Wednesday, May 1, 2013

TFTIM: CFMEU's Brad Coates

Sorry about change of subject, but just couldn't do the Catholics today....may they rot in hell...slowly.

I really hate it when, in the interests of balance, I have to acknowledge that I may very occasionally be possibly a little bit at least partly not correct...maybe...and so it is with Brad Coates. Far worse than that though, is having to absolutely agree with him because he's absolutely right.

Seriously, I have been quite critical of Mr Coates for various reasons around the Forestry Sale, and I may well be wrong about him, his motivations and actions. So, not least of all to stick it to Malcolm 'Propaganda's OK' Turnbull, I seek to redress what may be my in-accurate 'reportage'.

The first time I met Brad he was canvassing, vox popping, whatever, on the Main St of Mt Gambier as the Labor candidate for the March 2006 South Australian state election (so early 2006). I gave him a very angry, very thorough, but still very polite serve (no swearing, no threats, etc) about the part his government was playing in helping the Lutherans cover-up Child Abuse at St Martins School.

He looked genuinely startled and I don't blame him; Brad's a big boy but I'm still bigger...grrrrrr...and when I bring the anger to a discussion (and particularly on St Martins) people tend to get quite nervous; and I think that he really didn't know much about the whole situation, certainly not what Labor had been doing re the Cover-up; he did look genuinely shocked.

As per previous post, I believe that Labor used Brad Coates as a 'dummy candidate' in the 2006 election and that he engaged in that process genuinely but was manipulated and betrayed by Labor, an un-witting 'Judas Goat' as it were (as with Viv Maher in 2010). In both elections Labor's actual support went to the highly 'compromised' alleged Independents Rory McEwen and Don Pegler.

(Not long after the 2006 election, I discussed this with Brad in the supermarket one day. He was already not happy, and I note that he was not the Labor candidate in March 2010. I don't know whether he was asked but refused, or simply wasn't asked, but I am quietly confident that he didn't ask to be the Labor candidate for the 2010 election.)

If I apply this same 'dummy' template to the Forestry Roundtable, it is absolutely possible that I am completely wrong about Brad Coates involvement (and in that context possibly also Trevor Smith's). Were they used by Labor to give the Roundtable some sort of credibility?

Or did Brad figure that it was better to be in there with some vague chance of positive input, than not at all?

Has Brad Coates genuinely been trying to 'represent' in what is clearly an impossible situation? Am I simply wrong in my criticism? If I am wrong then Brad, I am sorry, and as with Viv and Jim Maher I offer you the opportunity to come onto my blog completely un-edited (but keep it short, thanks).

I am in no doubt, however, as to the behaviour of Richard Sage and Ian McDonnell as part of the Roundtable. No apology needed there.

As grateful as I am for Liberal MP Patrick Secker's efforts to support parents with St Martins (previous posts), the way he has responded on this Forestry/jobs issue is totally un-acceptable.

Brad Coates (TBW 30/04/13-attached) is absolutely correct to say that regardless of their political allegiances, these people have every right to be heard, and further, Mr Secker is paid with tax-payers money to represent them...all of them...not just the ones who voted for him.    

And again I take Mr Coates lead because he is right; if I am wrong about his (your) behaviour, I apologise
unreservedly, I am genuinely sorry, and am more than willing to engage with Mr Coates and/or other Union reps to address the nightmare that the Labor governments, state and federal, have been for Regional South Australia.

What I don't understand is why Mr Secker has responded in the way that he has. Surely this is a huge free kick, gouge, and headbutt for Mr Secker against Labor...when 'Socialist' supporters are writing to him, a Liberal, to ask for his help against what is supposedly a 'Socialist' government, the Labor Party.

Again, I think Brad Coates has hit the mark with his observation that Mr Secker has become complacent and lost touch, but I think this response, this failure to criticise Labor about Unions members writing to him, I believe shows that Mr Secker just doesn't care anymore...his dumping as endorsed candidate has dulled him to the obvious.

Never look a gift horse in the mouth Patrick...let alone punch it. Why, why, instead of throwing a saddle on it and riding it for all its worth, have you taken this little doggy called 'A Golden Opportunity' straight to the knacker's yard?

Mr Coates letter identifies genuine issues and he, his members, and anybody else who writes to Mr Secker deserves an appropriate response; and what Mr Secker has done to this point is not appropriate.

Mr Coates is again correct (boy, I'm gettin' well sick of that-Ed) when he says that it is not too late for Mr Secker to effectively apologise simply by doing what he should have in the first instance...treat these people respectfully, read those letters, listen, act.

If I can say sorry and genuinely mean it simply on the off chance that I may be wrong, then Mr Secker, be the bigger man, apologise for what is clearly a lapse of judgement, a mistake, and get back on that pony and represent homie.

You think you've got problems Patrick? It's alright for you...we're about to get Tony Pasin as our federal member (Liberal candidate in a safe Liberal seat)...sweet mercy.

Tomorrow: Run, Rabbit, Run - The Abbott and Pasin Show

Yes...I know...everybody's done the Run, Rabbit, Run joke (re Julia Gillard calling Tony Abbot Mr Rabbit in parliament-purely by accident, of course) but it's just too perfect a way to describe the last 72 hours of shameless, flagrant Liberal Party self promotion.

Mr Abbott spent under 18 hours in Mt Gambier (including overnight) and did not officially answer one single question....pathetic and un-acceptable....instead having a private dinner with a religious organisation and assorted sycophants and acolytes...absolutely elitist and absolutely how the Liberals govern.

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