Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Letters to the Teachers Registration Board

Apologies for late, lazy post that is not the much advertised Free Trade and Foreign Ownership, sorry again, it will happen...but here's a clue...NO and NO...been at appointments all day. Just been to second 'Council Budget Consultation' meeting...20 people all saying please No rate increase, don't borrow, don't spend...also post tomorrow...and letter submitted to The Border Watch re Council approving it's own loan extension...

In my TRB letters I have chosen to remove the names solely to stop the post being dragged down. Anyway, the important issue is that these letters identify some of the many people, documents, and other general evidence that the TRB/Crown Solicitors Office chose to ignore before even starting their hearing, and then repeatedly throughout the hearing. (TRB/CSO Hearing into Glyn Dorling - March 2003 to November 2004 - as per previous posts)

Because there are so many letters I'll do it incrementally...(totally mentally if you ask me-Ed)...well nobody did ask you thanks very much...I'll do a few at a time, but the over-all picture is I believe almost immediately obvious.

The TRB/CSO were not ignorant in their failures, they were wanton in their exonerate Dorling.

I believe it was the Mahatma, the great Ghandi whom said;
          "Ignorance alone is merely ignorance, but ignorance with pride is sheer shrekin' stupidity."

(That's wasn't Ghandi you idiot, that's one of yours-Ed)...really?...(well yeah, I'm fairly sure Ghandi never mentioned Shrek-Ed)...ah, astute observation my learned friend...

Sorry for poor quality copy of hand-written letter but I didn't have a computer at that time. This first letter shows the date as 03/05/2003, posted 12/05/03, following original phone complaints in late March 2003, confirming complaints lodged well over a year before the hearing started June 2004. More to come.

I am Nick Fletcher...this is a genuine document sent at the time...and this is my blog...cheers...

Tomorrow: Free Trade and Foreign Ownership

plus other stuff from Council


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