Monday, March 4, 2013

The Second Time I Met - Liberal MLC Rob Lucas

I think Mr Lucas was at the October 2004 Liberal Party function (and may have been on the Legislative Review Committee that we parents gave evidence to) that I attended as per previous post The First Time I Met - MP Don Pegler *, and so when I gave evidence to the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board (2008-11), I believe it was the second time I met Rob Lucas.

The SARC Inquiry happened because a few parents managed to get the then MLC Nick Xenophon to come to Mount Gambier (September 2006) and discuss the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up; Mr Xenophon repeatedly stated how shocked he was at the breadth and depth of the failure to charge the teacher, etc, and particularly at the way the parents legal representatives behaved.

He repeatedly asked "Didn't police do (such and such)?", and "Didn't your lawyers tell you that?" and went back to Adelaide and called for the SARC (September 2007), which was established through the Upper House with the support of the Liberals in October 2008.

Throughout that process "the school in Mount Gambier" is repeatedly cited in parliamentary debate and the SA Association of State School Organisations (a parent lobby group) official submissions and newsletter that is distributed in schools across the state, and in the pre-amble of the final SARC Report.

The SARC Inquiry was established because of the clear failures of the TRB relative to the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up; check the Hansard and SARC Report no.54.

Parents were eventually called to give evidence to the Inquiry (2 Labor, 2 Liberal inc Rob Lucas, and Anne Bressington*) in various sittings across 2009-2010, and the SARC Report no.54  was eventually tabled in July 2011.        (*Still waiting for the Dissenting Report that she promised us)

Most critically, the SARC Inquiry heard directly from one of the children who gave lengthy personal testimony as to what had happend in that classroom; what an extraordinarily brave young person.

Two things: Why did the SARC force parents to travel repeatedly to Adelaide instead of coming to Mount Gambier where the whole Inquiry had its' foundation? This is exactly what the TRB/Crown Solicitor did to parents in their TRB/CSO hearing quite deliberately to distress parents and delay the hearing.
Most critically: The fact that a child was forced to go through it all again to a South Australian parliamentary inquiry, eight years after the teacher was 'removed', shows exactly what we have been through as parents and families (let alone the abuses that were committed against our children) and ultimately what South Australia really is.

The SARC Report no.54 is riddled with mistakes and direct lies, and has attached alleged 'Notification Forms' for exchanging information between the TRB and SAPol (police), forms that appear to have been drafted specifically for the Report, that is, they did not actually exist prior to appearing in the Report. Surely that can't be right.

I wrote to the SARC outlining some of the more glaring mistakes and asking for an explanation as to how they could so grossly misrepresent the testimony of numerous parents and one of the children, and that the Report no.54 be withdrawn and corrected; I didn't even get a response.

The SARC Report no. 54 is absolute proof that both major parties are fundamentally compromised by the pro-paedophile corruption that seems to pervade every aspect of South Australia.

How can these people hear from one of the children, yet still act to cover-up the abuse?

Rob Lucas sat in that hearing and winced and grimaced and said ooh and ahhh and furrowed his brow in concern in all the right places, and then signed his name to an official Parliamentary Report that is a bi-partisan cover-up of the abuse and the failures of authorities to address that abuse.

The SARC - Rob Lucas, Ian Hunter, Carmel Zollo (Committee Chair),      and Anne Bressington, are all absolutely complicit in the cover-up of the abuse of my child and 2 dozen other 7 year old children.

Now Mr Lucas is not responding to multiple attempts to contact him, including his recent effort where he skulked into Mt Gambier to mouth off about something, then skulked back to Adelaide completely ignoring and avoiding us parents; whatta scumbag! And he's supposedly one of the good ones.

Sorry, that's all today - I've just had enough of these people to last a lifetime; selfish, inept and corrupt; but I'll get over the anger and be back tomorrow.

But one last time, Rob Lucas, you are no better than Patrick Conlon, Mike Rann, Jay Weathrerill, et al, and on an absolute par with the rancidly corrupt Rory McEwen.

Given the relentless parade of child abuse cover-ups in Adelaide schools, my next post is long over-due;

Tomorrow: The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

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