Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Mount Gambier Plan and 2013 Budget

I find that the best thing for with which to budge it is plenty of fibre in your daily diet, and in emergencies Cod Liver Oil is tried and true as...(pssst-Ed)...what?...(they're talking about a Fiscal Budget... a Budget-Ed)...yeah?...(not a constipated stool-Ed)...a what?...(a know...a pooh-Ed)...yes I know, that's the metaphor I'm working for this know - every motion Council passes is a steaming pile of solid sh...(yes, ok, I get it...hilarious...move on please-Ed)

I completely reject the Greater Mount Gambier Master Plan, the Five Year Plan, the Strategic Plan, the Budget plan, this Week's Plan, Last Week's Plan, the Plan that Has No Name, I've Been Through The Desert On A Horse With No Name...(say what?-Ed)...oh, sorry...they played that on the radio this morning and...I can't get it out of my head...come on, come on, do the locomotion...(Oi, stop that...stop that right now-Ed)...sorry...

A spoon full of sugar does make the medicine go down (I thought I said...-Ed), no, bear with me...does make the medicine go down, because nothing will save the, wait, (you've already used that joke in another post-Ed) hang on, hang on...budge it with fibre...every with no plan...medicine...oh yeah, that's right...does make the medicine go down, so it probaly helps just a fraction to approach this particular feast with a horses douvres of humour.
(there's a whole bunch of unpleasant jokes there about the European horse/donkey meat substitution scandal that I'm glad you didn't do...oh no, wait...I just did've got me doing it now...Nooooooo-Ed)

Oo, oo, I just thought of one...the English housewife went into the butchers and said "That's a nice piece of ass." ahahahaha

Seriously though, does Mt Gambier City Council honestly expect ratepayers to swallow the huge pile of crap Council has served up as it's latest budget? 

Great steaming piles of turd Batman...there's only one creature in all of God's creation that can leave such a vast mass of lung-wretching stench muffins...Maincorner, the Great White Elephant...

But fear not for CEO Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans is all over it like a very stiff rash...and I don't just mean the front page of The Border Watch...(ahahaha...get on with it-Ed) stink on a monkey (hilarious, but get on with it-Ed)...

Brief Aside: Ohhhh, external bazinga as 'Nick' enters the zeitgeist...well for Councillor Merv White anyway...just heard him on ABC Local Radio (07.25am-15/05/13) prefacing his usual lies about the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter with the observation that some people aren't happy about it and "Nick will probably call in"...and I did, but my comments weren't read out.

Council's 2012/13 Budget is a gross misrepresentation of the fiscal realities and continues the same old deceits with renewed promises about action on the Rail Lands, glib reference to the grossly irresponsible and in-appropriate spending on the Library and Main Corner, etc.

According to TBW 15/05/13 the Main Corner costs over $600,000 per annum with a $60,000 return, which openly acknowledges that it is a massive constant daily drain on ratepayers that will never end.

This is where the Mount Gambier Master Plan comes in. It was/is not a vision or a roadmap for the future, it is a fundamentally corrupted, clumsily obvious attempt to ratify and justify the rank corruption that preceded it.

I have covered all of this in previous posts; this is the Rail Lands Retail Agenda meets the Penola Rd/Bunnings/Brenton James fiasco and all of the mess in between.

The current Council statements about expenditure on projects like the Rail Lands are simply not believable. I refer to my previous post Mount Gambier Rail Lands - Council's Plans April 17th 2013 that includes the various 'official' plans that Council have commissioned, at great and as yet un-disclosed expense, that confirm the RLRA as a reality of Council's construct, not a figment of my rage...I mean imagination...(no, you meant rage...and quite right-Ed) 

I will review the full budget and do a dot point post, but I have no faith that anything in the current document will impose itself on reality...apart from pouring millions more into the ludicrous Old Hospital Demolition.

For the record: I completely dismiss the statement made in the article by Sandra Morello TBW 14/05/13 that this budget is;
          " of the biggest capital infrastructure spends foreshadowed in some years..."

The entire Rail Lands Retail Agenda leading to the Library and Main Corner placement, the Penola Rd Re-zoning leading to Bunnings on Millicent Rd, etc, has cost tens of millions and is costing over $2.5million per year just to operate, with a combined return of approx 2%...2%.

I call on Council to release a full costings on their multiple official Retail Plans for the Rail Lands.

Other than that, the entire Council should be removed, a fully Independent Administrator appointed, and put me in charge of the questions, and all of that should happen before Council is allowed to burn another dollar of rate-payers money.

But that's not going to happen, so instead I officially call on Councillors to make the hard call and go the hard yards and take it upon themselves to resign...pull the plug yourselves as an alturistic act of genuine public service.

Given the clear control that a handful of Councillors have over the 'status quo', and that I have called for this action, any resignation would be seen not as an act of acceptance of my accusationings or any admission of fault, etc, but rather an acknowledgement of the problems within Council that must be addressed for the good of the community. 

If enough Councillors resign the Council will collapse forcing a by-election, etc.

But first things Independent Auditor and me asking the know it makes sense.

This Arvo: 1) Bernard Finnigan, and
                   2) the Cherryville Fire-Where There's Smoke There's Lies.

Where SA's corruption sees paedophiles protected and volunteer fire-fighters and home-owners endangered by their CFS bosses and the Labor state government.

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