Friday, March 1, 2013

Extreme Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC Radio August 2012

Apologies to those looking forward as much as I was to me putting the metaphoric boot into MLC Rob Lucas in todays post, but yesterday (28/02/2013) on ABC Local Radio Late Afternoons with Annette Marner, the Wind Turbine Propaganda machine reared its ugly head yet again.

Also, I apologise because I previously promised a blog about a specific 'incident' of gross bias in favor of this Turbine proaganda on ABC Radio Mount Gambier on Friday August 3rd 2012; there is a stark contrast in how the ABC conducts itself across different programs; you decide which 'style' you prefer.

As I have stated before, the ABC Mount Gambier is completely compromised by personal allegiance and local nepotism and, there's no polite way to say it, corruption and bias, and hence my post to come, The First Time I Met Stuart Stansfield (ABC Producer)...Robby boy will have to wait.

Stuart Stansfield, on his Mt Gambier ABC Breakfast Program 03/08/2012, ran a long interview with the 'Renewables' industry lobby group, the Clean Energy Council that sounded like a pro-turbine info-mercial. (It is not an exaggeration to say that ABC Mt Gambier often sounds like one long pro-government and big business 'info-mercial' or 'press release', where people like myself who try to address the multiple deceits get brief messages read out, or put to air to be criticised by the announcer.)

Later that morning (03/08/2012) the ABCs' Stan Thompson interviewed federal MP Nick Xenophon and openly attacked him with allegations of "scaring Councils" with his comments about Wind Turbines and Council's possible vulnerability to 'legal action for approving Turbines'.

I rang the ABC to correct several of the 'propaganda' style statements that Stan Thompson had made, and
defend Mr Xenophon in that context, but, despite knowing who I am and my extensive involvement with
the Turbine issue, producer Penny Moorhouse refused me any air-time with the excuse that "we've moved on"; despite my polite insistence, explaining several of Stan Thompson's 'mistakes', I could not get to air and I didn't hear any of my comments read out.

I was therefore stunned to hear only 30 minutes later, two anonymous callers put to air to completely ridicule opposition to Wind Turbines with spurious comments flatly denying health issues and dismissing noise issues as a recent 'invention'; 'only weeks ago it was about visual amenity and now it's noise'.

One caller made a specific allegation that all Turbine opposition is "funded by the coal and nuclear lobby" aligned with criticism of Nick Xenophon, affected non-host landholders, and anyone else who opposed Turbines in a deliberate attempt to lump us all together as disingenuous troblemakers with alternative motives.

Neither caller was even asked their name, if they had any association with Turbines, eg, as a host, or any other conflict of interest; they were simply put to air anonymously to hold forth against Turbine opponents, and Stan Thompson just sat there and let them go for it; he did not offer one word of criticism or opposition.

It was grossly biased and completely in-appropriate.

I used to have a lot of respect for Stan Thompson because he was one of the few people who I believe genuinely tried to help us parents address the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse issue* but he has clearly given up or sold out; I'll leave that for Stan to decide for himself .

However, when he again refused to put me to air (November 2012) re the Royal Commission into Child Abuse*, and by way of justification he also had a go at me about St Martins and said "where are these other parents", parents Stan has met and interviewed, well Stan, you crossed the line; but I digress.

At that point (03/08/2012), the ABC had run a Pro-Turbine Industry Info-mercial from the CEC; a Stan Thompson attack on Nick Xenophon re Turbines; refused me any airtime to address the repeated multiple mistakes the ABC were making in their statements when simply parrotting the propaganda being provided them; and then anonymously put to air two pro-Turbine callers and allowed them to lie and denigrate without restriction.

Absolute and unrelenting and undeniable Pro-Wind Turbine bias from the ABC Mt Gambier that is completely un-acceptable.   

Even when well respected South East activist Jackie Rovensky ('author' of the most excellent Turbine Moratorium Petition currently circulating) and another 'Turbine opponent' (for lack of a better term) contacted the ABC to address these anonymous comments, they were flatly refused airtime and instead had very brief comments read out by Stan.

The ABC Mt Gambier knew exactly who these 2 callers were, and that they are not purely and wholly opposed to Turbines like I am, but much more moderate 'activists' who are more than open to the potential for Turbines, but in a properly structured way that sees appropriate development in appropriate areas.

Me, I just think the whole Wind Turbine thing is a massive rort set up to manipulate the 'bleeding heart inner-city green' vote with outrageous lies and relentless propaganda; Wind Turbines are fundamentally un-economic the moment that the massive tax-payer funded 'Renewable Subsidies' are removed, and the legislation in South Australia is Fascism.*

By 9.30am on 03/08/2012 the ABC Radio Mt Gambier had run nearly 15 minutes of highly erroneous and biased Pro Turbine material, including attacking Nick Xenophon, and less than 30 seconds of an opposing position that was in effect not even 'opposition' so much as attempts to address the lies and accusations just put to air.

Absolutely, totally, fundamentally unacceptable.

Only weeks prior (July 2012) the exact same process of  Pro-Turbine Propaganda meant that erroneous statements by Grant District Mayor Richard Sage* about the highly questionable multiple re-approvals of 3 Turbines at Green Point, made in several ABC interviews , went completely un-challenged despite many calls from myself and others to the ABC. *(and another post to come)

The ABC Mt Gambier is meant to be an objective observer, commentator, and/or reporter that provides balanced, well researched and reliable information, not the clearly definable Pro-Turbine bias that currently
dominates the 'debate'.

Tomorrow: Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC Radio 28th February 2013

Robby and Stewy and Stanny will just have to wait their turn...but don't panic fellas...I'll get to ya...I promise...oh,yeah, and you Rory*.

PS. I greatly appreciate the feed-back (and indeed agree) that some of my posts seem a little 'conspiracy theory' and 'everybody's corrupt', etc, but I stand by what I say, and after more than a decade of the Rann Labor government, the Lutherans, MP Rory McEwen, SAPol, etc, all acting coherently to deny the abuse at St Martins* and protect the teacher, what else would you have me believe? That it's all an unfortunate accident?

I believe that in amongst my anger and retaliation are the facts that confirm the broader tenant of my blog, cheers.

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