Friday, May 10, 2013

Other Child Abuse Cover-ups

The alternative title for this post is 'Christian Cuddles All Round' and you'll understand why soon enough.

Literally everyday in the news is another chapter in the sad, sick litany of abuse of our children that is increasingly obvious as not being the result of un-hindered corruption, but rather the incubus and haven for it.

The ABC's coverage of 'whistleblower' New South Wales police officer Peter Fox has traversed time and again my/our experience of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the reactions and/or behaviours of official bodies, particularly police.

Peter Fox openly states that he was so concerned about the corruption of his fellow officers that he was locking documents in a safe, and that his office was ransacked by fellow officers aligned with the Catholic Church.

Equally reminiscent of the St Martins case is the spineless back-down by the state politician (?-name.sorry)who openly praises Peter Fox but now completely denies discussing with him the "Catholic mafia" operating within NSW Police.

The last 2 years in South Australia has been one long failure of authorities, one cover-up after another...the Acting Police Minister charged with Child Pornography offences, rolling cover-up of multiple abuses in an Adelaide primary school involving at least 2 different Labor Education Ministers (Portolesi and Rankine), etc, but for me the one that really sums up the attitude and conduct of South Australian authorities was the dumping of charges against a bus driver in December 2011.

Only two weeks before Christmas 2011 the Director of Public Prosecutions and/or SAPol dumped the case against a bus driver (?name-sorry) who had been charged with physically and/or sexually abusing the young disabled children in his care..and the excuse...the children couldn't give evidence properly in the Courts which compromised the rights of the accused to a fair hearing.

Immediately obvious...the reality that in 2011/12 the Courts fail to appropriately accommodate disabled people, which by this default falls in favour of the rights of the perpetrator...the most vulnerable in our society are nowhere more so than in the Courts....outrageous and unacceptable.

Clearly someone was able to relate something to somebody and it was enough for SAPol to actually charge the driver, but when it gets to the Courts, the Court fails miserably...the children aren't good enough as witnesses...outrageous and unacceptable.

And to dump the case only weeks before Christmas is just bloody-minded and in-excusable...I struggle to see it as anything other than a deliberate attack on the families by the pro-paedophile factions running South Australian politics and authorities.

Why put it into the Courts in the first instance when the 'rights of the accused' would immediately discount the only actual witnesses, and then why not wait a month and drop it after Christmas?...give those poor families their Christmas before telling them their children are irrelevent and unrepresented by the good ole SA Courts.

The institutionalised cover-up of abuse that clearly, undeniably occurs, can only happen with the compliance of those who should address and resolve it.

Literally everybody in Mt Gambier, indeed South Australia, who is in a position of authority, a position of responsibility, knows what has happened at St Martins and you all have helped (continue to help) the Lutheran Church cover-up the abuse of a class of seven year old children.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard said so herself; "...those who commit acts of ommission or avert their eyes..."

I take full responsibility for this failure to avail authorities of a genuine sense of what our children were being subjected to; a whole series of carefully orchestrated emotional manipulations and physical contacts that the Lutherans have officially and repeatedly described as a "Christian Cuddle".

This is the Lutheran's strategy; they simply cannot outright deny what was being done to our seven year old children by their 50 year old teacher in the classroom because there were just too many adult witnesses, disclosures by children, the Flinders Child Protection Service reports, etc, so those physical contacts had to be admitted but explained and excused.

Christian Cuddle covers a myriad of sins and excuses even praises the teacher, Glyn Dorling...he's just a good Christian doing good Christian things and as good Christians you'll all understand that...oh, and did we mention those other parents are crazy liars who start bad rumours and are just trying to get money from the school....(previous posts) 

Christian Cuddle manipulates the good Christian souls of St Martins by providing them a neat, clean, nice excuse to turn their backs on the reality.

Again, I take full responsibility for the failure to impress upon authorities the reality of what a "Christian Cuddle" really means...and so it is encumbent of me to rectify that...and so...

Christian Cuddles All Round.

From now on, from this day forward, whenever I see some-one involved in the Cover-up of the abuse of my child at St Martins Lutheran School, I will help them to a better understanding of just what exactly a Christian Cuddle incorporates by giving them one...

So next time I'm down the Main Street or at the supermarket or walking my dog around the Blue Lake...where-ever, when-ever...and I run into, say, former MP Rory McEwen or maybe Frank Morello or Gary Costello (ohh, please let it be Gary Costello-Ed), who-ever...I'm going to Christian Cuddle them until they gain a better understanding of what it is they have been helping the Lutherans cover-up...


I mean, I thought that we parents had managed to explain to Rory, Frank, Gary, et al, across many meetings, letters, attempts to have us parents arrested (previous posts), etc, what was happening at St Martins, but clearly I have not tried hard enough.

So next time I see one of you, and I come at you with arms outstretched and a big, stupid grin on my face, no need to panic...I'm just going to Christian Cuddle you...honest...I'm just going to hold you and touch you the way Glyn Dorling was our children, as identified and acknowledged by authorities like FCPS. 

That will probaly take about half an hour, and then I'm going to make you sit there until you soil and/or wet yourself, and then I'm going to make you sit in it for the rest of the day...and if you try and move I'll be verbally abusive and deliberately physically intimidatory.

But no need to panic...this declaration is in no way a threat and cannot be seen that way...if I may be so's not a threat, it's a promise...(nice one-Ed)...because these behaviours, these 'interactions' between fifty year old Glyn Dorling and the 7 year old children in his care, are known to the Lutherans, FCPS, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, lawyer Bill DeGaris (ooo, cuddles for you Bill), Premier Weatherill, PM Julia Gillard, etc, and are deemed by all to be just fine.

My declaration to 'educate and inform by application' cannot be viewed as a threat because these behaviours have been repeatedly identified and repeatedly excused as perfectly legal and appropriate conduct by a fifty year old man with 7 year old children.

So let us see what you all think when Christian Cuddle becomes a physical reality in your life not a casual catch-phrase about some-one elses.

Can you feel the love? will...

Footnote: Obviously this does not refer to office staff, etc, just those actually responsible...I'm not some sort of cuddle-slut or anything...

Tomorrow: South Australia - An Apple Cart Called Gravy Train

A festival of mixed metaphors and specific accusations.

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