Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I Told You So - Wind Turbines and De-sal Plant

Apologies for late post...very long day...

I deliberately chose this title because it is clearly not about me being right; these things are self-evident to anyone vaguely involved and that is why the statements from the politicians and proponents are so what point does deliberate deceit become politics, apparently never.

It is my experience that 'Opponents to Anything' are just as capable of mis-representing facts and figures as 'Proponents of Anything', but with these two issues there is just so much deceit coming from the Labor party that opponents literally spend all their time trying to keep up with addressing particularly the clearly definable pro-Turbine Propaganda Campaign.

The Victorian Health Dept has just released a 'report' that completely dismisses health concerns re Infrasound emissions from Wind Turbines, and appears to be headed toward using this report to remove or at least challenge the '2km veto' right that residents currently have over Turbine development near their homes.

Compare that to the 1km 'separation' in South Australia that residents have no control over.

Victoria Health specifically identify and quote as justification the already dis-credited South Australian Environmental Protection Agency partial testing from the Waterloo Turbine site. That testing was only done after massive pressure from opponents and the EPA had previously dismissed Infrasound as a 'non-issue' and even 'non-existent'.

This is standard procedure for Turbine proponents and developers; refer to each others unsupported statements as facts and flood the media with it for 48 hours and then dive for cover for a fortnight-3 weeks, and then do it again. (previous post)

This is exactly what happened with international reporting of the fundamentally corrupted and in-adequate bit piece EPA testing, and now the Victorian government has jumped on the hobby horse.

Victorian Premier Dennis Napthine reportedly refuses to even meet with people who are in anyway opposed to Turbines, for any reason, such is his commitment to supporting Turbine development.

I note that this testing, ludicrously in-adequate as it is, highlights two undeniable truths...this testing has not been done anywhere ever before or the Turbine developers would be referring to that testing, and that Turbines have been approved everywhere without this testing having been done.

I understand that an 'Independent Report' on Turbines has back-fired nicely, with some direct criticisms and adverse findings (I'll check it out and post) and there have been numerous problems with the latest EPA 'testing' currently underway, but that there are independent monitors hopefully gathering decent data.

Will also post this 'testing' and explanation of Renewable Certificates, etc.

De-Sal Plant - Last week I caught the tail-end of a story on Today Tonight that had an Adelaide Professor (name ?-sorry) reviewing and explaining data from monitoring stations near the De-Sal Plant that show a massive discharge event fom the Plant on the very day that the fish die-offs occurred.

SAWater and BioSecurity SA continue to state un-equivocally that the two events are not related. SA Water just flat out denies it and BS SA says 'an algal bloom'. Please refer to previous posts.

Now it has been reported that the federal Labor Party 'granted' South Australia's Labor government $330million for a doubling of the De-Sal Plant back in 2009, heading toward a 'losing election' in March 2010, and that this 'grant' (actually 2 grants) was made after Infrastruture Australia originally refused the grants because of a 'lack of return' on that investment.

The Gillard government went 'stuff you IA' and handed what is 3 times the usual allowable maximum under legislation to Mike Rann after he personally went and saw his co-conspirator I mean colleague Julia Gillard.

Democracy and legal governance be damned, we're the Labor Party.

The unfortunate reality is that I immediately smell a rat with this 'testing' and discharge data (here we go... down the rabbit hole again-Ed) because there's a whole bunch of other things going on in the environment there, eg, highly polluted run-off into the Onkaparinga River; seismic and/or other mining exploration activities; etc, that Labor definitely don't want proper scrutiny applied to, and Labor are going to mothball the Plant and are quite rightly receiving an absolute bollocking for it.

It would greatly serve Labor's purpose if green groups and/or residents, etc, focus their attentions on and start 'arcing up' about the damage the Plant is doing and call for it to be 'permanently de-commissioned'.

Labor get; a) a now 'justifiable' shut-down of this disaster that doesn't work, that b) distracts temporarily from other issues, and c) to suck up to Adelaide greenies whose preferences they so desperately need headed toward the March 2014 election.

All of these issues could neatly be addressed and/or implemented by a well documented discharge event.

Regardless of potential conspiracy theories (because that's all that is) the current situation is that there was a discharge and that it happened the day the fish die-offs occurred.

An absolute reality is that Premier Jay Weatherill has stated repeatedly that Adelaide's water is going to come from the Murray River.

Again, it is not that I'm so brilliant so much as it's all so obvious.

Tomorrow: Bernard Finnigan Denies Charges

Apparently one can talk about the former Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan's Child Pornography Charges...just heard it on the ABC Radio...

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