Tuesday, March 12, 2013

TRB RFD re Glyn Dorling - Part IV

How appropriate that my 50th post should be Glyn Dorling's testimony from the Teachers Registration Board Reasons For Decision (Nov 2004) from the March 2003-Nov 2004 TRB/Crown Solicitors Office hearing.

Glyn Dorling's Testimony

Starts with personal information about training and joining the Lutherans, etc, and that he started at St Martins Lutheran School, Mount Gambier, in 1997.

The TRB RFD states Dorling openly described the strict regime of rules he had in place (in 2002);
           "...each child was required to sign a class behaviour agreement which also acknowledge
            consequences for any breach of the rules...these rules were then displayed at different points
            around the classroom. Mr Dorling denied that there was a regime of harsh rules in his classroom."

Dorling made seven year old children sign contracts and then surrounded them with walls full of rules; this is one of the first things that parents noticed about the room after Dorling's removal, the numerous 'Rules Posters' on every wall; it was a very oppressive environment.

He continues on, lying through his teeth about the layout of the classroom, the 'non-lockable' inside doors*, and how he conducted classes with the children "...at least half a metre from my (his) feet."

*Parents were present in first term 2002 when a school employee could get into the main building but could not access the actual classroom because the 'inside' door was locked; the door locks were changed sometime after Dorling's June 2002 removal.

Dorling speaks extensively about the behaviour of several specific children, including that children were always moving closer to him, but that, "...it was just a matter of moving them back."

          "Mr Dorling said he was unaware of any concerns by parents or others about his teaching
           until Friday 7 June 2002, when he had a discussion after school with Mr Alexander, the
           Principal, who reported to him that some parents had made allegations against him."

I refer you to the thick Dossier of Complaints about Glyn Dorling (starting his first week at St Martins in 1997) that John Alexander repeatedly showed parents, and which the TRB/CSO flatly refused to even acknowledge existed, let alone consider as part of the Inquiry...sad, sick, corrumba...gotcha...you thought that I was going to say...corrupt bastards.......ah, damn!

Furthermore, Dorling was briefly 'suspended' in first term to receive 'training' relative to his bullying and harassment of a student; and again this was known to the TRB/CSO and again they chose to completely ignore it.

          "Mr Dorling said he denied the allegation of any child sitting on his lap but said there were
           children trying to put their heads against his legs or knees and he was "having a lot of trouble
           getting them to stop" (Transcript page 622.8)"

The TRB RFD then goes into Dorling's convoluted explanation of how his behaviour was affected by the decline of the school, and his alleged May 2002 decision to leave, etc, and a long list of denials of the disclosures made by children; lie after lie after lie, and the TRB/CSO knew it and they just sat there and let it happen - he was not held to account on one, single lie.

I cannot discuss the specific abuses in such a public forum, but the TRB/CSO knew full well that Dorling was lying when he blamed the children for initiating the extensive physical contacts he was demanding and encouraging; the issue of refusing children access to the toilets leading to multiple pant wetting and/or soiling incidents, was completely ignored by the TRB/CSO.

Even the glaringly obvious self-contradiction of Dorling's testimony goes completely un-challenged, eg, he repeatedly refers to himself as "...one of the best behaviour management people in the school", then swings back to blaming the children; back and forth as it suits him in the moment, and the TRB/CSO literally just sat there!.....bastards is too kind a word. 

Back to 07/06/02, and;          
          "Mr Dorling said he was asked by Mr Alexander to take leave but refused to do so...
           subsequently on the evening of Sunday 9 June 2002 at his home he was visited by his
           Pastor John O'Keefe, and the Principal. Mr Dorling said he was advised that matters
           had been reported to the Police by a parent."

This last part, warning Dorling about the SAPol notification, is a definable Criminal Act, admitted to on the record, and what action did the TRB/CSO take? Absolutely nothing.

There is no mention of the 09/06/02 Principal/parent meeting at the school (2pm) after which Dorling was seen coming from the classroom, or the incident approx 7am on Monday 10 June (a public holiday), where Dorling was caught in the classroom by security and escorted from the school.

Dorling states that he  "...was spoken to by a police officer, named Mr Nick Smith of Mt Gambier Police, but had not been interviewed at any stage." SAPol have offered parents 5-6 different versions of this involving different personnel, locations, and outcomes, but the clear fact is that despite Dorling being removed from the school, SAPol did not even interview him...they gave him a thorough talking to....

And then, "He said that he had been advised in July 2002 there would be no police action against him."

I/we found out by accident nearly 3 weeks after this that the "file was closed" (previous post); SAPol told the paedophile but not the parents of the abused children...sad, sick, corrupt.... 
          "He said that eventually he settled matters out of court with his employer and submitted
           his resignation."

This is the Lutheran Church rorting WorkCover to Cover-Up the abuse of our children. 

Dorling 'sued' the Lutherans for Unfair Dismisal and then received an un-contested pay-out (allegedly near $250,000), to which the Lutherans attached the 'Confidentiality Agreements' they used to threaten and manipulate eye-witnesses within the school.

I'm sure that the Lutheran Church's raft of morally bankrupt lawyers have all their little ducks in a row paperwork wise, but that Pay-Out is an orchestrated rort of WorkCover motivated by a desire to cover-up a Criminal Act, the abuse of our children.

The Reasons For Decision is in itself one, long excusing of Glyn Dorling and his behaviours by the TRB/CSO, and that brings us pretty much to the actual TRB RFD Findings.

Tomorrow: The TRB RFD Findings

If you do not like the words sad, sick, corrupt, and/or bastards...well, I suggest you look away now..well, tomorrow...


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