressington was not present when I gave evidence to the SARC but we had already discussed the realities of the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, and as far as I'm concerned, signing that Report no.54, makes her part of the Cover-up....I would be genuinely happy to be very wrong....

I literally don't know what else to say. Please read my previous posts to understand why I would be so angry and so sad that this is what people do...turn their backs....what's that thing about no evil in the world, only good people who see wrong doing and look away...something, something....

Tomorrow: Simon Crean - The One Man Fifth Column

Please, please, please tell me nobody's going for this latest farcical Clash of the Demigogues currently being rammed down our throats by Simon Crean, as anything more than orchestrated pantomime with solely one stuff up Kevin Rudd.

It is absolute rubbish that Crean is acting like an 'Elder Statesman for the good of the party', but even that shows the focus....the Party not the people.

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