Tuesday, March 19, 2013

If You SAASSO: The TRB/CSO Glyn Dorling Hearing

Tomorrow: Latest Wind Turbine Propaganda - All The Sick People Are Crazy - Simon Chapman

I know this is backward, but I just heard (on ABC Radio Local South East 7.30 news 19/03/13) notorious Wind Turbine Proponent Simon Chapman, a professor at Sydney University, spruiking his latest 'study', reeling out a series of emotive nonsense statements denigrating Turbine opponents, and stating outright that people who get sick do so only in their minds as a result of irresponsible Anti-Turbine scaremongering.

My blog is more balanced and scientifically accurate that anything I've seen from Mr Chapman; his 'studies' are grossly emotive and personally derogatory; he breaks every rule of presenting an objective scientific report/study/paper....completely un-professional.

First year psychology students are taught to avoid all of these things that Mr Chapman does in his 'studies'; they should be shown his 'New Scientist' article from October 2012 as a template for exactly how not to write a scientific paper.

However....I'm not a scientist...this is not a 'study'....Mr Chapman,  you sir, are an idiot, and your grossly irresponsible, un-professional, and entirely un-scientific conduct should be of the utmost embarassment and concern for the University that employs you....that you get your grossly subjective nonsense published is an inditement of all concerned...tomorrow, sir........  

Back To The SAASSO

I re-iterate; that parent complaints led to a Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitors Office hearing from March 2003-November 2004 into Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling who was removed from St Martins Lutheran School, Mount Gambier, on the June long weekend 2002.

The gross failures of that TRB/CSO hearing - in exonerating Dorling - led parents to petition MP Nick Xenophon who came to Mt Gambier to meet us, called for a parliamentary Inquiry, and with the support of Independents and the Liberals, the Statutory Authority Review Committee commenced their Inquiry into the TRB in October 2008, concluding July 2011.

The South Australian Association of State School Organisations (SAASSO) describe themselves at the bottom of their press release Monday June 30th 2008 as;
      'Supporting schools, governing councils & state education through training, advice & advocacy.'
and were also supporters of a TRB Inquiry.

The release itself states;
          As representatives of South Australian public school parents, SAASSO holds serious
          concerns about the Board's composition, transparency, accountability, focus and operations.

          In addition to liscencing teachers, the Board is responsible for investigating and adjudicating
          teachers accused of acting in a disgraceful or improper manner.

          "In 2007, teachers who were found to have formed overly-familiar relationships with children,
          physically handled children and who had been arrested for disorderly conduct are still in the
          classroom. Of course we only know this from media reports - the Board opts not to release
          such information."

          While complaints are made regarding sexual abuse, child pornography, alcoholism and fighting
          with students - the only way parents, parliament and the SA community would find out about
          teachers acting in a disgraceufl manner, is to sue under Freedom of Information.

          When the Registrar receives a complaint against a teacher, they don't have to investigate the
          complaint - in fact, they don't have to tell anyone why they didn'i investigate or that they even
          received a complaint.
          On a 16 person Board, only one member has to be a parent and that person has never been
          a public school parent. Meanwhile seventy-five percent of the Board are DECS employees."
          Download a copy of the submission at www.saasso.asn.au

          Contact: David Knuckey
          Ph: (08) 8223 2266
          Email: info@saasso.asn.au                   the computer did that blue 'links' thing itself...cool...

The above are some of the details covered in that submission and in their 'Journal' or newsletter from 'Term 2 2008' that gets distributed through primary schools. Also in that Term 2 2008 Journal;
          "In 2007 , the Hon. Nick Xenophon tabled a motion in Parliament relating to incidents at
           a school in Mt Gambier."

The SAASSO submission, Journal, and press release, all mimic what parents had been saying before and after the legislative changes of late 2004-2005, about the composition, conduct, and lack of accountability of the TRB, and I urge you to access those documents...read it for yourself.
It therefore came as a huge shock when, in September 2008, Mr David Knuckey screamed abuse down the phone at me about how he'd had to '"save the Inquiry" after I travelled to Adelaide to meet with MLC John Darley who had taken over from Nick Xenophon. 

Mr Knuckey was apoplectic, refusing to listen to anything I said, repeatedly abusing me before slamming the phone down...conversation over...and now I know the reality behind his outrageous behaviour.

The 26 September 2008 invitation to Mr Knuckey from then Education Minister Jane Lomax-Smith to meet with the Board, was the thin edge of a giant wedge of 'push-back' against the Inquiry.

It is alleged to me from a very surprising source within SAASOO, that Mr Knuckey and SAASSO in general were subjected to a direct and specific campaign of government-based threats to reduce funding, have him sacked, etc.

The proof is that the SAASSO went from supporting, indeed insisting on the SARC Inquiry, providing a detailed submission and repeatedly referring to the need for this Inquiry in its' 'Journal', to flatly refusing to even respond to repeated requests for attendance from the SARC, whom ultimately issued a subpoena to force them to appear.

The SARC Report no 54 states;
          "The Committee notes its disappointment with the lack of response...from the SAASSO...
           This resulted in no less than 15 exchanges of correspondence and various other
           communications with SAASSO....requests to attend a Committee meeting were outright
           refused, and scheduled appearances cancelled.

           This untimely response was the main contributing factor to the delay in finalising this Inquiry,
           with SAASSO responding to the Committee's questions some 12 months after they were
           first invited to attend before the Committee."

But no specific mention of the subpoena.

One parent has repeatedly used the phrase 'Star Chamber' to describe the TRB and that, for my part, is a generous and polite summation of a 'body' that is entirely un-accountable and whose entire functioning is mired in secrecy and self-interest.

Indeed, the TRB looks like it was established to protect teachers from reponsibility for their own actions via secret trials, or preferably by not having any hearing at all....it's almost like it's designed to cover-up any
criminality but particularly paedophilia committed by teachers.

This arvo: The First Time I Met: CEO Greg Muller
and  Tomorrow: Wind Turbine Propaganda - Simon Chapman

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