Saturday, March 9, 2013

The TRB RFD: re Glyn Dorling - Part II

Please see previous posts about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-Up (and teacher Glyn Dorling) ; the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitors Office hearing (March 2003-November 2004); which of course led to the South Australian parliament's Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the TRB (October 2008-July 2011).

The TRB/CSO hearing and the SARC Inquiry were conceived, conducted, and concluded with one aim in mind; to officially deny and cover-up the abuse itself, and therefore cover-up the gross, deliberate failures of SAPol, the Education Dept, etc; I believe I may have mentioned....sad, sick, corrupt bastards.

To achieve this desired outcome, the TRB/CSO chose one innocuous and ridiculously convoluted 'charge', flatly refused to call SAPol (police) or multiple eye-witnesses to the hearing (including school staff whom they knew the Lutherans were stopping from attending), and then openly attacked the only eye-witness who did come

And again I quote (say it like an American Evangelist);
   "In particular the Board does not rely on the evidence of Mr Fletcher.....They are less than reliable
     indicators of honest recollection....His evidence is accorded no weight at all.....Whilst the other
     parents who gave evidence in good faith acted honestly in the best interest of their children......"

My evidence was that 2 weeks before Dorling's removal in June 2002, I had walked into the classroom (the door was closed) to get my child for piano lesson, and had seen Glyn Dorling seated at the front of the room with his left arm around a student, and pushing away 2 students with a sweeping motion of his right hand; I didn't see a 'head on a lap' specifically, but that's what was happening; I could identify 2 girls but the third had her back to me.

It was about 3 days after the June 2002 'removal' that I 'unconciously' recalled the incident above, literally becoming nauseous and crying with a sense of forboding, like something bearing down on me, and then Bang like a firework; and this was used against me in the TRB/CSO hearing- why didn't I see it as "sinister" at the time? It is a question that I ask myself every day because that image is with me haunts me you might say...I saw it (the abuse) and didn't realise and it went on for another 2 weeks. 

How I Try To Justify That Failure To Myself; - having sometimes been hugged by a kid after reader or some other activity, spontaneous acts of affection did not strike me as unusual, and therefore it wasn't until I found out that this was part of an extensive teacher orchestrated pattern of abuses and lengthy physical contacts, and not a brief spontaneous moment from the kids, that the context weaved its way into my subconcious and found my failure waiting to be remembered; - And Fail Miserably At That As Well.   

During the hearing Glyn Dorling's lawyer Stephen Lietschke (Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) demanded that the TRB/CSO subpoena the complete, un-edited Flinders Child Protection Service reports (that we parents have been repeatedly refused under "doctor/patient confidentiality") and hand them over; and the TRB did exactly that.....sad, sick, corrupt bastards.

Stephen Lietschke literally ran the TRB/CSO hearing, telling the TRB and CSO representatives what to do in the hearing, and was seen by parents repeatedly, openly chastising them (TRB/CSO) for not sticking to "the deal" or "the arrangement".   (15/03/13-sorry, should be 'agreement' not 'arrangement' - NF)

When it came my turn he said to me have I seen your face before...oh, sorry, went all ZZ Top there for a moment...(Goin' Down To Mexico-ZZ Top's First Album 1972-do yourself a favour)....when he questioned me from the FCPS reports I refused to answer, stating directly to the TRB/CSO that it was not appropriate for us parents to be questioned about documents we had not even seen, and I was told to "just answer the questions".

While I'm being questioned about documents that I as a parent have been refused and therefore never seen, including my own child's statements, Glyn Dorling is sitting there 10 feet away reading these reports over Lietschke's shoulder, with an inane, sickly grin on his face.

This gross distortion of appropriate process was just one of multiple incidents, eg, Lietschke demanded that one parent hand over their personal documents mid-testimony, despite their protests the parent was forced by the TRB/CSO to do so, and Lietschke took those documents out of the room and went through them; he tried to do the same to me but I refused and the TRB/CSO didn't have the balls to take me on; sad, sick, piss-weak, corrupt bastards.

Stephen Lietschke is entirely symptomatic of Adelaide; a corrupt, self important, B-grade hack lawyer who is mighty fierce when it comes to harassing, bullying and intimidating deeply traumatised women whose children have been abused and/or those children themselves, but hasn't got the motza when it comes to an angry man....gutless, back-sliding prick...loathsome spotted reptile...puffed-up squidge of blow-fish shit...etc, etc....

Stephen Lietschke was shortly after promoted to 'Magistrate' in that great bastion of corruption, that perpetual rort, WorkCover, where all the corrupt mates of government go to live out their pointless lives on the public dollar whilst screwing over the real workers....I did warn you that I'm an angry man, and many a true word spoken in anger; check my post on Pariahtisation and Fascocracy for more on WorkCover and it too shall have its own post soon....I believe Vlad the Impaler was fond of a post...but I digress....

I was also extremely ill when I gave evidence (July 2004), check my post re Cancer. I was diagnosed with a 16cm x 12cm tumour in my chest only 7 days later, but the TRB/CSO refused to allow me to re-present my evidence.

Anyway, super clever, almost Machiavellian liar that I am, I was able somehow to specifically identify 2 children whom Dorling later named in his testimony as 2 of the 3 children who were causing him the most problems by 'forcing themselves on him'; yes, that was his actual defence - 'Yes those contacts did happen, but the kids were forcing themselves on me and I couldn't stop them' (paraphrase) - I'll put the full quotes from the TRB RFD in post after next.

The TRB and CSO were wholly committed to exonerating Glyn Dorling and their entire hearing was structured to attack us parents and protect him; it's almost enough to make ya' believe in God, and therefore Heaven, and therefore Hell so that these sad...come on you know the lyrics, sing along...sick, corrupt bastards may have somewhere to rot.

In case I'm being a little obtuse for some, what I'm saying is that the TRB, all its' constituent members, the CSO and its' crew, and particularly Stephen Lietschke and Glyn Dorling, can all Rot In Hell....see you all here...I mean there...ah, ha ha ha.....(all attempts at humour remain the sub-intellectual property of Suemeyou Bastards Inc, trading as Large Angry Hippy)

Tomorrow: Some Clown from Catalyst Mouthing Off About Flouridation

I'm not sorry for being so vindictive because when this person was on ABC Radio Afternoons, Thursday 7th March 2013, he stated outright that he didn't want to denigrate opponents of flouride, and then went on to completly mock and be-little them using false science, all whilst ignoring the glaring realities, eg, he ignored that 99% of flouridated water ends up straight in the environment via taps, toilets, gardens, etc, not in humans where, by the way champsky, actually YES it does have negative physical effects - you idiot.

Next time you decide to mouth off in the public realm, know what you're talking about and don't just churn out the un-substantiated propaganda of those who profit from selling this poisonous crap and dumping it in our water supply - yooo eeediotte (say it like Rehn Hoek of Ren and Stimpy fame) feels good to get that really does...cheers.

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