Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The TRB RFD re Glyn Dorling - Findings

Please refer to previous posts re the March 2003- November 2004 Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitors Office Inquiry into The Matter of Glyn Lawrence Dorling, who was 'removed' from St Martins Lutheran School, Mount Gambier, on the June long weekend, 2002, amid allegations of 'inappropriate behaviour' towards his 7 year old students, and disclosures by several of the kids.

The TRB/CSO Inquiry only happened because of our complaints in March 2003, and then they set out to exonerate him regardless, choosing the most convoluted and minor charge they could manipulate whilst completely ignoring the vast majority of his other behaviours and of what we placed before them, eg, names of school staff eye-witnesses, dossier of previous complaints against Dorling, etc, ... I affectionately call them sad, sick, corrupt bastards.....imagine what I call them when I'm feeling not quite so generous.

Having acknowledged the very contacts that he was 'charged' with, Dorling then blamed the children for 'forcing themselves on him-they were out of control', and closed out his testimony with the observations that
          "....."If I hadn't have been reported that matter would have been addressed with the
           Principal and the parents....."  Mr Dorling described the activities involving the girls as
           being "in my (his) physical space."         (TRB RFD)


"2.   In considering whether the charge is made out, the Board acts on the basis that we need to be
       satisfied on the balance of probabilities having regard to the serious nature of the charge and the
       gravity of its consequences as well as to the public interest in having persons as teachers who
       engage in high standards of conduct.  (Briginshaw V Briginshaw (1938) 60CLR 336-362)

 3.  There is one count of improper or disgraceful conduct alleged against Mr Dorling and the
      Board finds that we are not persuaded that Mr Dorling either explicitly or implicitly "requested"
      one or more female students in his Year 2 class in 2002 to engage in the activity outlined in
      paragraph (1) (c) of the Notice of Inquiry. Nor are we persuaded the events which did occur
      on Mr Dorling's own admission had any sinister connotations.

       We reached these conclusions for a number of reasons. Basically the board prefers the
       first-hand evidence of Mr Dorling and the supporting evidence of Ms Savage................"

Having deliberately ignored a vast amount of material, the TRB/CSO "prefers" the evidence of the paedophile Lutheran teacher and of his close personal Lutheran friend, as opposed to the direct evidence from parents of their children's disclosures, my eye-witness testimony, and the professional opinion of the FCPS -bastards - then goes into a long, point by point exoneration of Glyn Dorling, including;

 "3.  (cont) He then provided an explanation which the Board felt was sincere for why he was
       less vigilant at this point in time and less able to control what was happening in the classroom
       in terms of maintaining proper boundaries."

Less able to control... maintaining proper boundaries. Blame the children and completely minimise the gross abuses.

The TRB/CSO are fully supportive of Glyn Dorlings defence of blaming the children for the abuses he committed against them....sad, sick, corrupt bastards.

 "3.   (cont) Ms Savage, both professional colleague and family friend of Mr Dorling, provided
        supporting evidence. She informed the Board that she had experienced similar issues in her
        year one class with the same children the year before."

Blame the children, blame the children, blame the children.....hatred is just a word...and the Lord shall have to findeth a new hobby because vengeance is mine sayeth Nick Fletcher... hmm...a vengeful pacifist...

 "3.   (cont) This is not to say the expert opinions of (Flinders Child Protection Service) were far
        off the mark. They were quite correct in identifying an activity of concern in Mr Dorling's
        classroom involving certain children. They were equally correct in not identifying whatever
        was happening as an action involving sexual or other abuse of the children.....They placed
        much reliance on secondary material.....the Board says that it is not safe to give much weight
        in the matter to such material to find the allegation proven."

As in previous posts, the FCPS only did partial interviews of a few children, but even then clearly stated to the TRB/CSO that the contacts (however you define that) were initiated by Glyn Dorling.

 "3.   (cont) In particular the Board does not rely on the evidence of Mr Fletcher. His recall of
         an event he witnessed in the classroom earlier in term two as "sinister" when he did not
         recognise it as being of any concern at the time, his vagueness about when he recalled this
         event and to whom he conveyed it before May 2003 are all matters of concern to the Board.
        They are less than reliable indicators of honest recollection. In addition, Mr Fletcher's history
        of conflict with the school authorities and others also undermine the Board's view of his
        evidence and it's reliability. In both his evidence in chief and his cross-examination, there were
        indicators of a fixed view about Mr Dorling's guilt of misconduct. His evidence is accorded no
        weight at all in the matter.

        Whilst the other parents who gave evidence in good faith acted honestly in the best interest of
        their children, their evidence was in the main, hearsay evidence........" 

From blaming the children to blaming and attacking parents...bastards. A child's direct disclosure to their parent is not "hearsay".

The TRB/CSO are desperately trying to discredit me because I was the only eye-witness (of many) who actually came forward to give evidence; I'm such a good liar I was able to name specific children before Dorling named those same children in his testimony....clever.... 

The "conflict with the school authorities" is a biased, corrupt reference to the public and private abuse and denigration that the Lutherans were heaping on myself and other parents as they covered up the abuse of our children....bastards all round.....

Starting in kindy (1999) I had done literally a thousand hours or more as a volunteer at St Martins, doing reader, tuck shop, etc, and broke my back for them on many occasions at working bees, eg, I hand-mixed and wheelbarrowed 95% of the cement in their Carpark Mural (2001) for approx 120 hours on that project alone....they gave me a 'thankyou' bible.....must have thought I needed one.....

I had no conflict with the Lutherans until they put my child in a classroom with a man they knew would abuse every child in that class, then attacked me and other parents to cover-up the abuse.

I will conclude here so that the final TRB/CSO 'rationalising' might have its own post, so two posts...

Tomorrow: My homage to the Festival Season in Adelaide...
               Post 1 - Liarpoloosa - Jack Snelling and the Royal Adelaide Hospital
               Post 2-  Liarpoloosa II - The TRB/CSO RFD Findings

now there's got to be some sort of bazinga in that little lot....surely... 

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