Thursday, March 14, 2013

Liarpoloosa II - The TRB Reasons For Decision - Final

As per previous posts, the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitors Office Inquiry into teacher Glyn Dorling (March 2003-Nov 2004) knowingly and therefore deliberately ignored a number of key eye-witnesses, a thick dossier of complaints, and many of the abuses that he was perpetrating against the grade 2 students in his class.

The TRB/CSO ignored everything they could, even when Flinders Child Protection Services stated that their June-August 2002 'investigation' satisfied them that Dorling was instigating the contacts as per the extremely convoluted single charge of the Inquiry - that he was getting the kids to put their heads on his lap.

Dorling openly admitted the actual contacts he was charged with but blamed the children for forcing themselves on him, and the TRB/CSO did not just accept this extraordinary defence, but go to great lengths to undermine and discredit FCPU evidence, and outright call me a liar...well, liar or delusional....

Our written complaints and submissions about the gaps in TRB legislation can be easily identified in the legislative changes of 2005, but Dorling's 'it wasn't my fault' defence is now literally enshrined in law as a General Defence to any charge laid by the TRB. Just look it up on the interweb under TRB legislation General Defence. This is the sort of legislated loophole that clearly illustrates a lack of genuine intent to hold teachers to account.

And so to the final lines of the TRB Reasons for Decision, November 16th, 2004.

After a paragraph of denigrating me, as per post 12/03/2013, "In particular the Board does not rely on the evidence of Mr Fletcher", etc, the TRB/CSO close out their twisted and covoluted exoneration of Glyn Dorling thus;

          "Whilst the other parents who gave evidence in good faith acted honestly in the best interest
           of their children, their evidence was in the main, hearsay evidence. In particular, the forensic
           interviews of - childrens names - did not support in a precise enough way for the Board's
           purposes proof in relation to the misconduct alleged. There were also issues about how the
          children were questioned and the way this may have influenced their responses. However at
          the end of the day the Board has no doubt these parents were quite right to be concerned at
          what they were hearing, even if, finally these concerns were much less serious than they
          believed. It is obvious from all the extraneous evidence introduced in this matter that events
          at St Martins School quickly got out of control and should have been managed quite differently
          and better within the school context and at a system's level.

          FCPS - probaly said it best when - she - said "given the scenarios we believe had occurred,
          a teacher in that predicament would need some professional intervention to look at more than
          just the classroom management but appropriate boundary setting and relationships with children."
          Transcript page 389.4 - It may be that Mr Dorling acted imprudently in putting himself in a
          position where allegations of this nature could occur. He said in his evidence in chief that if
          matters had not come to a head in the way that they did, he would have sought assistance for
          the difficulties he was experiencing in the classroom, but he was also able to explain why he did
          not do so. With hindsight he must regret and the Board regrets, that he did not take action sooner.
          Mr Dorling was an experienced teacher and perhaps should have been more alert to the
          possibilities then he in fact, seemed to be. He would perhaps be advised to seek professional
          assistance with issues of this nature to avoid placing himself in this situation again. However, the
          Board is not prepared to accept that his denials and his explanations are untrue.

          In all the circumstances the Board is not convinced on the balance of probabilities that Mr
          Dorling is guilty of disgraceful or improper conduct as alleged.

           The allegation in the Notice of Inquiry is dismissed. "

                  signed by
            Carmel A Kerin
            Teachers Registration Board of SA

The TRB/CSO were very "particular" about what they would not give weight to, and relentlessly forgiving when trying to support Dorling's explanation of his abusing our children.

And all the time blaming the children who are out of control, the poor stupid parents for over-reacting, FCPU for not doing their interviews correctly, etc; everybody is at fault except Glyn Dorling.

Why does a teacher who has already spent several years in a classroom, need "professional assistance" to help him understand "appropriate boundary setting and relationships with children"? 

In future posts I will address further issues re St Martins, eg, the Crown Solicitors role in the Cover-up of the Abuse of our children, eg, their repeated written threats to jail me, etc; the Lutheran attack on parents via the school newsletter, etc.

Tomorrow: Water Wars Near and Far

I smell the rain...and with it pain...and it's headed my way....But I know what I have to do...just Ramble On.
- Led Zeppelin

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