Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mt Gambier Council Meeting and Budget Consultation: 21/05/13

Apologies, again, very long day...Free Trade and Foreign Ownership will have to wait, Council's on the job again.

Who put the 'con' and 'insult' in 'consultation'?...(hilarious, but I don't get 'insult'-Ed)...well if you take the the 'i' and the 'n' and move them to the...(yeah...bit convoluted maybe?...and what about the 'a' 't' and 'o'?-Ed)...yes, that doesn't quite work, does it?...

Ooo, ooo...I've got it, I've got it...(well don't give it to me-Ed)...oh now who's being hilarious?...anyway, no, even better...check it out...Who takes 'Consultation' from an 'insult to a con'?...brilliant...(even if you do say so yourself-Ed), no, it's perfect, listen...Council insults ratepayers intelligence with pretending to give a fat rat's behind about what rate-payers think, by conducting a disingenuous consultation process they have no intention of listening to, an absolute con...from an 'insult to a con'...

Last night 21/05/13 Mount Gambier City Council passed/ratified/approved, whatevs, it's approval of itself approving It raising It's borrowing/debt level from just under $7million to $12million to accomodate It's budget/financial/whatevs plan that Council is allegedly doing consultation on...

(Hang on...they're doing 'Consultations' about the Budget-Ed)...yes...(but they just passed through Council the debt level increase for those infrastructure projects in the proposed budget that will lead to the massive rate increases forecast in the budget-Ed)...yes...(and the justification is that they have to raise that limit to borrow to pay for those various things that they say they are consulting on-Ed)...yes...(but...-Ed)...yes, I know...don't try to figure it out, you'll just hurt yourself, and it is exactly what it looks like anyway...from an insult to a con...

Budget Consultation Meeting

Daryl Sexton repeatedly blamed "the media" for misrepresenting/exaggerating the cost of the Library and Main Corner project, and one person asked why Council had not addressed this with The Border Watch and Darryl replied "...we have, you know the media." He stopped making these comments the moment TBW's Sandra Morello showed up.

Classic Council; lie, deny, and blame everybody and/or anything else...anything other than take responsibility for their corruption, nepotism, and fundamental incompetence.

Darryl repeatedly stated that Council had to do the Main Corner because "the public were demanding that something be done with that eyesore on the corner"...please refer my previous posts for the reality...Council did exactly what it wanted despite public opinion and concerns...same with the Rail lands, pool, bus shelter,'s all about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...

Mayor Steve Perryman rolled in halfway through to grace us with his presence...(o-oh, I think I can see where this is headed-Ed) you mind?...(no, no, I concur and sympathise...please continue-Ed)...thankyou...oh, now I've lost my train of abuse...oh, yeah...and virtually the first thing he said was that "the Library and Main Corner only cost $12million combined"...he said it twice so it must be true...

He failed to offer any explanation but seemed to be riding on the back of Darryl Sexton's comments blaming the media for misinforming the public, and this is clearly a new Council strategy to counter the community rage over the outrageous expenditure...good luck with that...

Stevie made a point of coming around the group standing to my left, round behind the pillar and several chairs, to lean on the back of the chair right next to me; he didn't sit in any of the available chairs...he made a point of going literally half way around the room to come and lean over me...

It's what apes do...when the one who thinks they are the Alpha male is threatened by the true Alpha male in the room...when the pretender is usurped...assume threatening and intimidating postures...absolutely hilarious...I made a point of staying in my chair because even sitting down I'm still twice the man, twice the Alpha Ape Stevie clearly thinks he is...and he knows it otherwise he wouldn't be so driven to act in these ways..(wow, you weren't joking in that previous post were you? really are a vain, arrogant, prick...but it's still hilarious...and so true...please do go on-Ed)...absolutely...

When I engaged Steve about Council's re-zoning of the Rail Lands to Retail/Commercial neither he nor Darryl would answer my repeated, specific question; "Has Council re-zoned the Rail Lands to retail? I asked over and over throughout the meeting and not once was I answered...not even a 'No Nick you're wrong'...and if not No, then what does that leave...can't say no, musn't say yes, best say nout...

Immediately after Stevie came round to do his 'Mad Monkey' routine over my shoulder, he still would not answer my direct question, instead stating aggressively "...if you've just come hear to pick a fight...". This was a pathetic and failed attempt to denigrate me in front of the other people present, in sync with a pathetic and failed attempt to physically intimidate and dominate me...pathetic and failed...says so much about how Council conducts business full stop...

Anyway, Monkey boy (oh, I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself-Ed)...your point?..(oh, no point...hilarious...please continue...Anyway...monkey boy...-Ed)...any way...when Monkey boy tried to aggressively denigrate me I simply gave it to him from the seated position...

'Steve, I've written, spoken, petitioned, submitted, etc, to Council over and over again and I have been ignored or attacked, eg, via a secret Council report specifically about me, released through The Border Watch (previous posts). I have tried time and again for years to do this appropriately with zero result, so me coming here to ask questions is not just perfectly appropriate, but it is something that you/Council have created for yourselves'...(paraphrasing myself)

I did not swear, raise my voice, or stand backfired horribly for Stevie because he tried to provoke and intimidate me but instead all present saw a clearly un-impressed person engage politely but ruthlessly...I saw at least one jaw drop...cheers...

Steve refused to answer my repeated specific questions about the Council's multiple plans for Retail Development and the multiple consultations, and/or the re-zoning, even when I produced said plans from my bag, instead repeatedly trying to get other people to engage and/or change the subject.

My other questions re the Bus and pool, etc, similarly went unanswered...Only four meetings to go...

Council Meeting

Good news need to go to the remaining four 'budget consultation meetings' because Council last night voted to approve themselves a massive increase in Mt Gambier's allowable debt limit from $7million out to $12milliion with no specific business plan other than 'you have to spend to make money'...stupid, retrograde, and an absolute con.

This is the cornerstone of the new budget and has apparently been done to allow for the 'infrastructure projects' outlined in the Draft Budget...con, rort, lie, deceit, malfeasance, nepotism...(are you going somewhere with this?-Ed), just venting...corruption, greed, selfishness, incompetence, stupidity, ugliness...(hold on...personal abuse? that appropriate?-Ed)...absolutely, when the corruption is writ grande dans le visage...(whaaa?-Ed)...when the corruption of the individual is etched into their countenance, their face, their every fibre...hello Merv...

Following the 4% response to the 700 letters that Council sent out re 'Park and Stride', last night Council approved paying a 'private phone canvasser' to ring 70 businesses to ask why...more expenditure on more consultants...why can't Council staff make those phone calls?

Council still can't/won't see the realities that ratepayers; 1) just don't believe that Council listens to them; 2) know that if they speak out they will be attacked; and 3) therefore just don't give a stuff....why go to all the trouble of researching and writing a detailed submission to Council, when you know that Council is just going to do what is most beneficial/profitable for it's individual members and/or their mates and probaly attack you into the bargain...why would anyone bother?

And it is a classic political tactic to blame the victim for the actions of the perpetrator and this 'consultation process' is a perfect example...just ignore and/or attack rate-payers long enough and eventually they'll just give up, and then you can start blaming them for not's a self-perpetuating monster of deceit and manipulation.

As per previous post, I don't know whether Council is so far removed from these realities that they genuinely cannot see this, or whether it's just part of the wall of disingenuousness that defines the deceitful conduct of Council on virtually every Pops would have said; "...they couldn't even lie straight in bed..."

More Council meeting stuff to know you like, you do....naughty...

Tomorrow: Free Trade and Foreign Ownership

I me...I'm a politician...

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