Sunday, March 17, 2013

NF McDonnell and Son: The Judas Goat of South East Forestry

I am not an 'Anti-Corruption Campaigner' or a 'Democracy Campaigner', not even close, but with literally every issue I look at, it is the corrupt actions of the elected and/or public officials involved that explain the results/fall-out/failures.

The reality of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia casts not a long shadow but a shroud, a cloak of immunity that leads down one road; it's a self-perpetuating invitation to be corrupt.

For example, when you start doing dodgy land re-zoning deals with each other as District Council Grant and Mount Gambier City Councils have with the Rail Lands-Penola Rd-Bunnings fiasco (I have covered this extensively in other posts), that leads directly to those same people covering-up the abuse of our children at St Martins Lutheran School; to quote Prime Minister Julia Gillard;
          "...those who avert their eyes....or commit acts of ommision..."

Nobody will move on an issue of such magnitude because (a) the pressure from above for 'non-action' is absolute, and (b) they've all got their own dodgy deals that they don't want exposed, or their own careers to worry about, etc, and in that environment corruption thrives and wantonly corrupt people will be emboldened to greater criminality sure in the knowledge that even if caught, the corrupt system will act to protect itself. 

The Forestry Sale is defined by the deceit, corruption, and financial incompetence of an arrogant, talentless Labor party, and a complicit Liberal opposition who just sit there, and anybody involved with the Forestry Round Table (I gotta say it - Round Table? - do we live in Shrekin' Camelot or something.... seriously) is complicit in the corruption of the Forestry Sale.

The Roundtable is/was the cornerstone of official deceit; a pointless, powerless Red Herring put in place to stifle and de-rail activism like the vaguely inconvenient Anti-Sale protests on North Tce.....come on people....know your place....and it ain't on North Tce participating in the Democratic Process in a co-ordinated and respectful manner.....Labor's obsession with North Tce is just for you to finance with the sale of your jobs, the removal of your public services, your chronically inadequate medical facilities, etc, etc, etc, not sully with your presence....bloody peasants.

In that context, I don't care whether they know it or not, NF McDonnell and Sons mill is being used by the soulless, corrupt Labor government to try and hide the realities of the illegal sale of the South-East Forestry Estate, and try to make the suffering of local companies, employees, etc, and the inevitable failure of those companies, their own fault, their own failing.

It is an obvious act of base political deception; a clumsy and clearly failed attempt at psychological manipulation by a Labor party who's idea of governance reflects a socio-pathic selfishness that has completely reversed the Democratic Principal; it is for the elected official to serve the public, not the other way around.

The Game is - look at this company...they're doing just fine, in fact better than fine, they're expanding...and look how happy they are on the front page of The Border Watch (article by Sandra Morello, and therefore by definition, corrupt) etc, etc. If your company fails it's because you are inadequate, you are a failure, because look....NF McDonnell and Son are doing just fine.

It's a massive con. The 'expansion' is not "..welcome news for the region's timber sector, the economy and jobs growth." (TBW), it's welcome news for NF McDonnell and Sons that's being used to demonise and denigrate those who do not have the favour of government.

Have NF McDonnell received preferential treatment from Labor? They are certainly very popular with MP Jack Snelling. Have they secured long term log supply contracts far exceeding those offered to other mills and/or any other concessions/advantages?

What I'm looking at is the same group of mates and/or associates getting together, yet again, to praise each other up, and tidy profits all round.....but if you're outside that clique, you're stuffed.

I refer to the Forestry Sale as 'illegal' because the Rann Labor government are not a legitimate government, they committed a definable fraud at the March 2010 state election (see Pariahtisation and Fascocracy post), and they have privatised Forestry, Health (see posts), and literally everything else; there is literally nothing left to sell, and their capacity for lying seems inexhaustable, eg, two Ministers (Portolesi-Child Abuse and Gago-Glencoe Nursery Sale) have been caught out lying on the floor of parliament...and the consequences....nought.

No integrity; no conscience; no accountability.

I tried to listen to Mr Weatherill's recent speech about South Australia's position re manufacturing and development, etc, but after several minutes of pointless 'blue-sky, motherhood, feel good' statements that completely lack detail and ignore the realities of what Labor has done to SA, the bile was literally rising in my throat, so I had a quick swear and changed the radio station.

Adelaide is, pardon me, rooted; and it's dragging the rest of the state down with's time to get out... and so;

Tomorrow: Secede to Succeed

That is, separate from South Australia as an Independent Southern Territory as per the NT or ACT - the Australian Constitution is so vague and ultimately pointless that the will and the desire of the 'citizenry' will decide the outcome....the Law is about controlling you while you are sold to Labor's mates,  international companies, or just straight to other's an outrage.

Adelaide has abandoned South East South Australia, and it's time we returned the favour.

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