Thursday, March 21, 2013

TFTIM: Former MLC Nick Xenophon

In previous posts about the Child Abuse Cover-Up at St Martins Lutheran School, Mount Gambier, I have regularly mentioned Senator Nick Xenophon (Federal Upper House) and his role in establishing the Statutury Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board October 2008-July 2011 as then Member of the Legislative Council (Upper House of parliament in South Australia).

Mr Xenophon travelled to Mount Gambier in Sept 2006 specifically to meet myself and four other parents at one families home.

We spent well over two hours (nearly 3?) decribing what our children had been through and the failures of the 'Child Protection System', the outrageous response from the Lutherans in attacking us parents, etc.

Mr Xenophon repeatedly expressed his concern and sympathy, asking over and over 'why didn't police do this?'; 'why didn't the police do that?'; 'why didn't your lawyer tell you this?; 'why didn't so and so do such and such?'.....for over 2 hours.

Literally every response from parents brought a furrowed brow, a shaking of the head, and a furious scribbling of notes. He was, I believe, genuinely shocked at the length and breadth of the Cover-Up.

Parts of his statement made in the parliament in September 2007 calling for the SARC Inquiry was reported in The Border Watch October 2nd 2008;
          "I believe that their concerns about process are legitimate, their concerns about the way
           the matter was dealt with are legitimate, and they ought to be the subject of an Inquiry."

On ABC Local Radio Mr Xenophon stated;
          " a parent, I'm glad it hasn't happened to me."

Please refer to the many previous posts on this issue (and indeed the many to come, eg, I haven't finished with the Crown Solicitors Office, barely started on the Lutherans themselves, and have merely scratched the surface with SAPol, etc) to understand what it is that Mr Xenophon is referring to specifically when he states that, "...their concerns...are legitimate...".

Numerous people, eg, MLC Anne Bressington, have alleged that Mr Xenophon is a 'fifth columnist' who deliberately helped Rann Labor lead us into an Inquiry that had no power to resolve anything, in effect a protracted dead end....interesting observation from Ms Bressington a member of the SARC, whom sat on the TRB Inquiry.

I believe that Mr Xenophon got us the insipid Inquiry he knew he could get established, as opposed to trying for a more powerful Inquiry that neither major party would allow....must keep those skeletons in those closets.

I believe that he gave us the credibility of an official parliamentary Inquiry in a context where he didn't have to do a single thing.

And Ms Bressington; still waiting for that Dissenting Report (to the SARC Report no 54) you promised me to my face....oh, and of course there was another father there so that's technically a witness to a verbal contract blah, blah, blah... now that deserves it's own post;

Tomorrow Arvo: TFTIM - MLC Anne Bressington
whom I met at the Anti Flouride meeting held at St Martins in 2010, which works very nicely because,

Tomorrow: Dental As Anything - Tanya Plibersek Stole My Teeff

I must remember to write to Ms Plibersek to thank her for;
(1)    cancelling (December 2012) the excellent Enhanced Dental Care Scheme that has saved
        many of my teeth well into the future, and then;
(2)   writing to me to explain what a huge favour she'd done me by destroying my dental care,
        followed by ludicrous, un-funded promises of some super new service to be introduced in 2014.

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