Friday, March 8, 2013

The TRB 'Reasons for Decision' - re Glyn Dorling

Please refer to previous posts for other Teachers Registration Board and St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up' coverage.

Also, forgot to mention in yesterdays post my last formal meeting with local member MP Rory McEwen in March 2007 where Rory stated to me and another father, that notorious paedophile politician 'Terry' was actually MP Patrick Conlon, and when I wrote to Rory asking him to confirm what was said, he responded on April 10th 2007 with one sentence;
  "Could you please provide me with a copy of the recording of our meeting held on 22nd March 2007?"

Rory thought my letter was so accurate that it must have been prepared from a recording; you can hear the panic....oh my god, Nick recorded those things I said...wish that I had.

Now some choice quotes from the Teachers Registration Board - Reasons For Decision - November 2004, illustrating just how corrupt that hearing was in ignoring the reality and then exonerating Dorling.

The actual 'charge':
   "It is alleged that Mr Dorling requested that one or more female students came up to him (whilst he
    was seated on a chair in the classroom) and positioned themselves on the side of his body, knelt
    and placed their chins and/or heads on his legs in the vicinity of his lap."

Even the incredibly convoluted and minimised 'charge' uses language that tries to shift the blame onto the children; "...positioned themselves..." and "...knelt and placed their chins..."; it sets up Dorling's defence that the children were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't stop them, and also ignores the damning evidence about the physical abuse of boys in the class. 

The TRB/CSO flatly refused to look at Dorling's other behaviours like the bullying, harassment and denigration of the children; hugging and kissing them; holding their heads against his lap; refusing them toilet access leading to multiple incidents of pant wetting and/or soiling in the classroom, etc.

This refusal to allow toilet access contravenes UN Conventions on the Treatment of Prisoners of War; you're not allowed to do it to enemy combatants; and this prick was doing it to my all of the children.

A number of children were relatively compliant with the physical abuses and Glyn Dorling was doing everything he could to manipulate and psychologically attack and damage children who were more resistant; these children were relentlessly harassed, bullied and openly denigrated, sometimes even in front of and/or to their parents.

Glyn Dorling was deliberately acting to humiliate and psychologically damage the children with a specific agenda of making them compliant to the physical abuses he was committing against the other kids.

I do not feel it is appropriate to discuss the abuses in more detail, or parents testimony to the TRB/CSO, but I guarantee that these (above) are only a broad synopsis of a totality of behaviours that led Flinders Child Protection Services to describe Glyn Dorling to me as a "text-book grooming paedophile".

FCPS also stated that first diclosures by children were inevitably only "the tip of the iceberg."

The TRB RFD Nov 2004 (page 8) records FCPS stating in the hearing that;
   "(FCPS) confirmed the overall finding of the Child Protection Service that "while the CPS
   could not substantiate the children had experienced sexual abuse, concerns persisted that
   they had been in fact coerced into an activity that involved inappropriate boundaries of
   at least a potentially sexual nature."       
   "...that some "game" or "activity" occurred in Mr Dorling's class."
    "...that the children "didn't initiate the game, didn't appear to like the game or want to be
   involved in the game and that it did not respect...the personal boundaries and was not their needs."
   "any teacher who allows or encourages his children to have such intimate or familiar contact
    with them, questions have to be asked about that behaviour..."
   "..."the game" was not an activity she (FCPS) would "condone in a general child protection
   sense.".....and adhered to her (FCPS) view that Mr Dorling had "required" one or more female
   child to put their heads on his lap."
                                        ("is the TRB statement" and "is the TRB directly quoting FCPS testimony")

The TRB then repeatedly state that FCPS "conceded" various points "Under cross-examination" from Glyn Dorlings' lawyer Stephen Lietschke (Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner); the TRB are trying to address and dismiss the reality as described above by FCPS.

The TRB also quotes FCPS as constantly referring to "difficulties" for the children in their family relationships, but what this has to do with the abuses committed by Glyn Dorling, I cannot say, other than it appears to be quite deliberately derogatory of parents, and in that context, very much par for the course.

Because this is getting too long, I'll post what the TRB had to say about me, and of course Glyn Dorling's own testimony, and the actual 'Reasons for Decision', in part II tomorrow; but here's a teaser;
   "In particular the Board does not rely on the evidence of Mr Fletcher (me)....They are less than reliable
    indicators of honest recollection...Whilst the other parents who gave evidence in good faith acted
    honestly in the best interest of their children...His evidence is accorded no weight at all in the matter."

And I'm such a clever liar I managed to name the 3 children who Dorling himself specifically identified when he later gave evidence; just a clever, lucky liar's guess, I guess.

Why would the TRB/CSO be so desperately keen to discredit the only eye-witness (me) willing to come forward, particularly after all the eye-witness school staff were threatened by the Lutherans and refused any involvement via 'confidentiality agreements'?

In a word (and what a great word)...bastards...sad, sick, corrupt bastards....ahhh, feels good to get that out....sad, sick corrupt bastards who have helped the Lutherans and Rann Labor state government cover-up the abuse of my child and dozens of others.

Tomorrow: The TRB RFD re Glyn Dorling Part II

And a quick word for those still denigrating me around town over this issue...I'm in the book...give me a call, and we''ll catch up for a coffee and I'll do to you what Dorling was doing to our children...and we'll see how much you like it...I promise to not be, just call me...anytime...

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