Thursday, March 7, 2013

The First Time I Met: MP Rory McEwen

Please see previous posts re teacher Glyn Dorling and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-Up.

Because SAPol had wanted us to take the children into the Police Station to be interviewed by a Probationary Constable (with no previous experience), we parents organised for Flinders Child Protection Services to come to Mt Gambier to interview some of our children in July/August 2002, and on Thursday August 1st 2002 they held a meeting with approx 25 parents and carers at the school, openly stating "we think we already have enough to get him (Dorling) de-registered"; they were clearly stunned by what they had heard that afternoon.

Headmaster John Alexander was asked to leave the meeting, but a parent went to him straight after, and relayed everything I and some others said about us getting FCPS involved, etc, and at 9am on Monday August 5th John Alexander approached me during 'reader' and banned me from the school...mmm....... .......the B word.....language warning....Bastard. 

I went straight to the Mt Gambier Police Station to report this 'banning', which is when I found out that SAPol had "closed the file several weeks ago" (SAPols Nick Smith), and so on Tuesday August 6th 2002 I went to Rory McEwen's office.

Mr McEwen was initially most supportive and understanding, and over several more meetings with other parents, he repeatedly promised to help us fix what he described as "a dysfunctional system", stating that we were "brave"; but it was all lies.

After promising to "never cross the floor", in November 2002 Rory McEwen signed a contract with Mike Rann's Labor party to give them government, and was immediately rewarded with the big fat bribe/reward of a front-bench Ministry. I also believe that the highly in-appropriate Piccanninnie Ponds land sale* involving Rory's family, is tied to this bribe/reward set-up.

He immediately withdrew his 'support' for us, and it became apparent that he had actually done nothing, rather had been stringing  us along while he used the St Martins Child Abuse issue to negotiate a better deal with Mike Rann.....Stereophonic Bastardry.

We continued to push Rory, and at one meeting with me and 3 other fathers, he actually said it was the families' fault; "'s your fault your kids were abused because you sent them to that school in the first place." With hindsight I believe that Rory was deliberately trying to goad us fathers into an 'incident' that he could then use to refuse to deal with us anymore.

As per previous blogs, Rory went on to abuse Child Protection activists who contacted him in February 2005, also denigrating us parents; attacked us on the front page of The Border Watch 06/05/2005 as 'conspiracy theorists' who had "actually hounded the teacher"; and tried to have us arrested by the Police Commissioner, going on WIN TV News (March 2006) to tell everybody, stating how "disappointed" he was.

Across multiple interviews the ABC Local Radio Mt Gambier has given Rory multiple opportunities to deny, obfuscate, and outright lie, and we were left trailing along behind trying to address his in-excusable scumbagness; this is an absolute template of the way that ABC Radio Mt Gambier handles the Wind Turbine issue.

Even in his farewell ABC Radio interview February 2010, he put the boot into us, completely un-challenged.

Just prior to Christmas 2012, Stuart Stansfield interviewed Rory about the Lions 'School Speaking Program' (don't know its actual name) during which Rory repeatedly praised St Martins and the Lutherans as being the best; I was absolutely stunned.

I refer directly to the posts re The Child Abuse Royal Commission and my letters/attempts to engage with the Mt Gambier media immediately prior to the establishment of the Royal Commission in November 2012.

When I rang the ABC almost in tears to ask about these issues, Stuart Stansfield answered (it was a recorded piece) and flatly refused to discuss what he full well knows - that abuse has occurred; Rory's critical role in covering up the abuse; those letters in November 2012; etc; - and then, for the third time since his 2012 return, Stuart abused me and hung-up on me. (that's Three Strikes, Stuey)

Rory McEwen is a fundamentally, rancidly corrupt politician who has been knowingly, willingly, and explicitly involved in helping cover-up the abuse of our children; and Stuart Stansfield, his close personal friend, is every bit as woeful.

Tomorrow: The TRB Reasons For Decision - re Glyn Dorling

Some specific quotes from this document that parents (indeed nobody) was ever meant to see, but that Dorling used in his own Affadavit, therefore making it a 'public document'. The TRB flatly refused to provide us parents this document, or any explanation at all.

PS:  Rory...corrupt scumbag...just saying, you case I hadn't made my position completely clear...
..scumbag...rancid, corrupt can stop me anytime...scum bag...bag of scum...etc,etc....(hahaha)

Personally, I'd like to see him in stocks in the Town Square.

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