Tuesday, March 26, 2013

TFTIM: Lawyer Bill DeGaris

Bill DeGaris was the local lawyer who represented myself and other parents during the early stages of attempted Court action (2004-05) to resolve the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

When I and another parent spoke to 'the Court' via a phone conference (late 2005) in DeGaris Chambers (then on Wehl St Sth), the Master of the Court (Mr Rice) was unable to even state what sort of case it was, eg, a class action? a series of individual claims?...how does a case get into Court without that first being established? 

Only weeks later other parents were deliberately manipulated and tricked into dropping the case, but
because there are others involved I will not discuss that Court action further.

The first time I actually met Bill Degaris was a few months before that (approx July 2005) when Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan met with myself, several other parents, Bill, and his associate Nicola Atchinson at DeGaris Chambers.

It was Ms Atchinson whom described the Lutherans Sexual Abuse Policy as "bizarre" and 'contradicting Mandatory Notification laws'.

Bill Degaris was giddy as a school girl, just so excited to have Comm Mullighan there, but we just wanted him to get our problems sorted.

I attended another meeting with Comm Mullighan at DeGaris Chambers a few months later, and I believe there was a third that I didn't attend.

I speak only for myself, but I believe that Bill DeGaris is just another person who has promised to help resolve the St Martins issue and then betrayed us...just another fundamentally weak and corrupt person.

I do not believe the issues of malfeasance re the SERDE Penola Rd Building Sale are specifically related to the St Martins betrayal, but who cares, both show clear behaviour that Bill DeGaris needs to be held to account for.

Un-related acts of malfeasance and grubby selfishness at the expense of others are still acts of malfeasance and grubby selfishness.

Tomorrow: Why We Must Triple Use Water

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