Friday, May 17, 2013

Lounge Lizards and Crocodile Tears

Apologies for late elses fault...(nice, I see what you're doing there...leading into a post about disingenuous responses and reactions by opening with a lie...clever-Ed)...ahhh, yeah...yeah, that's what I was doing...anyway...get the bottle-openers ready, this 'uns a corker...

Anyone vaguely familiar with Australian reptiles...I mean politicians...will know the names *Craig Thompson and Peter Slipper and of course our beloved leaders Julia Gillard (and Tony Abbott)...(ooo, do you think there's a joke in there about 'who put the Herpe in Herpetology'? it to a politician in a brothel...Venereal know?-Ed)

These first three's lives have been inextricably linked as the Australian Labor Party and/or Julia Gillard drags the political discourse out into the street, off the footpath, through the gutter, across an unfunded, potholed gravel road, down over the verge, and off into the scrub...bye, bye Democracy...

I cannot say with any certainty to what degree Julia Gillard's repeated 'Anti-Democratic Announcements' are directed by the Labor Party's contempt for genuine Democratic Process or by her own personal contempt for anything other than herself...let's just say it's both...

I offer as examples the decision to completely ignore appropriate protocols and procedures and just suddenly announce publicly the September 14th election, enough said, and the allegedly personal decision to completely ignore democratic and party conventions for the pre-selection process, and instead anoint Ms Nova Perris as preferred candidate to the Northern Territory seat already occupied by a long serving Labor member.

If I were a nasty, cynical, conniving, and manipulative person who really wanted to cause fundamental ruptures and division with-in Aboriginal 'activism', with a direct goal of crippling that 'activism' for good, I'd find a highly respected Aboriginal person in a safe seat and then appoint an equally respected Aboriginal person in over the top of the them...equally respected with equally strong support now focused on each other and not elsewhere...say at me...if I were a nasty person...

(Come on're saying quite specifically that Julia Gillard appointed Ms Perris with a deliberate goal of rooting-up Aboriginal activism in the Northern Territory...and when you explain it like that...-Ed)...oh well, it could be that Labor just hated the sitting member or whatever, but the corruption of processes remains and the outcome is the same...and I do not believe it is any sort of accident...

Furthermore, I completely reject Prime Minister Julia Gillard's performance whilst announcing the Disability Insurance Scheme, whatevs, as one of the most cynically deceitful displays of faux emotion that I have ever had the bile-rising displeasure to witness.

What I witnessed was not a person consumed by their emotion and driven to tears, what I saw was a person carefully monitoring the response around the room...look at the footage, turn down the sound, and just watch her eyes...the eyes always have it...darting around the room...

It was about as genuine as the lions gathering around to pay eulogy to the zebra they've just eaten..."and I (weep) couldn't help but (sob) weep and think (weep) as I (weep) chewed it's anus out (sob) that there has to be a better way (weep)...(yeahhh, I think you've made your point...quite pointedly in fact-Ed)...sorry, I'm so very upset about this fakery...(yeah, I'm gettin' that-Ed)...

That was not a display of genuine emotion, that was base, calculating, and fundamentally there no bar low enough that Labor and Gillard can't have a shot at lowering it just that bit more?, but here comes the Mad Monk and his Funky Bunch of Tidy Gentlemen's Perms...sweet baby Jesus...

But what is truly scary is the phallanx of supposedly intelligent reporters, etc, who keep saying it was genuine. I am not into random abuse of people for disagreeing with me, but, if you are stupid enough to look at that deeply disturbing pantomime of political bastardry and think it's genuine, then in my humble opinion, you are an idiot. 

Speaking of idiots*, Craig Thompson is particularly, incredibly unlucky because someone (he apparently doesn't know who) somehow (he doesn't know how) managed to use his penis with a prostitute without his knowledge...but it wasn't him...poor fella...(ahh, actually it was allegedly his alleged credit alleged card that some alleged unknown alleged person allegedly used...allegedly-Ed)...ummm, why all the allegedlys?..(because none of it is proven-Ed)

Hang on, yes I think it has been established that the Union Credit Card (Health Union?) assigned to Craig Thompson was used at a brothel/escort service/whatevs, the issue is whom actually used the card, not if it was used, and Craig Thompson has failed to explain how this was possible and who did it, given that he denies it was him.

