Monday, March 11, 2013

The TRB Reasons For Decision - re Glyn Dorling - Part III

Please refer previous posts for other issues stemming from the Cover-Up of Child Abuse at St Martins Lutheran School, Mount Gambier; I re-iterate that the Lutherans, SAPol (police), the Education Dept and Education Union, every government department in South Austarlia, and both major parties upto and including current Premier Jay

I'll stop there because the bloody Internet just dropped out as I tried to save this finished post and dumped the entire post......the bloody lot....gone....leaving only this un-corrected opening. Please read previous posts and I'll re-do as fast as I can....which is very slowly....

Starting again - Please refer previous posts, etc...

Across March 2003-Nov 2004 the Teachers Registration Board and Crown Solicitors Office held an Inquiry re allegations of abuses committed by teacher Glyn Dorling against 7 year old children at St Martins in 2002 and previous years, after I and another parent lodged written complaints.

I/we repeatedly wrote to the TRB/CSO identifying;
(a) the existence of several direct eye-witnesses to the abuses committed by Glyn Dorling (indeed it was 
     these school staff who first alerted parents to the abuses), and:
(b) the thick dossier of complaints about Dorling that Principal John Alexander was showing us
     immediately after Dorling was 'removed'; complaints that started the very first week Dorling was at
     St Martins (1998-9?).

Our letters also made the TRB/CSO aware that these eye-witnesses were being directly pressured by the Lutherans to not participate.

For example; a key eye-witness was flown to Adelaide with John Alexander and bullied into a 'Confidentiality Agreement' by senior Lutherans; and another teacher told parents and initially SAPol (police) that she had seen Glyn Dorling in the classroom with 'an erection on a number of occasions' (paraphrase), but then completely withdrew that allegation when asked to give a formal statement, and shortly after was promoted to Deputy Principal.

Despite knowing that there were multiple adult witnesses to the abuse within the school, and that those eye-witnesses were being stopped by the Lutheran Church from participating, the TRB/CSO 'invited' those witnesses to come forward;
          "Anyone at the school in question with relevant information was asked to come forward.
           Some responded to that invitation. Those that did not presumably had no relevant
           information to offer. Your complaints are peripheral to an investigation......"
                                                            (TRB Registrar Wendy Hastings - 18 February 2005)

What sort of investigation 'invites' and 'presumes'?...A corrupt one that does not want to see that which it knows exists.

My written "complaints" were the reason the bloody hearing happened at all.....sad, sick, corrupt bastards.

The TRB/CSO flatly refused to look at any abuses outside the convoluted 'heads in the lap' charge, or call any Lutherans to explain Dorling's 'removal', not even John Alexander the headmaster who 'removed' him, or subpoena the extensive 'Dossier of Complaints', and stated that SAPol allegedly refused to attend the hearing. (who knows, they're all such rabid liars)

This 'Dossier of Complaints' is the irrefutable evidence that completely contradicts Dorling's defence statements that he was unaware of any previous issues with or complaints about his teaching, and that the 'incidents' in 2002 were an unfortunate anomaly.....absolute bullshit!

Glyn Dorling went into that classroom in 2002 with every intent of abusing every child...and he did.  

The TRB/CSO readily subpoenaed our un-edited Flinders Child Protection Service Reports (that we were/are not allowed to have and have not seen) and handed them to Dorling to use against us, but would not (despite my multiple written requests) subpoena any of the eye-witnesses necessary to appropriately prosecute a clear case of multiple Child


I lodged a concurrent complaint about John Alexander (Sept 2003) and the TRB/CSO promised on 18/09/2003 to conduct a seperate investigation;
           "...following the conclusion of the matter concerning Mr Dorling"
but then on 13 November 2006, a full 3 years later;
          "...I do not intend to investigate further any complaints which formed part of  this Inquiry.
           This includes allegations relating to Mr Alexander. As such I do not intend to enter into
           any further corrspondence with you on this matter."
Both of these letters were signed by TRB Registrar Wendy Hastings.

Apart from myself, three other parents, and Flinders Child Protection Services, the only other 'witness' to appear at the hearing was Sue Savage, devout Lutheran teacher and personal friend of Glyn Dorling, whom the TRB/CSO Reasons For Decision lists under "Witnesses For The Teacher"; she was a defence witness.

She openly described herself as colleague and personal friend of Dorling, who was still socialising with him.

In seeking to support Dorling's outrageous 'it's the kids fault' defence, she openly denigrated the children, describing one as "a child with autism" (that child isn't 'autistic') who was always being too 'touchy-feely' (my words); and another would " things behind your back and once found out, (the child would) get all nervy and upset...".

This particular child was (like mine) one of several who were not compliant with the physical abuses that Dorling was committing against other children, and was therefore a focus of the ritualised psychological abuse and manipulation, gross humiliation. bullying, and intimidation that Dorling used to try to make all the children compliant and/or silent. 

Hang your head in shame Sue wonder you and your husband cross the street when you see me coming.........keep doing it.

Tomorrow: TRB RFD Part IV - Glyn Dorling's Testimony

The final installment (hopefully) in what is just one small part of the 'Top Down' institutionalised Cover-up of the Abuse of a classful of seven year old children.

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