Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Just Another Post - Here Goes Nothing

Not apologising for this late post...other than to say I feel so traumatised by 24 hours of George Pell's lies in the media, again, that I have had to self-censor today's (already written) post by choosing to pull it down myself until I can present it in an appropriate form...and I simply cannot do that at the moment...a man's gotta know his limitations...

I spent half the day on it, but to no avail. It is no exaggeration to state that I feel physically ill.

My heart, my being, and the last shreds of my poor damned soul ache for the pain and the suffering and for those whom have fallen...and the taste of vengeance, the thirst for retribution, burns itself into every line of that post.

The title alone is fully indicative of that which follows: Catholic Priests - The Case for Involuntary Euthanasia, and it's not so much down hill from there as straight off the cliff...

And something I've never done with my blog before, I even went out to seek advice and immediately agreed to what I already knew...that I had to take a big step back and even away from that post for a few days...

I will post the revised version within a couple of days...wish me luck...and so, some other stuff...

I must be stone cold tripping because I've got a voice in my head...several voices in fact...(it's not me-Ed)...telling me that Federal politcians have just awarded themselves a $50k per annum...that's $1,000 per week...payrise, which raises their salary to nearly $200k per annum...that's $4,000 a week...that's a one-off and immediate increase of approx 33%...just like that...

No, it's Senator John Madigan being interviewed on ABC Radio (sorry, it could have been 'the completely impartial BBC World Service, on behalf of the Conservative Party')...(The Young Ones: BBC TV?-Ed)...yes, you know it?...(no, you've used that joke in a previous post-Ed)...it's not a joke, it's a quote...Senator Madigan stating that he will "donate" the $30k (after tax) because he disagrees with the rise.

Immediately following a Federal Budget that delivered a, what?...nearly $20billion deficit?... that less than 12 months ago was an alleged surplus?...their bare faced hypocrisy, their collective greed, the unanimous   contempt in the entire House for the people of Australia, the accumulated bastardry of gouging the Australian tax-payer a further $10million (approx) per annum...I truly wish that it was my halucination...

Elsewhere, I'm delighted that my ongoing if somewhat clumsy efforts to engage with the public discourse via the public broadcaster, ABC Radio, have generated two messages read out yesterday, and on-air time this morning.

The first message (to producer Penny Moorhouse) was in response to a young lady's comments (including that 'Rory McEwen was great' - please see previous posts) but I called specifically re 'negotiating politely and establishing respectful relationships with our politicians'. (paraphrasing)

I went with the bleedin' obvious observation that thousands of South Easterners, and some Adelaide residents, repeatedly, politely protested the Forestry Sale on Parliament's front steps, North Terrace, Adelaide, and where did that get us?...and that's pretty much what was read out...fantastic...

Later during a discussion re the return of rail to and/or through Mt Gambier, I effectively threw announcer Alan Richardson, a notorious and self-confessed Rail Tragic, an absolute 'Dorothy Dixer'.  (DD- a common political ploy; ask your own Minister a set up question for a prepared answer)

My question (as read out) was about the Truck/Train system that was being trialled in Adelaide 20 years ago, where Pantechs (?spelling) were placed on rail dollies and linked together to form a train, reducing truck numbers on highways, cheaper freight, etc.

Alan didn't just pick up the ball, he took off, bounced twice, hand-balled and received in a classic one-two, and had a couple more bounces before putting the ball well into the 50m to the advantage of the forwards...but we'll have to leave our coverage there and return now to reality...

Alan described Rail Freight systems being used in Europe (that he had personally witnessed I think) similar to the above and/or simply driving trucks onto flatbeds, and the drivers travel in normal passenger wagons. It is the perfect system and the perfect justification for supporting the return of Rail to (if possibly not through) Mt Gambier.

Many trucks off roads, that therefore reduces wear and tear, makes roads safer, moves more freight more quickly, more cheaply, all of which in turn drives economies and supports production and manufacturing; one of the greatest impediments to Regional manufacturing is the cost of accessing any major markets (cites) in Australia.

But the greatest advantage is that Truck drivers can use the travel times to rest and recover, eg, a driver will arrive in Perth refreshed from a 2 day train ride, not totally knackered from 2 days driving. Further, drivers can be used locally at either end, allowing many drivers to return to 'main-stream existence', plan activities with their families and in their communities, etc.

Also drivers can greatly reduce the extraordinary conditions, regulations, and burueacracy that they are currently subjected to. I studied these Log Book requirements a couple of years ago, and it's got worse.

In my humble opinion, these Log Book regulations look more like provisions for employers to legislatively, legally exploit their drivers than a structure for the benefit of drivers and other road users...badly fatigued is as good as drunk...

There will always be a need for trucks, not least because trains don't go everywhere, but there are many advantages to Truck/Trains. It's a win/win...unless of course you make your income from controlling Road Freight...and that appears to be the big problem in Mt Gambier...

Even I know that if I name the company responsible this post will get pulled, but I don't have to say who is the man personally responsible for deliberately destroying Rail in Mt Gambier, because everyone keeps telling me...

To close by mixing the metaphors...Alan put the ball in the air, and it is now in the politicians and developers court...Truck/Trains are an ideal solution to numerous problems...

But I digress; this morning on ABC Local Radio Mt Gambier, City Councillor Andrew Lee was interviewed
by Stan Thompson about the current 'Budget Consultation' (previous posts) and made some statements that I rang to challenge.

I was politely called back and put to air to make the same points that I have made on this blog, ie; many 'conservative' people turning out to meetings for the first time in their lives, and saying please, no rate rise, we are concerned for the future debt of the town...for the future of Mt Gambier.

I also contested Cr Lee's statement that a 'woman spoke to him at Saturday's meeting*'...there was no woman at that meeting...six blokes and five Council reps, all blokes...no women.

Councillor Lee also declined to answer a question about the public displeasure with the Main Corner Project, particularly the cost, stating that 'it had occured before my time on Council'*.

I pointed out 'that the current Council, Cr Lee included, had approved massive funding for aspects of the Main Corner...the lights, or the Film, or the commercial kitchen...can't remember...at it's very first meeting following the November 2010 election'*.

My statements received brief if not glowing endorsement from Stan, and then I threw them a real curve ball by closing with 'I know I don't usually bring the optimism, but I was so pleased to see people show up and express their concern for their community, particularly those saying I'll be ok, but I'm worried about others'.    (*paraphasing)

I wasn't being tricky or manipulative or anything...it's absolutely true...just trying to be a little more positive. In my own defence, though, I do try to offer solutions, alternatives and/or possibilities to each observation and/or critique. 

This interview with Cr Lee and my response might even be available under 'Rewind' on the ABC Local Radio's Interweb site...laters...

Tomorrow: The Seat of Barker

(see, that turned out alright...not too bad-Ed)...gee thanks...oh, yeah...I'm Nick Fletcher...blog on...

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