Thursday, March 14, 2013

Liarpoloosa: Jack Snelling and the Royal Adelaide Hospital

Following some feedback (thankyou) I apologise un-reservedly if I have offended with my language and/or attempts at humour and I will endeavour to be more 'professional' and remove any swearing, but please don't confuse my seething rage for 'sarcasm'.

In my own defence, try immersing yourself in just a few moments of the Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption of South Australia that has covered up the abuse of your child, then amplify that by 10 years, then trawl through it all yet again trying to present it in a much truncated but still coherent and thorough form.

Then try and live your life in a community that has just sat there and watched it all happen, not least of all whilst your local politician Rory McEwen openly, repeatedly attack you through the local media to help the Lutheran Church cover-up the abuse.

I put it to you that some mild swearing and a bit of sarcasm show how strong and responsible I am capable of being, not the opposite.

And the relentless stream of lies that spew from last weeks Treasurer, this weeks Health Minister, Jack Snelling, help neither my temper, language, nor desire to engage in scything sarcasm about the 'deck-chair shuffling' of Labor ministers that is motivated by a desire/necessity to establish the 'plausible denial' defence behind which this incompetent, corrupt Labor government constantly hides.

You know how it goes...'I wasn't the Minster when that happened', and/or 'I've only just become the Minister so I'll look into it now and get back to you', etc.

Having willingly partcipated in the Labor party's gross deceit and betrayal of South-East communities with the Forestry Sale, Jack Snelling is now lying about the RAH issue, saying that the Labor party has just realised that they have no plan for 'de-commissioning' the current site and have therefore not budgeted for it, that is, no way of paying for a plan that doesn't exist.

That is an outright lie, Mr Snelling, and you know it!

When the 'New Royal Adelaide Hospital' was first announced, I stated (through the media) that this was an excuse to give developers and/or other Labor party supporters access to the prime Real Estate of the current RAH site, overlooking the Botanic Gardens with panoramic views across to the foothills, right on the corner of North Tce.

Labor is moving the RAH so that they can develop luxury apartments at the current site, no doubt for themselves and their mates; simply apply the 'Obied Corruption' template (as witnessed in NSW) of absolute corruption at the heart of government and the irrefutable truth becomes self-evident.

It's a massive win/win for Labor and it's 'developer supporters', a massive project at one end of North Tce and luxury apartments for Labor and their mates at the other.

The primary motivation for the new RAH is to give developers the current site. 

As a chemotherapy/radiotherapy patient (August 2004-April 2005) at the RAH, I frequently attended the 7th floor chemo suite in the East Wing and marvelled at the extraordinary views and sense of being right in the tree tops that literally reach across the fence to you from the Botanic Gardens; it is a stunning view.

Like many patients, I regularly went into the Botanic Gardens after chemo or radiotherapy to luxuriate in the tranquility, beauty and majesty of the natural world; I believe that I hugged a tree on more than one occasion....(damn hippy, they cried)....because it works.     

The Labor party is moving patients away from that beautiful setting, into the middle of a Rail Yard, right next to the grossly polluted River Torrens, literally right on/under the flight path of the Adelaide Airport (Google Earth search Adelaide, and check it out...right on it....) so that they can give themselves luxury apartments.

It is my understanding that the Labor government have been spending your money on completely up-grading all the plumbing in the East Wing. Why? Why renovate a building that is supposedly coming down?

The Labor party is using your money to do basic but major infrastructure improvements to those buildings now so that their developer mates don't have to pay for it when they get given the site.

It is absolute corruption.

All of this supposition and theorising is ultimately irrelevent because the then Health Minister John Hill stated outright that their plans for the current RAH site were "boutique hotels". In an ABC Radio interview (possibly 'The Soap Box' with Matt and Dave) at the time of the first announcements, John Hill was asked the specific question, "How are you going to pay for this (the new RAH)?"

He responded that there would probaly be a couple of "boutique hotels" on the old site.

Jack Snelling's statements that there is no plan for the current site are untrue, and are deliberately designed to try and reverse the reality, ie, the Labor party will try to use the gross failure to have any sort of plan (albeit a lie) as a justification for handing the site to developers, when the reality is that handing the site to developers is the primary motivation for moving the hospital.

Please see previous post re the Privatisation of SA Health, that clearly explains how entering into a contract to guarantee a private company's profit (the 'new RAH") is irrefutably privatising health, and will have a devastating effect as the rest of SA Health is 'de-funded' to maintain that contracted profit...that is privatisation!

And after 35 years we can buy back our own hospital at far more that it will be worth; well done Labor.

There is no genuine reason to move the RAH away from the Botanic Gardens, the University, the state of the art facilities at the current site, etc, because there is a huge empty block right on Frome Rd where Labor have deliberately put a 'Garden' to try and justify not using it.

A new building could easily be placed there and the current buildings systematically renovated; cheaper, faster, not corrupt.

It is not too late; the 'contracts' the Labor government have signed are mired in corruption, self interest and in-appropriate approvals.

Stop the RAH being moved, renovate at the current site, and modify the 'new RAH' to accomodate other facilities.

All current development at the 'new RAH' must be halted, and the Labor party themselves can pay for the disaster they have deliberately created, while they explain their behaviour to an Independent Inquiry.

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