Friday, May 24, 2013

Free Trade and Foreign Ownership

Unreserved apology for last couple of posts...I've been flat out but still trying to put out a half decent post and some of them take literally half a day, but yesterday's in particular was pretty much slapped together between appointments/meetings...sorry...oh, and I've been told to stop apologising...sorry for that too...(hilarious-Ed)

I know some people think I'm just an overly opinionated, self-important idiot with a lap-top, but I take this blog very, very seriously and try very, very hard to be accurate and appropriate. I want to 'talk to' people, not 'down at' them.

As per previous posts, and if you've read some of these issues, for example, some of the things we've been put though as parents by the Lutherans, SAPol, and other authorities for just trying to protect our children re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, you'll understand that sometimes I also have to get up and just walk away...for a while...

Still only one comment...(one...snigger, snigger-Ed)...yes, alright, thankyou...only one comment 'on-blog' but an avalanche of feed-back 'off-blog', it took less than 24 hours for someone to alert me that I hadn't blocked out a name properly, thanks, and I rectified won't happen again...

But what's really pleasing are the comments being made to me about the posts that have been pulled down by DeGaris Lawyers, Piper Alderman Lawyers, and the Education Department (previous posts), and then re-posted in revised form and now remain 'on-post' un-challenged...people are stating to me that pulling down the posts arouses suspicion, but the un-challenged 're-postings' with attached documents absolutely confirm what I'm saying.

And further, if those 'pulled posts' are thus proven to be true, then what does that say about all of the other posts/claims/accusations that have not been pulled? it has been put to me 'proven by default, proven by a failure to challenge'...

Also observed repeatedly; 'Why has anyone even acknowledged your blog at all?...surely the smart thing to do would be just to completely ignore it; pulling down posts only gives the whole blog credibility'...correct and too late...but back to the subject matter...

NO and NO...easy...what's the post...(whoa, hang can't just say NO without explanation...who do you think you are?...Tony Abbott?-Ed)...ahh, hang on yourself, there's no need for name calling...particularly that name...(sorry-Ed)'s ok, I understand...we're all under a lot of pressure...

If I may open with 'an bleedin' obvious observationing'...(top grammarings-Ed) about how Car Manufacturing jobs are some sort of sacred cow but everyone else are just sacrificial lambs...(nice...unpleasant situation and unfair treatment but nicely put-Ed)....thanks...many a true word spoken in jest...but we are all dead meat...

Free Trade - NO - it is really that simple, because it is completely insane to tie yourself to a series of self-imposed restrictions that nobody else cannot, will not will lose...

I disagree with Senator Nick Xenophon that the Australian government is "Free Trade Taliban"...I don't care what "the world calls us" because I think it's all a massive con...this terminology attempts to excuse and generate sympathy for a Labor government that is quite deliberately crippling Australia economically with a view to carving it up between mates and international companies and even other countries...

This description suggests a genuine if in-correct belief in the ideology, an illness or mentally unstable obsession, whatevs, and makes the perpetrators look 'a bit sad' as opposed to 'rabidly corrupt'...I know which horse my monies on...

Australia is being very neatly, very thoroughly carved up and sold off to the largely overseas concerns that are manipulating markets, economies, and whole social structures, with the absolute and un-relenting support of government, eg, Wind Turbine legislation in South Australia and/or the extraordinary $10billion Clean Energy Finance Commission (?-Committee? Council? whatevs) that Labor has just established to hand out massive subsidies to 'Renewable Projects' that private enterprise wouldn't touch with somebody elses 10 foot pole...(cheeky-Ed)...$2billiion in the first year...

And we are our own worst enemy. Time and again our own greed and avarice are used to manipulate us as we, for example, choose to borrow to purchase a 'luxury foreign car' over a slightly more expensive locally produced one, because we pay such high wages, etc, (in a global comparison) and there are virtually no tariffs (5% I'm fairly sure) on imported cars, etc...and debt is a wonderful tool of control...cue massive mortgages for middle-of-nowhere McMansions...fear and owing in suburbia...

And control by targetting utility prices, and food prices, etc...It's 'Masai Economics' - keep stabbing the cash cow in the neck and bleed it so as to consume that blood; just don't kill it...but we have crossed that too many stabs too close together...and so we become 'dead meat'...the corruption and corporate avarice has gotten away from it's master and the beast lies slain in the dust...and there was only ever one cow...

Foreign Ownership - NO - We have an international obligation to produce with the least impact on the environment the maximum quantity of resource that we can, but that does not mean ripping up Western Australia within a week so that certain billionaires can buy a bigger pile of moral highground, or destroying local production, industry, etc, with cynically lunatic adherence to Free Trade ideologies, etc, or 'Selling the Farm'...

I am genuinely very concerned about animal welfare issues and would like for there to be no cloven hooved animals anywhere in the fragile Australian environment, but what the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has repeatedly done with it's 'Live Trade Exposes' is not cutting edge journalism, it is relentless manipulation of inner-suburban greenies with emotive button punching.

I consider the ABC's behaviour on 'Live Trade' as 'Industrial Espionage' on behalf of all those furtively lurking in the shadows, waiting for the whole cattle and/or sheep industries to collapse as a result of the lunacy of the instant halting of trade, etc, so they can swoop in and carve it up for themselves.

Furthermore, in the unlikely event that I might have that influence, say after...say September 14, I will immediately call on the government of the day, give a damn who it is, to instigate a formal Inquiry into the allegedly corrupt sale of Cubby Station to a Chinese led concern, in effect to China itself, and for charges to be laid against the 'Receivers'.

And if the 'Receivers' allegedly corrupt conduct is proven, that the government therefore immediately act to recoup those monies from the allegedly fraudulent 'Receivers' by suing their allegedly corrupt allegedly small backsides clean off...(that's a lot of 'allegedlys' for what looks like a specific allegation-Ed)

Fair enough, but not my allegation...I saw National Barnaby Joyce (amongst others) on TV News make this specific accusation...'the receivers deliberately ignored higher priced tenders from Australian based concerns in giving the property to 'China', specifically so as to gain favour with the Chinese government for future work'.

I will then also call for the immediate Compulsory Aquisition of Cubby Station with an associated written apology to the Chinese people and Government and written contract to provide all produce from Cubby Station to the Chinese people for ever...not much of a promise given the planet's got about 20 years left of our collective abuse before major systems collapse causing global famine, etc...we are rooted...(gosh...really working the optimism today I see-Ed)...

I will deliver that apology myself were it to be so.

The Chinese government has done exactly what I would have done in the circumstances, the issue is clearly the conduct of the 'Receiver'...I'll give those bastards something to receive...(ah now, come on big were doing so well...-Ed)...yeah, yeah, sorry... 

Other 'Government purchases' are more problematic, but similar 'Aquisition' processes are perfectly legal and acceptable, Australian governments do it to their own citizens all the time...this is Australia...not China, not Singapore, not Qatar...sod 'Free Trade' and 'Free Market processes''s all a massive con...

There must be absolute scrutiny of all land/asset sales of any level...the current $250million (approx) 'Foreign Investment Threshhold' is a cynical joke to make it look like there's some sort of regulation...

Stone the flamin' ponies...look at me getting all hot and bothered on my high horse...(nice-Ed)...

There's a whole raft of other issues to be covered in future posts, but I believe that I have made my point...

I am Nick Fletcher...this is my with it...

Tomorrow: I Used to Write Poetry

...and Council issues and The Border Watch This Week...maybe 2 posts...

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