Saturday, March 23, 2013

Simon Crean - A One Man Fifth Column

Is it just me? is, isn't it?...I mean, I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed (more of a mattock really, possibly the anvil) but surely I have somehow mis-interpreted Simon Crean's previous statements, because I could have sworn that he had repeatedly stated that the world's palest rapper K Ruddy (Puff Kevvy, Flo Rudda, Vanilla Nice...whatever) was not the man for the job, whatever that job, is...err, will be?

Has anybody ever before called a leadership spill against a leader whom they do actually support, and then nominated themselves as potential new deputy leader? Sorry, that is a genuine question...I don't know...maybe it isn't so unusual...I am not a political expert by any means, but it does seem really odd.

However, to my mind, Simon Crean has acted on behalf of Julia Gillard not against her.

Oh, I'm so head hurts already...and it appears that my malady is contagious because I'm watching various commentators over the last 48 hours saying much the same thing...oh, yeah...except for former Labor advisor and Gillard supporter Cassandra Wilkinson (I think that is her name-sorry)(on the ABC The Drum program)...yet another example of an intelligent person whose opinion is entirely compromised by their subjective attachment to the subject matter.

I don't have that problem.....when it comes to politics, I have a bristling, almost resentful loathing for pretty much everybody no problem there.

Right, let's deal with what has happened for sure ...and hopefully the rest will follow.

On the day they apparently wanted to apologise to those who suffered the horrors of Forced Adoption, the Gillard Labor government decided to have a leadership squabble that pretty much everyone else doesn't care about. I have made jokes about swearing, but neither is appropriate in this context.

It is not bizarre; it is a fundamentally selfish and otherwise in-explicable piece of stupidity; an absolute insult to all of the people who should have had at least one day of genuine apology. I personally feel much the same about the Stolen Generations Apology, that I had hoped would be much more than just one day, and it's really not my place to say much more than that because I am not an Aboriginal person.

It is not for me to tell Aboriginal people about their experiences. But I'm well happy for them to express their opinions, concerns, etc, to me...and they do. 

But I digress: Is Mr Crean simply setting himself up (or being set up) for a Messiahnaic Re-de-volution as the former current leader of a Labor Party that is an exact replica of the Liberal Party?

And I'm sure that we will all be the winners.....yeah, that's sarcasm.

I've already heard a number of 'commentators' stating how noble Creany is by sacrificing himself for the good of the party, and this is Rudd's fault, etc. Listening right now to Crean saying that Rudd supporters urged him to do this, Rudd says he texted Crean saying 'I won't run', etc.

Did I mention my head hurts? I thought I had a bunch of opinions, but the more I learn about politics, the more I understand the fundamental reality that we all edit what we hear, it's editted before we hear it, and our eyes do deceive us...all of our senses deceive us....and even if you watch/read/write enough political debate that your head explodes, your own personal biases will decide for you the veracity of the argument.

Again, I don't have that problem...I hate all of them equally....ahahaha

But Simon Crean, the Minister for the Regional Dismantling of Australia....oh, bazinga, I've been dying to use that one...but seriously... Mr Crean; dead set champ, your response to those who were deeply offended by your ludicrous behaviour, both of which I've just heard on ABC Radio news (complaint and response), your response was un-acceptable.

I would hope that the specific quote is repeatedly raised with Mr Crean, indeed preferrably shoved quite emphatically right in his face. I do not have it to hand but it shouldn't be hard to find somewhere in the ether.

If I may paraphrase...'stuff happens, get over it'...

A 'Fifth Columnist' is someone who pats you on the back to find where the knife will go in easiest, someone who pretends to help, to sympathise, etc, but actually seeks to undermine and betray. So to the Ruddmeister, Simon Crean is the fifth column, but to Gillard and Co, he is the vanguard.

To everybody else he's just another tool...ohh, it's a bazingafest...

But who knows, maybe he had to shank Rudd to get to Gillard's this point I do not know and nothing would surprise me, but whatever, his nick-name should be Smokey....Smokey S Crean....a very tired bazinga.

Tomorrow: Fundamental

One of my favourite words, and what you do with that tiny percentage of your tax dollar that goes toward paying my Disability Support Pension.....well, if one cannot laugh at oneself....

No Arvo (afternoon) Post this Arvo, but Tomorrow Arvo: TFTIM Mayor Steve Perryman

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