Monday, March 18, 2013

Secede To Succeed - The Great Southern Territory

Woohoo...good news everyone...MP Malcolm Turnbull just said that news service owners can be biased in their reporting...'that's why you own a newspaper' I don't have to be balanced and considered in my blog, I can be as irresponsibly biased as I choose.....look out....

Usually I stick to what I think in my posts, but I'm hardly the first person to suggest that the South East needs to separate from a South Australia that doesn't know and doesn't care that we're even here; sorry, I should say Adelaide, not all SA.

Stuff Malcolm Turnbull, in the interests of balanced reporting I must state the brief moment I had to discuss this issue with Senator Nick Xenophon, he dismissed the idea outright....but then, he is a politician and he doesn't have to live here.

It is not my opinion, it is irrefutable fact that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government have sacrificed Regional SA, breaking up and/or selling public entities, removing services, etc, to fund pork-barrelling of marginal seats in the metropolitan area; it is one of the fundamental failings of our version of democracy.

Actual 'Governing' is a secondary consideration, trailing far behind the prime objective...earning the right to govern ....and all the kick-backs from corrupt land re-zonings, buying 66 electric trains that can't be used, getting your mates into public positions, eg, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, etc.   

I cannot , however, use the word 'Democracy' without making the observation (previous post) that what we have in South Australia, and increasingly at a national level, is a 'Fascocracy', namely a system where by we get to vote for which one of the 2 increasingly identical parties will lord it over us with a complete disregard for us and our well-being, and where the first, last, and every intermediate motivation is to get re-elected.

The 'Born to Rule' mentality that one would usually associate with the Liberal party, lives large in the Labor hierarchy.  

On top of that, Labor or Liberal, Adelaide will never stop it's parasitical suffocation of Regional SA.

Former Health Minister John Hill has repeatedly stated that the new Royal Adelaide Hospital is "a hospital for all South Australians", which for me is an un-fortunate prediction/confession of the fiscal realities; by entering into a profit-guarantee contract with a private developer, the Privatisation of SA Health, the new RAH may well soon be the only hospital left in SA.

The move to try and get Keith Hospital to 'join' SA Health, with promises of its' survival, is highlighted by the deathly silence on the future of the Bordertown Hospital.

The Succession template is sitting right there; there are already two Territories in Australia, so why not a third within the boundaries of the Seat of Barker, stretching from the South East right through to the Riverland, and all it literally takes is for the citizens to make it happen.

Create a territory within that boundary and all Federal funding, Goods and Services Tax payments, etc, get delivered to the people within the area, not handed to Adelaide to spend on itself.

Imagine Adelaide having to buy its' water from the Great Southern Territory; Mr Weatherill has just announced that despite the De-salination Plant, the Murray is Adelaide's future water source; or Adelaide  suddenly having to find 100+ years of pine trees to fulfil their contracts because we've taken our trees back...and we will. 

The agricultural, horticultural, aquacultural, winecultural, forestrycultural, transportcultural, etc, etc, industries are all more than capable of fending for themselves given half a chance, but at the moment they don't even get that.

Whilst this post is a broad 'ideology' that Nick Xenophon (for one) doesn't support, the details and the realities are there to be denied, the South East must remove itself from the influence of the Sucubus that unfortunately Adelaide has become.

Tell me I'm over-reacting, but I think it's all summed up nicely by the recent 'give-away' of sods from Adelaide Oval...and no I don't mean the Stadium Management Authority members whom have already been caught out rorting re-development funds, or the long list of self-important ex-politicians like Ian McLoughlin and John Olsen with their snouts in the New Grandstand trough.

With the Forestry Sale, control of the South East economy has been effectively handed to a shadowy consortium of companies, all to help pay for the Adelaide Oval - and that is not open to discussion, and I confidently predict that these companies will have all the same corrupted links to the major parties as the Wind Turbine issue - but when there is a prime opportunity for Adelaide to contribute something, anything to it's shiny new stadium, like paying 5 bucks for those "historic" sods, it just ain't going to happen.

Just another bare-faced manipulation of a populace of self-involved ludites, governed by the 'Bread and Circuses' bribery of incompetent, sociopathic politicians wholly focussed on re-election....but I digress.

All of these issues can be addressed by Succession and there is absolutely nothing to stop it.

The Labor party, state and federal, have renigged on their duty of care, such as it exists, and therefore that responsibility falls to us ourselves. We have been respectful, we have been patient, we have been responsible; and in return we have been (pardon me) screwed.

There's an old saying - Strike Up, Not Out - use your anger on your foes above, not those whom suffer alongside you; if our politicians can abandon us then we have an obligation to protect ourselves.

The Great Southern Territory is neither whim nor want - it is a fundamental necessity for the future of the South East.

Tomorrow: If You SAASOO - Their Role in the TRB Inquiry   and a second post;
                   The First Time I Met - Former CEO Greg Muller

The South Australian Assoc of State School Organisations is a 'parent lobby group' whom were initially very outspoken on the issue of reform of the TRB and supportive of the establishment of the parliamentary SARC Inquiry, lodging an official submission and including the issue in their newsletter that is distributed to primary schools statewide.

They then had to be subpoenaed to appear, an extraordinary power/action rarely utilised by such an Inquiry, let alone against someone who supposedly supported the Inquiry...bizarre....and yet just another unexplained chapter in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.
And Greg Muller- glaring at me since February 2006 when I first met him at the Rail Land meetings where Council presented several near-identical plans for massive Retail development on that site, and I had the bare-faced audacity to ask about the Parklands Plan that most people wanted.

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