Wednesday, March 20, 2013

More Wind Turbine Propaganda: The Sick People Are Crazy - Simon Chapman

Please refer to previous posts that outline how Wind Turbine companies, hosts, and other proponents like the self-titled 'Industry Lobby Group' the Clean Energy Council are conducting a co-cordinated propaganda campaign to promote Wind Turbines.

Time and again people like Russell Marsh (CEC) contact the media (particularly the ABC radio) to circulate what are in many cases outright lies about Turbines and the multiple, specific issues that cannot be successfully defended in open debate, and others like Electranet, Pacific Hydro, etc, join in. 

That's their choice as profit driven organisations, and in that context understandable if ethically questionable, but when supposedly 'Independent' authorities like the Environment Protection Agency and Country Fire Service engage in the pro-Turbine propaganda and bias, issues of ethics and responsibility become foremost.    (Again, please refer to previous posts and research these things for yourself on the Interweb, general media, etc.)

Time and again there is a 24-48 hour flood of carefully worded misrepresentations, deceits, and outright lies, and then they all dive for cover to avoid being held to account.....usually.

Yesterday 19/03/2013 Professor Simon Chapman got caught in the headlights of accountability, and like any good bunny, he froze.

In the 7.30 morning news, ABC Local Radio Mt Gambier ran a story about Simon Chapman's latest 'study' relative to Wind Turbines; namely that people who get ill from living near Turbines are imagining it because they have been talked into it by "scaremongers".

This follows his extraordinarily un-professional article in the New Scietist magazine October 8th 2012; I could write a more professional and balanced piece, indeed my blog is more 'responsible' than anything I've seen produced by Simon Chapman. As stated previously, that article 08/10/2012 should be provided to first year uni students as a perfect guide as how not to write a professional piece.

Simon Chapman's personal animosity toward (Dr) Sarah Laurie is glaringly obvious; 08/10/13...Australia's high priestess of wind turbine syndrome, Sarah Laurie, an unregisterd doctor; and in his latest interview he reduced Ms Laurie to "a person" who went around the countryside scaring everyone.

I have been highly critical of the ABC, yesterday politely berating them for putting Simon Chapman to air at all, but as Megan Roberts politely responded "...but he's a Professor...", and then they did later put me to air during Stan Thomson's live interview to challenge Mr Chapman for his un-professional conduct.

Cue the bunny...aaaand action!

Faced with a range of accusations about his denigration of Ms Laurie, the basic errors of subjectivity and bias in his language, and the New Scientist piece - there are no references (me) - he went silent, Stan asked if he was still there, and Mr Chapman finally responded that the New Scientist "...doesn't print references..."; and that was it!

He made no attempt to defend any of the specific accusations I made, or his professional position and/or standing, or defend the veracity of his work...not nothing; he went past it all to the very last point, and then only spoke about the role of the magazine, not his own work.

And while I'm munching down the humble pie, Stan has just done an excellent interview with new Grant District Council CEO Trevor Smart. 

In response to specific questions from Stan, Mr Smart discussed;
1) the legal costs ($82,000) that will come from the $175,000 left in a Community Development Fund
    (after a processing cost of $25,000) created from Acciona's $200,000 application development fee;*
2) that no more legal expenses were required because it was the "end of the story" and Council's last
    contact with Acciona was when they withdrew from Allendale;
3) that another application could be made "...anyone...can start again from scratch..." and that Council  
    would be obligated to consider it.                                             (*slightly modified 20/03/2013 NF)

He spoke of more studies to prove or disprove theories, and that an emotive community didn't properly understand planning issues, and trotted out the old deceit that the Development Assessment Panel who decide such projects are independent of Council., and concluded with the statement that Council doesn't have a position on Turbines - please read my previous post detailing DC Grant's definable support for Turbines. 

Please also read Simon Chapman's latest piece for yourself, and do so constantly in mind that his is meant to be an entirely objective and scientific position, un-compromised by emotive language, personal denigration, etc, and should have references.

This arvo:  TFTIM - Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi

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