(So it was definitely his card?-Ed)...yes...(it was used at a brothel/whatever?-Ed)...yes...(but he says it wasn't him?-Ed)...yes...(but he doesn't know who it was?-Ed)...yes...(ummmm...has he...claimed...that, perhaps it was stolen...or copied even; that can be done fairly easily you know-Ed)...don't think so...(sooo, basically it was his card, it was used, but it wasn't him, but he doesn't know who it was-Ed)...yep...(ummm-Ed)...indeed, ummm...

(Well, look, I know it's your blog, but if I may?..-Ed)...certainly, can't hurt...(Well it looks like either Craig Thompson used the Credit Card himself at the Escort Agency/whatever, or...he knows who did, eg, he lent it to his mate to use, but he just won't say...bottomline, Craig Thompson's Union-funded Credit Card, subsidised by Union member feesthat he was responsible for, was used at the Agency/whatever, and Craig Thompson has not explained why and/or how.-Ed)

Could not have put it better myself...please continue...

(Well, surely it is encumbent of Craig Thompson to explain why and/or how his Union Credit Card was used at a brothel/whatever. And given that he is a member of the Federal Labor Party and Federal parliament and his vote is critical to governing...well...surely he should have been 'suspended', whatever, and the issue immediately investigated-Ed)

Actually, he has been 'an Independent' of sorts after he resigned/was ejected and now I think he's not even a member of the Labor Party since earlier this week...I think that's right...anyways he's been on the cross benches and still voting but not blocking supply, etc, to ensure Labor can govern...something like that...and FairWork Australia did an (cough) investigation that ran for years and so did/are the New South Wales police...I think...

(Yes that all sounds about right but what does it ultimately mean? means that Craig Thompson  will sit there 'til the September 14 election...oh, and have you heard the latest?..allegationings abound that Craig was offered an opportunity to 'lose' preselection for his seat as a 'Labor candidate' and therefore qualify for various entitlements and not completely cock-up that seat for Labor...charming-Ed)...indeed, charming...

(And what about former Liberal, then former Speaker, then 'Independent' Peter 'Get Me To A Winery' Slipper?-Ed)...don't ask me...I got nuthin'...(wasn't he a Liberal until Labor offered him the Speaker's Chair to bugger-up the Libs and sure up shaky Labor numbers, and then didn't the Libs turn on him like a rabid gerbil squealing about how they'd been trying to eject him from the safe pre-selection in a safe seat that they kept on giving him despite the fact that he was the biggest arsehole any of them had ever met?-Ed)...yep, that's him...

(Wow, if Julia Gillard tries real hard she could be almost that disingenuous...bazinga-Ed)...bazinga indeed...(and didn't he have a bit of a go at his assistant or something, and that went to Court and then the assistant turns out to be a Liberal stooge...stop me any time...and then he rorted CabFare Charges and then that went away...-Ed)...yep, that's him...(and he's still on the public purse, etc?-Ed)...yep...(no wonder you get so pissed off-Ed)...thanks...

What hope when these are the players? And nobody is playing gender, race, or class politics more that Julia Gillard and Labor...unless of course it's Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party.

So...which pack of disingenuous, scurrilous, spineless, back-sliding reptiles will you vote for this September?

Tomorrow: TFTIM: Grant District Council CEO Trevor Smart

When I put him on the spot about Grant Council's deceitful Wind Turbine shenanigans, he employed the highly successful 'Stand There Silently With A Stupid Grin On Your Face' strategy that has served Tony Abbott so well over the years...not to be confused of course with the equally popular and successful 'Stand There With Your Bare Face Hanging Out' strategy as regularly utilised by Wayne Swan...

*Post Script 17/05/13: Corrected mistake - speaking of idiots, I kept calling Craig Thompson 'Mark' - sorry...

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